Wednesday, June 13, 2012

You mean the Miss USA contest .. is.... gasp! Rigged!? A second contestant sayseth so-eth. What say you, the Donald?

Donald Trump is going to moderate a Republican debate.. this will make great TV and a fun spectacle.. I think a better idea quid be to get the candidates to star in a new season of THE APPRENTICE.. instead of a convention, the Donald can choose his nominee-and it would probably be himself.. 

You mean the Miss USA contest .. is.... gasp! Rigged!? A second contestant sayseth so-eth. What say you, the Donald?

I smell desperation. Oh wait, Madonna just took her pants off.

Maybe she thought a nipple slip twice in a row would be just a little too stagnant of a ploy. So instead she flashed her rump in Rome to a packed house…

The summer of insanity: Corpses, cannibal attacks, collapsing currency.. and the summer Olympics

News today on the zombie attack: Newly released photos of the ‘zombie victim’ that the Miami Muncher attacked over Memorial Day weekend are circulating the web. Ronald Poppo is the victim. If you so choose you can Google the images yourself, I don’t think it’s appropriate to post them on here. The hospital released two very graphic images of his facial wounds—with his permission.

You may not need further proof after looking at the photos of just how insane the world is. It’s the summer of insanity. Bath salt mania. Frantic crime waves. Tide is being stolen from store shelves and being sold on the black market—a black market shiny clean with Tide, perhaps.

More oddity, again from Florida: A naked corpse washes up on Flagler Beach. There just must be something up with peninsulas this year as well.

It’s only June, folks. How much stranger and creepier could our daily headlines get? I suspect….just as the heat intensifies so will the strange factor. Zombies and rage… are vampires next?

In this image: One of the ‘Ghosts’ of Syria, pumped up government steroid machined up madmen who are killing civilians in the country, according to allegations and reports..

The next war: Syria

The nation is on the edge ..

The next war: Syria

A new study says that the heads of Americans are getting bigger—there’s actually a tennis ball size worth of new brain room since 1825 Does that translate into more brain power? Reviewing daily news headlines would argue no. Instead dumb people with even larger craniums continue to do dumb things.

Something you don't see everyday, thankfully: A pair of lungs show up on an LA sidewalk. Investigation ensues

Something you don't see everyday, thankfully: A pair of lungs show up on an LA sidewalk. Investigation ensues

A good read on Uganda's tragic continuing nodding disease affliction

It’s hurting Ugandan kids.. The cause debated..

A good read on Uganda's tragic continuing nodding disease affliction

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Truly cannot believe how fast time is going.

I am an Art Bell fan. There are nights I can’t stand current Noory Coast to Coast AM. Maybe he means well but the night lacks the magic it once did. Being the Bell fan I am, I listen often to U7 radio and radio… often they play blasts from the pasts of aliens in the freezer and Area 51 conspiracy… from those old days of 1999. 2000. 2001. 2002. All time gone by..

Today in particular I listened to a show during my morning commute from 1999 about reincarnation. It was typical Art Bell. But 1999!? March of 1999 to be exact. I was 18 and not even done high school yet, that would come in June of that year. So I wondered what exactly I was doing that night.. where I was… how I felt. How the years have gone by.. how remarkable they have been, but how incredibly fast they are, as well.

On the same front, my niece turned 21 this past weekend… Wow. That is big. Considering that I remember, not vaguely but fondly, playing with her when she was born. I was just a kid, full of energy, crawling around. Now with my own son there are some nights my legs cramp up and my back kills me. I am only 31 but often wonder … if this is how 31 feels I dread 40. And 50.

And before I know it I will be 40, 50, and 60. Maybe by then will exist..? Maybe by then we will all be programmed robots. Nanotechnology will take over and eliminate human emotion from life. Leaving just a stagnant and lifeless corpse, filled with blood and a brain that remembers nothing? There will be drones littering the sky.. there will be flying cars (maybe not).. However maybe we can all agree: Pay phones will be gone.

Yes, indeed. How fast time flies truly freaks me out. I often wonder where it goes? Stephen King may have an idea. Maybe the Langoliers actually do eat the time that is gone.. Old time a flyin? The same flower … tomorrow.. dyin’…..

Yes, indeed. 

Since old time is still a flyin’ perhaps it’s best to resist the dyin’ that eventually will occur. Unless we do reincarnate like the person who was a guest on Art Bell in 1998 believed. Reincarnation over and over again. Living through old time over and over again. Time that flies by regardless of what life we live…

Monday, June 11, 2012


Yes indeed.. This could be the end.

So it's official.. A dingo did eat the baby..

So it's official.. A dingo did eat the baby..

Lots of folks apparently are in to old women showing off some saggy nipples. Really. I had a jump in hits today on because yesterday I put some news on here about Sagonna and her flashing areola. 

So why not post a photo of her bare nipple?

There are two reasons, besides me not wanting to.

  1. You can find it yourself. Google it, and turn off moderate safe search. You’ll see it. All red and puffy.

  2. I really could care less.

Sure, I am posting another story about it on here, along with posting a photo of post-nip-slip Madonna on stage. Coyly looking at her audience.. “What did I do? I am just the material girl.” Material Momma Madonna can shock a crowd. But as I pointed out yesterday Lady Gaga suffered a concussion and still performed JUDAS. Though there just seems to be some veiled religious message about being whacked in the head during a song about the man accused of turning in the Christ.. right?

Nonetheless, Madonna slipped her nipple. But the world still rotates. All is right with the world—as right as it could be. Ford is in his flivver. Really, is it that big of a deal?

British media often labels America as prudish. I think maybe they are right. A nipple in itself isn’t overly fascinating once you truly study it. The FCC may fine people for flashing it, ala Janet Jackson, but really what is the big deal about one? Most of us have two. Some even have three. Those with three aren’t sexy. Those with two, as long as they are women, are heralded when they show one. Men who should wear bras that have nipples are lampooned. 

So for the medical record. This is a nipple:

And THIS is a nipple on a foot:

Any questions?

Bet you won’t search for Madonna’s nipple now! 

All the news unfit to print.. And then some

It’s been a trying day for earth, don’t you think? But what day isn’t really. Here is a collection of events, random, sporadic.. scary.. Entertainment. But it’s reality. So don’t get too happy.

Sandusky trial begins.. hears victim tesitfy about abuse..  That’s right. Grin and bear it, it’s going to be a long trial. But the defense will hammer on this: Gap between abuse and charges could be an issue.. And already today Sandusky was labeled a predator..

Fire and water.. : Colorado and New Mexico wildfire expands.. Evacuations currently taking place.. 
Fire’s reach quickly exploding..
Torrential rains along the Gulf Coast.. more coming..
Water logged Gulf..
State of emergency Florida..

Freaked out yet? 
There is more.

Sardine Beach: scary sight on a port in Isumi City of Chiba Prefecture in Japan: The port city sees nothing but 200 tons of dead sardines and water turned into the blood.. The Sardines started washing up onto shore a week ago..And hasn’t stopped since..

While in Japan: Violent fluctuations of hydrogen concentration in reactor 1..

If you didn’t have enough nonstop nuclear insanity yet, try this one:

John B. Wells hosted a special on Fukushimi on Coast to Coast AM and it’s worth listening to should you have a spare four hours.. He interviewed Arnie Gunderson, David Blume, John Aplsey, and Theresa Dale.. all four hours and all hour guests were important and the story itself is one of the utmost importance for this current generation and the future of this world..

What else you ask? MORE!!

The melting arctic: Now blooms of algae found..

Update: Israel begins rounding up African migrants while a court ruling may force Africans to leave Israel..

Trendy Tel Aviv: Shopping on the sabbath suddenly becoming more popular..

One too many!? Reports indicate that British Prime Minster David Cameron and his wife left their 8-year-old daughter in a pub by mistake over the weekend.. 

Creflo Dollar arrested..

March of the penguins redefined: Graphic sexual acts of penguins shock researcher in 1910..

Investigation of Commerce Secretary Bryson after hit-and-run after causing two car accidents within minutes of one another in Southern California.. 
Explanation: Seizure..

Is union power in government ending after Walker victory?

Tears flow? Is this Virgin Mary statue weeping in Russia?

That’s a lot to take in, isn’t it? Digest slowly. Take some pills. Drink some beer. Whatever you gotta do to get through it all..

U.S. Secretary of Commerce John Bryson given felony hit-and-run citation following car accident in California

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The old days are gone.. a stroll down amnesia lane: The internet that once was

Had a family discussion tonight about the amazing web history… My sister reminded me of the mid 90s when I slept her over house and my brother-in-law connected us to the net, via the dial up phone line, for the first time. It was like stepping into uncharted territory.. dialing up to watch a website load, it taking three minutes.. and you being a part of the information superhighway.

Those glorious days of ugly GIFs and badly designed websites.. those days of 60+ search engines instead of Google dominating.. those days of “Chat lines” that adults said to stay away from ( was my favorite).. Yes, indeed, the wild west of the web was at your fingertips, you just had to stick around for a while to let the web load.

Things then weren’t really “live.” But if you searched enough you were able to find some cutting edge sites.,, and some others were on the fringe. They charted territory for the future. And Geocities and Angelfire in reality could be considered the first blogs. People on them told a personal story.. the 20th century unplugged was on free sites with really long web links. Now it’s blogger and Tumblr and… well, you know the rest.

And why do I bring this up? Well, because first off I can and secondly because it shows how far we have come. From the days when you can be anonymous online to the current world where everyone knows your name, along with A/S/L and what you are currently eating, or drinking, or thinking.

The mid 90s in my opinion was the greatest time for the web. It was exciting and fresh.. it was amazing and new. And now it’s stale and everyone, governments and corporations combined, just want to control it.

Remember when it was fun to dial up and be connected? And wen you met someone in a chat room you did not trust, you just quick reached around and unplugged the phone line from the wall. Those were the days. Safety first, submission of personal data second. How things have changed..

I remember a computer was my Christmas gift in the later 90s.. I remember I had no clue what I was doing. I just hooked up and, well, suddenly the world was at my fingertips. I even remember when I figured out how to design a website (And if you know anything about me you know that is my other site and it has maintained the same design since 2001, for better or worse.)

And now here we are.. the net is everywhere, you are connected no matter where you go. I think I liked the dial up disconnect. The ability to stop the net for a while and just hang up on the worldwide web of superinformation on a superhighway.

Those days are gone. Here are the days of Facebook.. constantly being connected.. and in a way constantly being disconnected. People went from visiting online to living online. Tumbling through things to Tumblering through things. From posting photos occasionally to lifestreaming, livevideo, and live everything.

The wild days of the net are gone. The predictable days of the net are here.

Bring back the 90s, when everything was fresh and new.

But it can’t be that way.

No matter how many moving GIFs you put on your site..

As a continuation of my last post, here is an interesting thing to look at: It is the first website ever created from 1991

As a continuation of my last post, here is an interesting thing to look at: It is the first website ever created from 1991

Tonight in the world of music: Concussions and nipples

Lady Gaga suffers concussion during JUDAS in New Zealand.. Dancer hit her in the head with a pole .. And even more news from the strange world of female artists: Lady Gaga may have been hit during a concert but Madonna hit her audience with a shocking little red blotch: She flashed her nipple in Istanbul.. So Lady Gaga hit in New Zealand.. Madonna’s bare breast in Istanbul. More proof that nothing exciting in the world of music happens in the United States anymore..

Some weird nuke stuff, don't you think?

Strange mystery in Indiana and south Michigan.. rumors of snapped trees and shaking booms before a spike in radiation numbers.. Levels went as high on some gauges to 7,139 CPM ..

Officials claim “mistaken readings” have caused the concern.. say no real cause for intrigue..

Flashback May 29 2012: Mysterious Michigan booms “not from earthquakes or jets”

Flashback January 17 2012: Strange Indiana booms draw many theories..

What could go wrong!? Israel plans to place thousands of Africans into detention camp

And some more information from sources on this Israel/African refugee issue:

Human Rights watch slams..

Rising tensions..
52% of Jewish Israelis say illegal African migrants is ‘a cancer’..

Israel offering cash to Africans who leave..

What could go wrong!? Israel plans to place thousands of Africans into detention camp

I will stick to Payless... but many will not when they pay a 400% markup for Kanye West sneakers

I will stick to Payless... but many will not when they pay a 400% markup for Kanye West sneakers