Sunday, November 3, 2013

GAGA did her thing tonight.. And apparently a lot of people hated it


She was crying too. Tears streamed silently down her face as she wailed, and viewers streamed silently out of the show. During the three minutes or so that Gaga was on screen more than 4,000 viewers exited and continued to do so as microphones cut in and out, cakes were mashed to uncover awards, and Tyler the Creator and Earl Sweatshirt were bleeped out for most of their unintelligible performance.

By the time the webcast was almost an hour in viewership had dropped from its peak of about 215,000 to a median of about 180,000. This for an event that 60 million people apparently voted for.

YouTube may break viral videos, but unless it tries harder next time it may not be able to break itself.  

There may have been a point to how she performed—she is performing the song like a junkie..

But this is the INTERNET baby! If people click off, it’s a loser.

However, in this case, they may be the losers… the performance is pretty darn good for purposely trying to sound bad.

GAGA did her thing tonight.. And apparently a lot of people hated it

A must read:


Did you know…

  • 40 percent of people with asthma in California are renters, which can limit their ability to rid their homes of dust mites, mold, and secondhand smoke.

  • Children from low-income families are more likely to live next to freeways and be exposed to bio allergens from proximity to agricultural and industrial operations.

  • And nowhere in California is this more apparent than in the Central Valley.

Read more from our investigation into the Central Valley’s respiratory nightmare.

The active sun..

There have been 28 solar flares this week alone.

And more are most likely coming.

The active period of the sun’s 11 year cycle is now here..And that may mean absolutely nothing. Or something. It depends on the strength of the flare, of course.

Science is finally trying to figure out why dogs’ tails wag and what it means when they do.

But here’s a humbling fact for humans: Dogs already knew and will always know why. 

So who’s smart now, ‘master’?

The good old days.. when there was always some sort of a pussy hanging over Bubba..

Long live the 90s!

Magnetically Shielded Giant Cloud to Collide with Milky Way Galaxy in 30 Million Years

So at least we have some wiggle room before it happens.

Either way, we are seeing a vision, perhaps, of how it all might end. 

Magnetically Shielded Giant Cloud to Collide with Milky Way Galaxy in 30 Million Years

I missed this on Friday, but it happened: A major fireball event occurred with hundreds of witnesses in the Pacific northwest..

This seems to be a continuation of September and October’s active fireball-laden skies, but those were mostly along the East Coast.

This time, FEMA REGION 3 breathed a sigh of relief with clear skies..

You not not recognize the blanket, but you would the boy; Hence the blanket. 

It’s Beebs, once again coming from a Brothel. We are told by the fine reporting of PAGE SIX of the NY POST that Bieber spent hours in the ‘whorehouse’ with two women in Brazil.

Some have lost the fever no twitter, slamming the beloved godchild for his dealing with the ‘whores.’ 

I’m left wondering if the piece of walking fecal matter at least spit on them when he was finished.

Centralia is back in the news. The last remaining residents can now stay until they can’t breathe anymore.

It’s a victory in a sense for the lucky 7. But I say, former residents unite! File a class action lawsuit to have YOUR old properties back…

Sadly most residents who were forced to leave are dying or dead.. those old days are over.

Instead, now, only surviving are memories of Centralia and images, like the one featured with this post, of the town .. I believe this may have been a stock photo from the AP that was taken from a hilltop near St. Ignatius cemetery. Could be wrong.  All the houses in it are gone. And THAT is what’s wrong.

This picture taken on November 3, 2013, shows a rare hybrid solar eclipse through clouds from the Canary Island of Tenerife. (Photo: Desiree Martin, AFP/Getty Images)

I missed it. Some weird clock malfunction .. I don’t know what happened. But Desiree Martin from the AFP and lots of others got some really amazing photographs of the event.. Thank you Internets.

The NEW YORK POST published a very graphic shot of accused LAX shooter Paul Ciancia on the ground after he was shot by police.. They 'warning' is directly above the photo of the graphic shot

And I warn you.. clicking through to the post story will give YOU the graphic shot. If you want to see those types of things..

The NEW YORK POST published a very graphic shot of accused LAX shooter Paul Ciancia on the ground after he was shot by police.. They 'warning' is directly above the photo of the graphic shot

There are some very interesting details about the 2012 election in the new book DOUBLE DOWN, especially about Chris Christie

TIME magazine also wrote this:

Chronically behind schedule, Christie made a habit of showing up late to Romney fundraising events. In May he was so tardy to a donor reception at the Grand Hyatt New York that Mitt wound up taking the stage to speak before Christie arrived. When the Jersey governor finally made his grand entrance, it was as if Mitt had been his warm-up act.

Punctuality mattered to Romney. Christie’s lateness bugged him. Mitt also cared about fitness and was prone to poke fun at those who didn’t. (“Oh, there’s your date for tonight,” he would say to male members of his traveling crew when they spied a chunky lady on the street.) Romney marveled at Christie’s girth, his difficulties in making his way down the narrow aisle of the campaign bus. Watching a video of Christie without his suit jacket on, Romney cackled to his aides, “Guys! Look at that!”

There’s more.. 

I definitely plan on trying to find a bookstore that may still exist to find DOUBLE DOWN..

There are some very interesting details about the 2012 election in the new book DOUBLE DOWN, especially about Chris Christie

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Wake up early to watch the weird sunrise on Sunday

And with Daylight Savings, maybe you’ll be awake.

Either way, when the sun comes up on Sunday, you will not see the great ball of fire, but instead an upside down crescent 

Science explains, of course, why these events occur. But that little part of me that likes mystery and menace still loves the myths that have surrounded such solar actions for centuries.

And even this go around, in our modern age, is not immune to people bringing up religious and spiritual connotations.

Food stamp cuts create high demand for food bank supplies

Food stamp cuts create high demand for food bank supplies

Pussy Riot inmate 'missing';

What did Vlad the impaler Putin do this time?

What happens in Russia didn’t stay in Russia, as major media has picked up the story about Nadezhda Tolokonnikova going ‘missing’.. 

I think we can all sort of, well, envision where this one’s going?

Pussy Riot inmate 'missing';

Well today is it.. It’s not the darkest day of the year, that comes before Christmas, but it’s Daylight Savings Time. There’s lots of old farm reasons we do it.. George W. Bush changed the time of year we did it a decade ago. I still don’t get that one.

But here we are again.. falling back—and hour more of sleep tonight, but of course having a child I will just be up an early earlier than normal.. 

It is strange.. As I type this it’s 11:30am. This time tomorrow it will be 10:30…

Something always feels lost this time of year, besides sunlight and daytime hours. 

Thank God someone decided to keep pagan traditions alive in the early Christian church. If not, there’d be no Christmas lights in the dark, dull winter air..

Daylight savings coming in.

By the way, this Counting Crows song was recorded in the year 1996, and there have been lots of daylights savings since then.  I was 16 and the world was in front of me. But I have come to learn that each November, things all become the same…cold days, lonely nights, leaves slowly falling around me.. A whirlwind of autumn leaving, making way for the death of winter.

And you thought the NSA snooping in on the Vatican conclave was creative? Move over, spooks: China may be bugging Russia and listening through clothing irons! SPY VS SPY, with freshly pressed shirts..



But does it keep the wrinkles out?

And you thought the NSA snooping in on the Vatican conclave was creative? Move over, spooks: China may be bugging Russia and listening through clothing irons! SPY VS SPY, with freshly pressed shirts..

Saturday night was right: The lucky 6

A new report about Obamacare shows just how bad the website is.. in a nation of million of uninsured people, only six people signed up on day one of Obamacare, and only a few hundred the next day. 

The numbers are coming as a shock—and most likely numbers that have not improved since those opening days..

Porn king Steve Hirsch desperate for Tori Spelling sex tape. He may be the only one..

'Ender's Game' Training Had Cast Asking 'How Is This Humanly Possible?'

'Ender's Game' Training Had Cast Asking 'How Is This Humanly Possible?'