Looks like this will soon be Karen..
The unknowing contestants will be facing fear in their quest for money.
One part of the show will be a race in which they will be chased by hound dogs who have been trained (tortured?) to guard cash the people are seeking.
This sounds like we’ve gone over the edge.
I remember the controversy in the late 1990s when Survivor first started.
And now we, as TV viewers, have evolved our habits into watching people being chased by dogs that could very well kill them?
This is entertainment, baby.
Welcome to TEEEE VEEE…
Eyewitness News has obtained video of a small helicopter drone flying high above buildings on the East side of Manhattan that crash landed just feet away from a businessman during the Monday evening rush hour.
I expect as we enter the drone wars of the mid 21st century, lots more are going to hit the earth.. Let’s hope not over people. Right?
Five marketing lessons from Miley Cyrus.. Interesting perspective .. she did create a spectacle and benefits highly from it..and it struck while the iron was hot. Genius marketing moves, for sure.
With the help of course of SATAN and her Illuminati brethren..
Pretty shocking. I am sure some will chalk this up into the ‘what can go wrong’ category..
Growing food near a meltdown.. ..this and Japan getting the 2020 Olympics? Everything is just coming up roses in Japan.
Big, giant, smelly radiated roses.
My, how your food grows. And glows.
He’s got plenty more beebs up his sleeves.. And while I am growing weary of daily headlines relating to Justin Bieber and his self-loving fever, I cannot escape them. The latest from CHINA:
Justin Bieber gets CARRIED up the Great Wall of China..
And they sprint behind him while skateboarding….an ego out of control?
Something to watch: There are clouds and rain near Cuba, and it could turn into a tropical system and move towards the Southeast.. Numerous weather models seem to be converging on the notion that whatever happens with the storm system, the United States will be affected. And the timing as usual is weird: It was one year ago this month that Sandy struck the Northeast.. I am not comparing these storms at all, but just the typical weird timing on events in life has once again amazed me..
A spattering of fireball news for today:
Was it ball lightning or something else?
Ison could still be the comet of the century. Or not.
And with all those government satellites not being monitored by anyone because of a shutdown, this happened: ISON passed by MARS on Tuesday..
Whitley Strieber talking about aliens going up his rear end on Art Bell.
Or a guest on Clyde Lewis talking about the 9.
A night of weird on my ear buds. I am debating if I should play each on a separate phone and beam both shows into a respective ear. What would my dreams me like then!?
The Pope is stirring debate again after an interview with an Italian journalist—who is also an atheist..
The cool rockin Francis said, in part, that church leaders ‘have often been narcissists’..And the WASHINGTON POST reports this,
A top official with the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in the United States, took the unprecedented step of rebuking Francis, writing that the pope’s interview was “a theological wreck” and that Francis was dabbling dangerously in relativism.
I know about budgets. I was a drug dealer. To be in a drug deal, you need to know what you can spend, what you need to re-up. Or if you want to start some sort of barbershop or car wash—those were the businesses back then. Things you can get in easily to get out of [that] life. At some point, you have to have an exit strategy, because your window is very small; you’re going to get locked up or you’re going to die
A very interesting story is appearing in USA TODAY, today.. Who killed the Halloween horror movies is the title, and the article goes in depth on how October has become an unusually quiet month for horror flicks—only the remake of CARRIE is really set to scare this month. … and USA TODAY concludes this, which I agree with: Horror has become such a successful genre that you would not be able to fit all the hits into one month. The summer has been another time where horror has seen a build influx of cash..
As someone who is dating myself in my less than youthful invigoration, I think things began to change around the the turn of the century from 1999 to 2001.. We saw hits happen in the summer, like THE SIXTH SENSE, the BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, and JEEPERS CREEPERS. It was clear to studios then, as it is now, that you don’t need leaves changing and cooler nights to entice movie goers to be scared. And in the summer, you have another good thing: Kids aren’t in school and are more inclined to do late movies.
Either way, I don’t get angry or sad that October features few horror movies—most of them are less than watchable anyway to me..
My horror movie marathon for the season typically happens the night before or the night of Halloween, and is filled with only the first John Carpenter HALLOWEEN version..
And sometimes for fun, I’ll throw in Halloween III for some laughs.. I don’t know why no one has remake H3, a modern version of the SILVER SHAMROCK themed film could actually make it better..
Even the first lady’s Twitter account has been hit by the government shutdown. Not really sure why, but she Michelle Obama tweeted this to her hundreds of thousands of followers today:
Due to Congress’s failure to pass legislation to fund the government, updates to this account will be limited. #Shutdown
— FLOTUS (@FLOTUS) October 1, 2013
I am sure there’s a reason for the treason.. but until someone tells me, I’ll just chalk this tidbit up as ‘noise’..
Expect to see lots of photos in the background.. Obama in college smoking was my first choice..