Monday, May 14, 2012

Unfortunately this is Ayden’s new shoe after a specialist appointment today .. He may not remember this in the future but his mom, dad, and family sure will…. Joys of parenting..

Sunday, May 13, 2012

How the FBI takes servers. And then reinstalls them

"I thought they were Jehovah’s Witnesses, but I joked with people on the call that it was the FBI," he said.  Moments later, it was no joke.

How the FBI takes servers. And then reinstalls them


Here’s our cover this week, featuring a rainbow-haloed Barack Obama—America’s first gay president!

I’m surprised NEWSWEEK couldn’t find someone who would offer to breast feed the President to combat TIME’s Playboyish cover shot..

And in seriousness, it really should be Joe Biden on the cover as he forced the issue. Just saying.

North Korean women being sold into slavery in China

News of the world never makes a faint heart feel better. This piece of news involving women unknowingly being sold into slavery in China is included with that category of horrific news.

Reports rumor that hundreds of North Korean women are forced to work in ‘chat rooms’ selling telephone and internet sex.  And who are they talking to? That particular blot appears to go to South Korea.

Human rights organizations blame South Korean gangs for some of the suffering. Working in cahoots with Chinese Koreans, investing in karaoke bars in China, they are said to hold women against their will while paying them just enough to survive.

"South Korean businessmen are their best customers,” says Tim Peters, director of Helping Hands Korea, dedicated to aiding North Korean children in China. “It’s a blot on South Korean society,” he says blaming the Chinese for "doing nothing about a criminal system in violation of the rights of women.”

South Korea’s apathy towards the women’s plight as they get sold to the bidders of China may make more sense when considering that many rich South Korean men are the customers.. 

The bottom line: Defectors who escape from North Korea are often hit with hardcore slavery in China. If they are sent back to North Korea, they face beatings, captivity, being placed in a room with 60 other women, stripped naked, and most likely tortured for their crime of defecting. 

This is our modern world, everyone. Not the past. It’s the present. And until the human population gets serious about human rights, it’s the sad future too for many women. 

And finally, don’t make the mistake of thinking that slavery and abuse of women is confined to one torture camp, one prison, one nation, or one continent. The untold story of so many … the internet is filled with evidence of abuse. 

This Mother’s Day, honor your mother. Honor important women. Plus think about the tortured souls not being honored but instead being put through untold consequences for just being born the gender that they have been.

Happy Mother’s Day all. Avoid restaurants. And the woods.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Ayden with Spider-Man. Just one of the movies we are anticipating this year.

The top-secret US National Security Agency is not required to reveal any deal it may have with Google to help protect against cyber attacks, an appeals court ruled Friday. The US Court of Appeals in Washington upheld a lower court decision that said the NSA need not confirm or deny any relationship with Google, because its governing statutes allow it keep such information secret

The top-secret US National Security Agency is not required to reveal any deal it may have with Google to help protect against cyber attacks, an appeals court ruled Friday. The US Court of Appeals in Washington upheld a lower court decision that said the NSA need not confirm or deny any relationship with Google, because its governing statutes allow it keep such information secret

Remember the asteroid Vesta? Turns out now that scientists say it is actually a tiny planet

Call me crazy, but I had a hunch that Richard C. Hoaxland Hoagland was on to something..

Remember the asteroid Vesta? Turns out now that scientists say it is actually a tiny planet

Chile asks fishermen to help save birds caught in nets; Chilean beaches littered with dead fowl

There is always something about news accounts of animals beaching themselves or thousands of dead birds being found in a single week that freak me out a bit. 

Animals many times are harbingers.. They are sometimes more clued in to earth and how things work than humans.

We can learn a thing or two perhaps if we stopped and thought about these profound numbers of dead birds along Chilean beaches. If we care.

Chile asks fishermen to help save birds caught in nets; Chilean beaches littered with dead fowl

No room left on land.. so we are turning our oceans into a giant landfill of plastic waste. Good show, humans.

….There will be ramifications. Don’t we care?

No room left on land.. so we are turning our oceans into a giant landfill of plastic waste. Good show, humans.

HOLD THAT END TIMES SCENARIO! A new calender from the Mayans seems to point to life after 2012. Like we should be shocked..

…I know, I know. You were hoping for destruction and mayhem on December 21, 2012. 

Well.. being earth, that is entirely possible. But surely not the end …. Mayhem and destruction never has an end.

HOLD THAT END TIMES SCENARIO! A new calender from the Mayans seems to point to life after 2012. Like we should be shocked..

Friday, May 11, 2012

The EPA weighs in

The agency says that Dimock, PA water is safe… so anyone in the mood for bottled Dimock water ?!?

The movie ouster graphic design industry: Cutthroat to say the least

The movie ouster graphic design industry: Cutthroat to say the least

DARK SHADOWS is being released this week. No way it will outdo what AVENGERS did last weekend.. and maybe it should not. I like Tim Burton, or at least liked him. His films are creative.. interesting. The whole Johnny Depp/Burton constant connection is nice in a way, but also.. unsettling. I don’t necessarily think that every film Burton makes needs to have Depp in the main role. 

Even more, the true question I have about this is whether DARK SHADOWS was meant to be a dark comedy or more of a true horror. A lot of good horror and creative scares could have been done. Instead, as Burton would predictably do, he turned it seemingly into a 21st century BEETLEJUICE. Which in itself isn’t bad.. but is it what should be?

I am interested in reactions of you all care to share any. Did you see the film, and what did you think?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

If anyone out there is like me you’ve been paying close attention to sunspot AR1476. I realized this sunspot looked familiar and just figured it out: It’s in the shape of Hawaii. Except Hawaii doesn’t blow off massive CMEs that could devastate Earth’s power grid.

Well there’s region 1476. Let’s wish ourselves good luck for a day..

Now this is cool.

Why look for UFOs when there are UWOs (underwater weird objects) right beneath us!?

This video was taken by cameras looking at an underwater drill recently near England. It shows a massive blob of a brown creature. 

The brown blob has a name: A Deepstaria enigmatica jellyfish.

While the entire video is fascinating, I really started getting amazed around 3:15 seconds into it..

This video clearly defines the reasons I am frightened of the deep, dark ocean. I don’t even have to add words to explain..

A cool breeze.. a shower.. and a rainbow. All in a spring day.

This photo was taken at Bloomsburg University.

( Compliments Kate. Good picture. )

The newest edition of PLAYBOY. Oh wait.. That’s TIME mag. This month featuring a Vladimir Putin centerfold spread.

Trying desperately to keep print alive, TIME? …

Feet don't fail him now

Tough night last night .. Little Ayden sprained his foot trying to play soccer in the house. He may be a sports star one day. But not at age 1.5..

The little person is doing ok, though. Getting a good sleep now after a very long day at the emergency room and eating Wendy’s French Fries last night … Yes, we let him splurge, Michelle Obama would not be fond of his post-sprain diet.

In the old days you got a recovering child a toy. Now toy stores are closed.. so we just add to childhood obesity. I guess. Or something like that.

I knew parenthood was stressful.. But I guess I just never understood that stressful meant….it’s stressful !!