Matthew Russell, 11, from Memphis prepares to place American flags at the headstones of veterans during the Memorial Day observance ceremony at the Memphis National Cemetery in Memphis
In the middle if your beer, or barbecue, or party, remember that Memorial Day is perhaps the most solemn of national holidays. It is one to contemplate the decorations of the post-Civil War days and recall the casualties of the hundreds of thousands of American soldiers that died during battle. We should also give pause to one thought: If you do end up going to a 21 gun salute somewhere in America, how do we strive to be slow to go to war and quick to try peace? How can we in such a turbulent world? Syria kills children with pacifiers in their mouths.. Drones strike in Pakistan.. Oh, and drones will patrol America, too.
But I digress.
Memorial Day 2012. Do not let this holiday lose the meaning it is intended to have. Do now cheapen it with a useless day of nothingness. Do not..
But here is the sneaking fear that scares me.. in 1945, the big picture was clear: We stopped a tyrant who was killing millions. Ever since then things got murky. And in Iraq and Afghanistan…? Well do we even know who we’re fighting now? Do we have a clue who the tyrants are? And how can you fight the tyrants when they litter this planet like plastic in an ocean?
All thoughts I for one am having this Memorial Day..
The world watches in shock at the horror developing in Houla, a suburb of Homs..
CNN reported this disturbing quote:
"By God, I washed the dead bodies of nine children. One was less than nine months old!" a man screamed to a U.N. observer. "Why are they treating us like animals? We are humans. Did the infant carry an RPG? Was he a fighter? It was a baby, he had a pacifier in his mouth."
Radar rainfall estimates are already 3-4 inches in some areas across northern Florida.. Hopefully all will be safe.. Holidays and hurricanes are not a good mix
A fatal police shooting involving a naked man and cannibalism. Stuff of movies? No. Stuff of Memorial Day weekends in Miami? Yes, this year at least..
Details are starting to be revealed about the disturbing event today in Miami in which a naked man was chewing the face off of another naked man on a busy highway .. A bicycle rider, Larry Vega, flagged down cops.. the rest is documented by NEWS 7 in Miami:
When the attack continued, Vega says the officer fired but the man continued to chew flesh off the victim. The officer fired several more times, eventually killing the attacker.
A Miami Herald surveillance camera caught the aftermath as the two men laid side by side on the ground. “It was just a blob of blood,” said Vega. “You couldn’t really see, it was just blood all over the place.”
Rescue crews rushed the victim to Jackson Memorial Hospital with missing flesh. According to a 7News source, the victim was not recognizable.
Vega says both the men, who have not been identified, appeared to be homeless and he believes the attacker may have been on drugs. “He looked like he was on something,” he said. “Either he was really psychotic or he was on crack.”
Not something you’d expect to see everyday.. or any day.
Horrible beyond belief..
Is it me or is the world going absolutely insane?
But here’s the best:
Martini, writing in an Italian newspaper, said the pope had been “betrayed” just as Jesus was betrayed 2,000 years ago, and that the Church would have to emerge from the latest scandal cleaner and stronger.
Just as Jesus was betrayed…?
So I just want to know which Cardinal is going to give the butler the noose so he can, say.. “end it himself”…?
Thank God for rest stops (Few people of much sense are Ever appreciative of rest stops…but bad weather suddenly changes that)
Hope your Memorial Day travels are filled with sun and fun.. And if not be careful out there…