Friday, July 5, 2013

Vatican says Pope John Paul II will get sainthood.. Pope Francis signed the decree Friday morning, the Vatican said..

This was predicted, and expected. 

Pope John Paul was fast-tracked to sainthood.

I still have not seen reporting done on the ‘miracles’ the Catholic Church will attribute to the deceased Pope.. 

'Mandela vs. Mandela' family feud sinks to soap opera

This is actually an interesting but upsetting report.. as Nelson Mandela rests on his death bed, his family feud is getting headlines across the planet. 

Mandela, the time traveler himself, is facing impending death again..

'Mandela vs. Mandela' family feud sinks to soap opera

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy fourth .. Always enjoy your view


Happy Fourth


Johnny Cash.. the ragged old flag.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Familiar name arrested for allegedly stealing from state retirement system

Don’t mess with Elmo..

Familiar name arrested for allegedly stealing from state retirement system

Bloodshed stains Egypt protests as military ultimatum looms

All the world’s eyes will be on Egypt today..

Bloodshed stains Egypt protests as military ultimatum looms

You read that headline correct, radio great Art Bell has now joined Twitter. He even joking this Facebook page, but finally he has arrived into 2013 now that he is excepted the newest form of short phrases and brief new snippets..

Meanwhile the website maintains three red white and blue exclamation points, causing some to wonder if the unveiling of the site will take place on 4 July.

The matter what the plans are you can be sure of one thing: the suits at Premiere radio are cautiously watching from a safe distance..

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Blood stained coloring books.. wait.. coloring books for adults!?

Life can be scary.. so as a result adults attempt to often limit those needless scares from a child’s already frightened youth. Until a grocery store sells coloring books featuring macabre images from SILENCE OF THE LAMBS and PSYCHO..

According to reports, the supermarket chain Tesco, in the UK, was forced to say sorry after coloring books for children featured images from horror flicks, including those mentioned above.

Also included with the bloody pages: HELLRAISER,  THE SHINING, CLOCKWORK ORANGE..

The store says the books were for adults, but placed in the children’s section by mistake..

Which brings up the even more profound question in all of this: They have coloring books for adults?

Turns out they do. If you want to buy the, go here to AMAZON. No need for Tesco when you can get them direct.. right..?

Come on ride the train….

Taken at the Pioneer Tunnel in ashland, PA.. Which I’d recommend for any non coal region inhabitants that want to understand the area..

This isn't the type of thing to mean one feel pride on the Fourth of July..

This isn't the type of thing to mean one feel pride on the Fourth of July..

Could an Italian Scientist Pave the Way for Human Head Transplants?

…but where will they find the bodies..

Could an Italian Scientist Pave the Way for Human Head Transplants?

Monday, July 1, 2013


If you want to see why Coast to Coast AM with George Noory is a shameful radio program, look no further than Noory ‘singing’ an Elvis song in Canada.. 

I am a supporter of freedom of speech. But I’d certainly favor a travel restriction and have the United States not allow Noory back into the country for crimes against the sense of hearing.

Police find children drunk in home of filth, surrounded by snakes and rats

Great job residents of Pennsylvania, always finding a way to make your stay proud……

Police find children drunk in home of filth, surrounded by snakes and rats

NSA slides explain the PRISM data-collection program

That’s right, the government is tracking in real-time… Actually let me rephrase that, contractors hired by the government are tracking in real-time. And therein lies the dilemma in a free democratic republic.

Happy Fourth of July.

NSA slides explain the PRISM data-collection program

CNN Broadcasts Zimmerman Social Security Number

A big whoops.


CNN Broadcasts Zimmerman Social Security Number

Butterflies are now collapsing...


Butterflies are now collapsing...

Yoga poses no risk to church-state separation, says judge

Real news is more like THE ONION every day..

Yoga poses no risk to church-state separation, says judge

A case of the Mondays

Events that matter to me today.. and maybe they should to you, too.. MONDAY JULY 1 2013

Tragic: 19 firefighters killed battling Arizona blaze..
Fast moving..
Elite hotshot crew..

New fears that the deadly MERS virus could be spread across the planet because of an annual pilgrimage to the Middle East.. the Hajj is coming.. and with it fears of a bigger global outbreak..

News now surfaces that the United States have been spying on its European allies..

Veterans Today article asks if DHS has secret assassination squads in major US cities..

Death at Cirque Du Soleil as performer dies during show..

Monsanto GMO wheat found in Oregon was stored at government facility until 2011..

ARAB SUMMER: Egypt back in chaos..

Lightning strikes three children at summer camp..

Sinking volcanoes!

Eat up! Meat from diseased cattle has been sold in the UK..

There will be shockwaves from this decision: Italian court says MMR vaccine cuased autism in child..

LAND OF THE FREE, HOME OF THE GAY: Sunday was a day of gay pride.. but Lady Gaga took it one step further as she opened the events in New York City, changing the words of the National Anthem..

Welcome to your life: Here are the 7 methods of mind control in the future..

HOW THE WORLD SEES US: IRANIAN media reports: “A quiet American epidemic” of suicide..

Coming this weekend: The Roswell 66th anniversary..

Was Mariah Carey lip synching at the BET awards.. Wait.. people were watching her lips?

A tale of two box offices: WHITE HOUSE DOWN flunked the test at the box office this past weekend but MAN OF STEEL has now passed a billion dollar mark worldwide..

We have been told that THE CONJURING is ‘based on a true story’ of paranormal investigators and their terror at a farmhouse.. we now Well, HORROR-MOVIES has the ‘true story’ of the Perron family and their tale of THE CONJURING ..
Here is another article from PISCAN on Ed and Lorraine Warren, the paranormal investigators that the CONJURING focuses on..
And for that, here are the Warrens. I wonder how much of this story is just buzz as opposed to reality.. I cannot question someone’s perception, as it’s their perception.. but I can certainly ponder the inclusion of the almighty dollar and the fact that, in the end, the stream of images and sounds running across our screens are just that, sounds and images.. entertainment.. and most likely a little additional salt and pepper for a relatively dull meal.