Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My pick, but don't bet on it

I waited until very late in the game, but I am choosing who the electorate will pick for the next president of United States. Barack Obama.

I think he will win Pennsylvania by a slim margin, and when all Ohio by and even slimmer margin. He may even win Florida by the slimmest of slim margins. He will win New Jersey by a large margin, which is fitting since the governor of that state is not slim at all…

Others have said Obama will win, others have said Romney will win, and some have even said that Romney will win by a wide margin..

Time will tell.. Watching like you are..

Trying to read the tea leaves on TV

I was watching coverage of the election on all three major networks, CNN, Fox, and MSNBC. On those programs during interviews, Republicans look a little nervous and Democrats look a little overconfident. Not sure if my observations mean anything, it could just be that Republicans are nervous and Democrats are overconfident, or it could mean that exit polls show a substantial margin of victory for president Obama..

We won’t know officially until later, or even later than later, but I will continue to read the tea leaves and follow the airwaves along with reading as many websites and blogs as I can to find out if anyone can prognosticate who the president will be before the election gets called officially..

And what time the official recognition of a president comes? That is where the night could get long..

The civic duty in action.

Elections are like Christmas!

The Boss makes Boss Hog cry: Chris Christie all choked up by Springsteen call

New Jersey Governor Christie and New Jersey Department of Transportation Commissioner Simpson survey Hurricane Sandy damaged areas in Bayhead

The Boss makes Boss Hog cry: Chris Christie all choked up by Springsteen call

Dixville Notch voted. And it was a tie!

Dixville Notch voted. And it was a tie!

Now America chooses.

Who are you voting for (or who did you vote for)?

Final calls from pundits and prognosticators. Plus Katy Perry in a skin tight latex ballot outfit.

Election day predictions.. from pundits and soothsayers. Will they say anything if they are wrong? 

Dick Morris predicts from a limb: Romney 325, Obama 213..

Michael Tomasky Obama 294, Romeny 244

Nate Silver: Obama 303, Romney 235

Michael Barone: Romney 315, Obama 223

Ezra Klein: Obama 290, Romney 248

George Will: Romney 321, Obama 217

Markos Moulitsas: Obama 332, Romney 206

Karl Rove: Romney 285, Obama 253

Jim Cramer: Obama 440, Romney 98

John Miller: Obama 294, Romney 244

Meanwhile, stars have made their pick. Springsteen, Lady Gaga, and others have appeared at rallies to sing for Obama. The latest is Katy Perry, whodecided to wear a skin tight ‘ballot’ outfit. Obama was checkmarked near her waist while Romney went blank near her crotch. 2012 is serious stuff. Minus Katy Perry.

Monday, November 5, 2012

So who will you be voting for?
Going Green?
Gary Johnson ..?
Or sticking with the D and the R choice? ObamaRomna 2012 set to begin.

The voting will be here before we know it

And then we can have our commercial TV back too ..


America is set to vote..

All the ads, all the money.. all now history. The real story begins and ends with each citizen, in the polling place, deciding who should run the school board, the county.. the congress.. the nation. All up to Mr. And Mrs. Citizen. Joe Sixpack. All of those corny phrases .. 

The election may be close, so the experts say. The pundits also tell us it could be disputed. Which means even more so that every vote counts. Remember in the year 2000? Votes counted then. Of course the real vote was the Supreme Court, their words certainly had more weight.. 

Nonetheless, in the year 2012, what is the choice?

Each campaign has framed the debate his (or her) own way.

But none of the frames matter. 

The negative ads? They are meaningless too.

The debates? They meant something, but don’t know.

No, now you count.

You mean something.

You are the person who gets to decide.

There is something special about a free and fair election. We in America assume we have those things still. Hopefully our assumption will not be disproven by widespread fraud.. keep the fraud at a minimum. And in Philadelphia. But during a free election, you can walk into a polling place in silence, head held high, cast your choice, and walk out proud. Will your vote be counted? Well, that is for another time and place. But knowing you can  do what you did without worry or trepidation or repudiation? Well, that feels alright …

So go make it count. Regardless of the candidate that you have bought into, no matter the talking points you have recited, just go and be silent in that polling place. Your vote speaks a million words.


For better or worse. Here we go.

Oh boy.. Philly is ALREADY having voting problems!?

Oh boy.. Philly is ALREADY having voting problems!?

Saturday, November 3, 2012

"They are finding bodies left and right, elderly people who don’t even watch the news or who knew the storm was coming."

Those are the words spoken by SONS OF ANARCHY star Theo Rossi. He said that Hurricane Sandy’s aftermath is much worse than how the media is portraying it.. Here is the full quote as reported by EW:

It’s so bad here, a lot worse than how its being portrayed by the media. They are finding bodies left and right, elderly people who don’t even watch the news or who knew the storm was coming. I was just with one of my best friends from high school and college, and his house is completely gone. One story I heard was about this one guy who evacuated his house during Hurricane Irene but then it got looted. So when they told him to evacuate for Sandy, he said, ‘I’m not leaving.’ Now they can’t find him, his 13-year-old daughter is dead, and his wife is in critical condition at the hospital. These are the stories. My stepfather and my mother, I love them to death. But when they heard the storm was coming, they said, ‘It’s not going to be that bad. Irene didn’t do anything.’ They had two flashlights and a couple of scented candles. Little did they know. It’s just not worth it. If you’re told to evacuate, you need to get out.

Other reports are numerous of people dressing up like ConEd employees, robbing people at gunpoint. There are videos of Senator Chuck Schumer being told that with more cold nights like the previous few, more people will die..

Another storm is on the map.. It could bring wind, rain, and snow for the Northeast after election day..

The troubling part: Sand dunes that protected areas from beach flooding road flooding has been obliterated.. What may occur here is good..

I believe the unfortunate series of events appear to be set to continue..

This weather model was issued by the NWS in Mount Holly NJ showing next week’s Nor’Easter potential.. Those colors represent various wind speeds that could hit the area right now desperately trying to recover from Superstorm Sandy. 

There is no consensus yet with weather models about where the next storm is going. But if it hits these areas the aftermath could be devastating for people .. Accuweather issued this map potential for next week:

One scenario for the storm takes it out to sea, not bothering the areas trying to clean up and restore power. That would be the most reasonable solution .. Another model solution keeps the storm along the coast, provides cold wind and rain for New Jersey and New York, while parts of Pennsylvania, New York, and New England will be socked with heavy snow.

This European model actually shows the storm gaining strength and becoming a Nor’Easter. Usually snow lovers would love to see a model like this in November. But this year, with the horror unleashed by the superstorm, it is not a welcome sight but instead another potentially horrific fright.

The storm, if it were to actually develop, will not be nearly as strong as Sandy—perhaps nothing for a while will be as strong as that. 

However, just the idea that another developing system could plop down  over this area is unbelievable.. 

May there be a God and may he intervene and allow that storm  to blow out into the Atlantic, leaving the people of the Northeast at peace long enough to recover from this storm..

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Chris Christie slightly reminds me of Danny Devito’s depiction of the Penguin from BATMAN RETURNS.. My friend told me he think Barack Obama reminds him of Catwoman from the same film. That makes sense in a way.

Whoever wedged Chris Christie into that seat needs to own  up to it now. 

Just thought of another good one: Ham and bean.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoqxhvdAdns?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

Hurry up it’s Halloween .. 

Be safe out there.

(And don’t watch this video if you are wearing a mask. See Halloween 3 for reasons why)

The lighter side.. though there isn’t much light about Governor Chris Christie, this picture made me laugh. I can picture a caption of Obama asking Christie, “Now Chris, I had a tuna sandwich on Air Force One, and it’s gone.. did you take my tuna sandwich?”

I’d love to hear your captions?


The same places hit by Sandy, me included, may have a potential Nor’Easter come next week.. by election day.. Oh boy. This isn’t good, it cannot be good.. hopefully weather models are wrong… Hopefully…