Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

After almost 6 years of marriage and 2+ years of having a child, a big night out is going to get a Dirt Devil. Exciting stuff!

U.S. Ambassador to SKorea Blogs About Vacation Amid Tension with NKorea

Bad form

U.S. Ambassador to SKorea Blogs About Vacation Amid Tension with NKorea

U.S. and North Korea held secret meeting in March

U.S. and North Korea held secret meeting in March

Earthquake strikes near Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant

Update on ‘what a way to start a day’

Earthquake strikes near Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant

North Korea to 'launch missile TOMORROW' after warning foreigners to evacuate South

What a way to start a day, part 2

North Korea to 'launch missile TOMORROW' after warning foreigners to evacuate South

What a way to start a day!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Forgive me for some more military related postings over the next several years

But today my nephew became took his oath and went to Paris Island to become a Marine. It’s been a weighty day, emotion wise.. and it portends to only get more intense as his training intensifies and world conflicts brew. So yes, North Korea  Afghanistan, and all the other ‘Stans’ and strange arenas of global strife suddenly take center stage in my family’s life.

We are proud of this young man, Shawn “Mere” as he will now be known. We know he can do it.
And we also know he understands the oath he took today is one of the most sacred and noble things he has ever done…

He’s surely more brave than I ever was at the age of 18..

Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin were confronted by a topless protester..
Not sure about Angela, but Vlad the Impaler surely was amused.. I’m sure KGB style research is being conducted to get a phone number as I type..

From strip clubs to theaters, Google Glass won't be welcome

It brings up some delicate and truly great questions.. How should businesses that deal with appealing to the sense of sight deal with glasses that see it all?

From strip clubs to theaters, Google Glass won't be welcome

Billions of Cicadas Will Swarm the US East Coast This Spring

Billions?! Great.. It will feel like the end of the world here now too. Just great..

Billions of Cicadas Will Swarm the US East Coast This Spring

Male bats found to perform oral sex on females

Your bat porn of the day.
Make bats like to please.

Male bats found to perform oral sex on females

New Online-Data Bill Sets Up Privacy Fight

Internet firms are pretty angry that a California bill could make their companies tell users what happens with personal information.. And doesn’t that just tell you the whole story in itself?

New Online-Data Bill Sets Up Privacy Fight

Margaret Thatcher dead..

China expresses concern over North Korea tensions

China expresses concern over North Korea tensions

Here we go??
South Korea says Kim Jong Un may be prepping to carry out a nuclear test..

WikiLeaks to release more US documents

And they’re from the 1970s!
Nixon and Kissinger documents here we come..

WikiLeaks to release more US documents

Can We Get Hillary Without the Foolery?

The totem follicle pole: Hillary Clinton

Can We Get Hillary Without the Foolery?