Tuesday, August 20, 2013

ESQUIRE magazine has done a profile on Alex Jones. It’s very interesting.. 

This is actually how ALEX JONES himself portrayed the article on Facebook:

Esquire Publishes Shockingly Fair Profile of Alex Jones - Esquire Magazine has broken ranks with the majority of the biased mainstream media by writing a shockingly fair and at times warm and humorous profile of Alex Jones

While the image of Jones chosen to head the article is less than pleasant, and actually typical of a cover of a gory horror film, the story itself presents a balanced and readable profile of the character that America is slowly getting to know.

Matt Drudge said on twitter as 2013 began that this will be Alex Jones’ year. So far it actually has been. INFOWARS has broken stories, been the topic of conversation far and wide,  and the Piers Morgan show with Jones became the most watched Piers Morgan show.. 

Why ?

Because we all love or hate Alex Jones. He is the Rush Limbaugh of the 21st century—louder, angrier, and less likely to bash only Democrats but equally blame Republicans for heinous acts like inside jobs on 9/11 and flu pandemics on purpose.

So far this has been the year of Alex Jones.

This Esquire article proves that..

Man’s scrotum swelled to 132 pounds due to lack of health insurance

I read about this a few days back.. I am somewhat appalled by our civilization sometimes, especially in circumstances like this. 

Wesley Warren suffers from a terrible affliction. And yes, some will choose to make funny quips and comments.. but this story actually has a profound ability to teach us a lesson: Health insurance is a necessity in the modern world, as civilization is better when it’s less about profit and more about care and compassion.

People are not being compassionate about Warren’s immense scrotum.. it’s a headline sure to garner laughs and smiles.. But it’s a personal hell for him to deal with.

Be kind, humanity. You, too, may one day have an embarrassing problem. I hope and pray that yours will not be due to the fact that a for profit health system gave you less than adequate care or even completely cut you out of the system..

Man’s scrotum swelled to 132 pounds due to lack of health insurance

Cruzin for a bruisin will renounce Canadian citizenship

So long 2008 debates about Obama being from Kenya.
Hello 2016 debates about Ted Cruz being Canadian.

Paul Shaffer is too.. but not even Paul Shaffer can be president, due to constitutional limitations.

How will Ted topple this pothole??


Cruzin for a bruisin will renounce Canadian citizenship

I don't want to get overly personal..

But I am going to be fasting today and unconscious tomorrow for a few hours.. 

Hope it all goes well.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

CNN REPORTS: Lady Gaga, Perez Hilton feud on Twitter

That’s right.. the big feud between Perez and the Lady that has been ongoing in Twitterland has now made the big time: CNN and other major news networks and publications..

It’s also getting weird.. as the Little Monsters are spreading the hate towards Perez.. Lady Gaga Tweeting that she kept the ‘messages’ that Hilton sent.. and something weird just occurred about Perez Hilton being in the apartment where Gaga lives.

Forgive me for  just a bit of doubt.. but both are in need of attention right now. Could this be a behind the scenes ‘gotcha’ on the Hilton and Gaga fans? Or is this for real?

If it’s real, it appears likely that physical assault will be next. It’s mean and nasty.. and 46.1 million people, at least, are following it all live in real time..

Amazing to think that at one time they were friends

CNN REPORTS: Lady Gaga, Perez Hilton feud on Twitter

I saw your anti joe biden propodanga and you are probably bought off by the coal industry judging from your name. You suck

I assume you meant this: http://www.coalspeaker.com/post/58326749143/bad-form-while-egypt-retreats-into-horrific

I suppose it roiled your political loins. 

This is a reason I tend to keep clear of politics as of late.. But no, I am not ‘bought off’ by a coal industry, or even the oil industry. As a matter of fact, the only purpose of “COAL SPEAKING” is because I am from the late and once great Coal Region of PA — the land that was raped and pillaged by coal barons.. now does that sound like the coal industry purchased air time with me??

Nonetheless, I also have mocked John McCain, Mitt Romney, Michelle Bachmann, and of course Chris Krispie and his Jersey Bum. 

And Jumpin’ Joe Biden.

Thanks for noticing Biden with camels, though. I hope you also noticed Egypt is beyond turmoil at this point and the Administration has, well, not much done a thing to help the situation—despite a peace prize that is on display somewhere in the White House.

That’s it for tonight’s political statement.. 

This is beyond a must must MUST read...

Glenn Greenwald writes,

'At 6:30 am this morning my time - 5:30 am on the East Coast of the US - I received a telephone call from someone who identified himself as a “security official at Heathrow airport.” He told me that my partner, David Miranda, had been “detained” at the London airport “under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act of 2000.”'

And it just gets better from there. This is beyond a must read..

This is beyond a must must MUST read...


Sunday movies!

At Age 2 and a half.. my son Ayden is being introduced to STAR WARS. He’s wide-eyed and in awe of Lucas’ RETURN OF THE JEDI. I have high hopes his childhood will be fun! And also hopefully I will get to relive my own by forcing the 1980s on him!!

I am looking forward to dusting off some old VHS movies and getting the life out of them before they break. I hope my son likes my favorites

As I write this, Ayden  is currently screaming “DARTH VADER, get him!!!” as he clutches onto his Darth Vader pez dispenser. Funny, he thinks the Emperor is Skeletor from HE-MAN. This kid must be a reincarnated Reagan-era human being..

When celebrities Tweet: Apparently Lady Gaga and Perez Hilton really have a Twitterfeed hate for each other..

When celebrities Tweet: Apparently Lady Gaga and Perez Hilton really have a Twitterfeed hate for each other..