Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Look to the sky.. feet on the ground

Yes, there were primaries again tonight.. Mitt Romney won son, Rick Santorum, too.. Newt was in there. And yes there were more arguments and battles over birth control.. and KONY2012.. and all that other stuff. And lots of people were killed in Syria.. and lots of places.

But I looked to the sky in the midst of the chaos on earth.. and saw a brightly shining moon and a seemingly brighter Jupiter. This after a warm sunny day… the day shifted to night.. and magic seemed to be busy filling the early spring skies…

When you look to the sky, the reality of the ground shatters into pieces..melts away.. There is magic, after all, in looking at the sky. 

We seem so small. We are small.

And sadly our actions on this planet are even smaller..

Monday, March 12, 2012


Must watch video from TED of Larry Smith on why we do not pursue our dreams and why we will fail at our careers.

If you're up late (or early) Sunday.. try Ian Punnett on Coast to Coast AM

The topic sounds interesting. Monsters. One of my favorite topics about American history.. monsters in our own history — mythical and real.

Looks like Punnutt will talk on the the fictitious.

Salem witches, frontier wilderness beasts, freak show oddities, alien invasions, and Freddie Krueger. From our colonial past to the present, the monster in all its various forms has been a staple of U.S. culture. Professor of History Scott Poole joins Ian Punnett for a discussion of the dark obsessions that have helped create America’s national identity.

If you're up late (or early) Sunday.. try Ian Punnett on Coast to Coast AM

Sunday, March 11, 2012


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This audio version of Toad the Wet Sprocket WALK ON THE OCEAN being chosen tonight for a few reasons.. 

Trust in your family and friends.. love one another. Life is speeding by like a train about to derail.. the only thing we have to fear is not fear itself, but instead the lack of love in our world.

If there is a God then love matters.. and if there is no God then what else BUT love could matter. We’d only be here for a brief blip in history.. may as well love your neighbor as yourself. And try loving yourself more, too..

Good evening.

We spotted the ocean at the head of the trail
Where are we going, so far away
And somebody told me that this is the place
Where everythings better, everythings safe
Walk on the ocean
Step on the stones
Flesh becomes water
Wood becomes bone
And half and hour later we packed up our things
We said wed send letters and all those little things
And they knew we were lying but they smiled just the same
It seemed theyd already forgotten wed came

Now were back at the homestead
Where the air makes you choke
And people dont know you
And trust is a joke
We dont even have pictures
Just memories to hold
That grow sweeter each season
As we slowly grow old

And into the great depths of the unknown you shall go. Into the light, or into a jungle. The future isn’t sure.. and neither is an afterlife. Clearly though the here and now matters to you, and the here and now is emotional and real. So if this is real, so must be the unknown, too.


But what is known is what it means.

Harrisburg, PA, already deep in debt, is going to skip $5.3 million in debt payments this week so it can keep essential services of the 50,000 population city up and running

The news from Pennsylvania’s Crapitol just continues to befuddle all who watch it..

Harrisburg, PA, already deep in debt, is going to skip $5.3 million in debt payments this week so it can keep essential services of the 50,000 population city up and running

The horrible details of the Afghanistan killings revealed



This is troubling.. Very troubling. It makes the Koran burning look tame. A soldier, maybe drunk according to some reports, and mentally breaking down according to others, goes on a house-to-house rampage. Killing innocent children and men and women in combat happens.. but people sleeping? People living their meager lives? And they succumb to death due to ..what? I guess we will find out the story in more detail. But until then I may have had enough detail for my own good..

Day of the living Babies part 2

Absolutely beautiful day. Enjoyed it. As did Ayden, who is doing his best impression of a 2 foot zombie.

Go west young man. Ayden enjoys the

Spring time weather.. outside much of the day. Ayden likes throwing rocks. He seems to be ambidextrous. I thought that it was impressive for his height..

Let the growing season begin!

A few from the dock from Coal Speakerette Tara in New Jersey.. at Barneget Bay

If you thought the winter was warm, you ain't seen nothing yet.. heat may dominate this entire year

If you thought the winter was warm, you ain't seen nothing yet.. heat may dominate this entire year

Pretty cool stuff (and maybe scary if you’re a power grid)

The latest solar flare and CME.. heading towards us. 


A blast from the past: Reagan vs. RFK.

The debate that never ends?
The more things change the more they stay the same.. 

The Sunday morning sidewalk.

Ayden slept swell. I did, too. His fever is gone and two brand new teeth are out. And it is bright for 8am. Wait.. didn’t set the clock ahead yet.

As for news? It’s ugly.


Fifteen Afghan civilians were shot by an American soldier in Kandahar province Sunday, with seven of them feared dead, the provincial government said.
AP photographer sees 15 bodies of Afghans that villagers allege were killed by American service member ..

A year later: Japan’s emperor leads nation’s mourning as Tokyo comes to a halt in memory of the tsunami, earthquake and nuclear… 

Strange explosions continue in Arizona..
Progress in the world of consumer rights! Campbells bans BPA!

At least 90 Iraqi teenagers with “emo” appearances have been stoned to death by religious extremists in Baghdad in the past month after an inflammatory interior ministry statement dubbed it “devil worshiping”, activists said

Pink slime panic growing online.. 

But MSNBC asks if we are overreacting to the goo and gump that is in burger meat  mostly fast foods, and mostly school lunches)..

It’s funny to me that about five years ago pink slime was described in all its gory detail .. full disclosure on this already happened.

The movie and book: FOOD INC. And it was a triumph of good journalism, good documentary, and muckraking.

Sadly it took five years for people to wonder.. what the hell is pink slime and why does my fast food burger have it in!?

God can't escape now? Higgs Boson 'cornered' at CERN!!

God can't escape now? Higgs Boson 'cornered' at CERN!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012


A little easy going Saturday night tune.. hopefully setting the stage for whatever you want to do this night. Drinking… stinking… linking. Whatever your heart desires… just love.. give your life to your love as well. Drown in the laughter—die in the arms of the one who cares for you the most. Good evening everyone. Enjoy life. Solar storms and all.