It’s been a long day of grief remembering an assassination that changed America.
End it with some humor.
Enter: The Magic Loogie Theory from Seinfeld. Classic. Still funny after all these years.
It’s been a long day of grief remembering an assassination that changed America.
End it with some humor.
Enter: The Magic Loogie Theory from Seinfeld. Classic. Still funny after all these years.
The NATIONAL CONSTITUTION CENTER’S article fails to mention a few other snippets of history. Such as the fact that the Warren Commission failed to include testimony of Secret Service agents who swore that the shots came from the Grassy Knoll. Also not mentioned: Powder tests for Oswald were inconclusive as to whether he fired the gun recently..
But we can glorify their distinguished mission and service to America, solving that whole JFK mystery once and for all.
*I hope my sarcasm is evident.*
Abraham Zapruder interviewed on November 22, 1963
President Kennedy and Governor Connally were shot in Texas on November 22, 1963. And so was James Tague. He may not have been invited to the November 22 50th anniversary events, but his compelling account may add some doubt to the Warren Commission final result.
Jean Hill interviewed after the JFK assassination on November 22, 1963
Breaking news, 1963 style.
This is ABC news coverage—as it happened—on November 22, 1963.
Chilling.. history relived—even for those who weren’t alive yet to live it.
It’s November 22, 2013. You are about to be doused with and endless barrage of JFK affiliated news today. Endless array of images from that fateful day. You’ll no doubt hear Walter Cronkite tear up as he announces the death of John F. Kennedy.. you’ll also see a scene here and there of President Kennedy’s head exploding in Dallas Texas..
And the conspiracies abound. Or at least the theories did.
Johnson did it.
The limo driver did it.
Oswald acted alone. And then he did not.
A second shooter, double snipers..
Three shots.
Four shots. Five shots. Six shots. Aliens did it. Russia did it. The CIA did it. Connally was the target. Jackie saved the brain. Robert stole the brain.
We have been through a grand fifty years of conspiracy theory—and often conspiracy fact. There are millions of people who did not live through the Kennedy assassination—me included—but have lived with the aftermath. And in a sense, regardless of whether we were born by 1963 or not, we all have seemed to live the assassination over and over, and over and over, and over and over again. Like the endless loop of the “back and to the left” scene in Oliver Stone’s JFK..
All of them claim something different, all of them shed a little more light—sometimes a little less—on the events that took place 50 years ago this Friday in Dallas.
Everything is murky when it comes to this story..
Three shots, with multiple entry wounds and exit wounds—and three people being shot? Possible. Probable? Magic Bullet Arlen is gone to his grave, but he said it was a lone assassin with a lone miracle bullet, twisting and turning in the wind and the bones of a deceased President..
There are times during these anniversaries that we glorify an exhausted leader. But Kennedy was flawed, may have at least attempted to steal an election in 1960—then again, Nixon did, too. His now praised actions in the Bay of Pigs affair really didn’t go the way history tells it exactly did....
There is so much allure of Kennedy—so much grandiose praise.. so many conspiracy theories.
But Stephen King perhaps summed up best, perhaps, in his book 11/22/63. A section went:
“For a moment everything was clear,and when that happens you see that the world is barely there at all. Don’t we all secretly know this? It’s a perfectly balanced mechanism of shouts and echoes pretending to be wheels and cogs, a dream clock chiming beneath a mystery glass we call life. Behind it? Below it and around it? Chaos, storms. . A universe of horror and loss surrounding a single lighted stage where mortals dance in defiance of the dark."
How true..
How very true.
On to the news of the day—normally worse no matter how much better we want it to be.
Hi there everybody. Well it is a sad day for me indeed. I got a call from the Manager I have been working
with since the start of all this and the answer was NO. The further answer was they do intend to hold me
to a NC. This Manager is a good guy and what decisions that were made, were made above his head.
I did contact a Lawyer who I will not identify unless he wants to be known but I can proudly tell you he is
one of you! He was willing to proceed and felt we had a good chance to win BUT it is expensive and as any
of you know who have ever gone down that road know, it takes a long time. So if my health holds I will see you in less than two Years.
Below is a copy of my last email to Sirius/XM minus the name of the Manager to who it was sent:
First, you may recall I said to you that I thought you would not get much of a bump from putting Coast on, was I right?
Have you actually listened to that show? Have you REALLY listened? You put him on 104 which was I guess a nice way to get back at me, but that guy is a joke. How many people rushed to put any money down to listen to Coast on 104? I bet nobody, all this plus they are doing what I asked for and more!
1. I said what I would like is to be back on but wanted to stream for free, but leave the value added stuff to Sirius/XM you said no. As it stands now I presume the streaming still does not work properly and will not, till at best August or so. You said this was a good idea for me but not Sirius. I disagree, if we develop millions of listener’s, in what World is that bad for Sirius in any way? If you can charge BIG bucks per commercial minute…..Broadcasting 101, it’s a good thing.
2. We talked about one day with streaming, I asked about other days, you said we could talk about that, we never did.
3. As it stands now people MUST pay about $180.00 a Year if they want to hear Art Bell, why not allow listeners the option of JUST streaming my show for a lesser fee? It could be pro rated, IF it just worked properly.
4. I said I would be willing to buy the Studio gear for whatever you paid if I could be released from my Non Compete, I have not yet heard a answer to that one, though you did once say you would not let me go, you sent me a reply saying you would consider it.
5. I can wait out the remaining time, then stream, which it looks like I will be doing at 70 Years of age.
I just for the life of me can not see why everything with Sirius/XM has to be lumped together in a Business model that works for non
commercial music just fine, but lumps Talk Radio in with it. I understand why it works for Howard, he had little choice unless he
wanted to keep paying fines. I don’t know about Dr. Laura.
Two things I can tell you about me, every time I crack the mike I put 110% into it, it takes a lot of work and I am willing to give my time
and energy happily but not if I have no way to grow the audience. I have millions of people waiting for a way to hear me and they would pay
something to do so, but asking them to become subs for $180.00 bucks a Year with a service that does not work well will not get them there.
The other thing is Coast, I will not share time with them. I thought hard about that, and there is no way I would rejoin under any conditions
while you carry them. The reason I came back on is because that show is a insult to the entire field, not to mention at least 45% of it is
commercial or breaks of some sort while the rest is just plain bad Radio.
I truly enjoyed working with you and everybody else at Sirius/XM and wish there was a way to work this out. I understand you think the way
forward is exclusive content and perhaps you are right but in my opinion the World will pass you very shortly while trying to hold on to this
model. It really already is. Nobody tried to stop all the Pirates, every one of my shows was and is available for download the next day, great
for the guy who doesn’t want to pay but not so great for the Talk Host who wants the live calls, how does this make sense???
So, there it is. From the bottom of my heart I want to thank all of you for so much support. I wish it had worked out
in some way but there were forces at work that I never thought about, I am just a talking head……..
It’s not such a wonderful life.. A sequel is planned to the classic Christmas movie. And Paramount may take legal action!
They are attempting to block the sequel to IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE because they own the rights to the 1946 classic..
Star Partners and Hummingbird Prods already was lining up a cast and crew.
Hopefully their life stays wonderful—but actually I also anticipate this movie may not get made. And should it? I say no.
It never really was a wonderful life anyway.
Blockbuster closing killed the 1980s, Winamp’s death kills the 1990s once and for all (with Geocities gone, it was already on life support).
I get new technology comes and old goes.. but pause in a brief moment of silence for Winamp.
It served us well when the days of the net were new..
It did good.
A lot of weather models are predicting THIS for Thanksgiving. The blue isn’t rain. As you’d expect when arctic air invades. This particular run is the European Model.
As for the chances of this happening? I’d still go with maybe..oh..a 20% likelihood.
Too much has to come together in a perfect manner to make it snow big.
And to be honest, I’m not a kid anymore, so I really don’t care for snow when millions of people are traveling..
One thing so far this soon to be winter I have noticed: The 7 to 10 day forecasts have been completely misguided and inaccurate. Weather model runs are going nuts with the wrong forecasts..
Dramatic footage shows volcano giving birth to new Japanese islet..
Lots of really weird stuff has been happening in Japan recently.
Well just fuk my shima..
Smoke em if you get em: Mt. Etna erupting blew a vortex ring.. Hope it was as good for the magma as it was for the crust.
How horrible to have 30 years of memories like this for these women..
I offer this story up to whoever thinks servitude is a thing of the past.
It’s present.
Shame shame we know your game: BP is now paying online trolls to harass critics.
TIME magazine hits this week with a ‘broken promise’ Obamacare cover. At least on American newsstands. It shows that, in the medical industry when someone tells you it won’t hurt a bit, it’s going to hurt like hell.
On an completely unrelated note: I thought the juxtoposition of headers on the top of the cover had some unintended humor: What boys want followed by the Yellen Fed made me chuckle. Yellen knows what boys want.
And don’t even get me started on a major once respected news magazine covering ‘Candy Crush’ ..
This entire idea makes me sick.. The Slaying of Sandy Hook is a new game you’re sure to hear about. The game allows you to reenact Adam Lanza’s murderous rampage of innocent children .. A timer ticks down while you shoot the stick figures—the time representing the moment police arrive. You also get compared to the actual kill amount from Sandy Hook.. And to make the game even more insulting to humanity: You can play the game in ‘gun control mode’ ..
I contend that you should be free to make whatever kind of game you see fit. And the public, the marketplace, should see fit to buy it or not.
However, when sick games like this come around, I fear the market will enable it to continue too long.
The biggest insult of all: It’s a gun control game.
So you take a few moments to kill as many children as possible—all then to be lectured that gun control would have stopped Lanza from doing it? Guns that his mother purchased legally? Guns he stole from her to do the crime?
We are coming up to a one year anniversary already of the Sandy Hook massacre. I still think about the horrible event and the ruined Christmas season of 2012. It was the nightmare that stole Christmas.
For those who were deeply affected by the nightmare, this game now exists … downloadable and playable. There’s no faces on the stick figures. But family members know who they are.
And it’s great. It sums up this year perfect, and makes our holiday season more realistic, it actually made ME stressed out just listening to it. Good ballad.