Friday, February 3, 2012

…earth changes are a comin’…

18-mile-crack seen in Antarctic glacier! .. it is actually a crack more than 18 miles long, 800 feet across in places, and 180 feet deep.. and it’s growing..

This one concerns me. .

Mass hysteria? Why are girls suddenly developing bizarre tics and strange spasms?

This is so cool I almost paid a dollar to post it

New super earth with liquid water found orbiting near distant star!
Circling three suns!
Could it be the perfect spot for life!? Amazing news, amazing discovery.. a universe filled with life, perhaps? …things have changed since the days of grade school when all teacher said was 9 planets exist.. life isn’t out there.. and we are all alone. 

Judging from my Dashboard...

..Tumblr just made $30 in the last 7 minutes. Quite possible that these pay-per-posts will simply be ignored because of how frequent they will be..

Tumblr is allowing people to pay to promote posts.

Which is interesting and perhaps good marketing.. though I am not sure how many teenage girls will want to promote their odd cat animated gifs. Nonetheless.. Tumblr is trying it out. 

So while Google and Twitter plan to censor posts, I have only to wonder if David Karp will eventually travel down the same 21st century path of censorship too.. and if he does will he allow the pay-per-posts to remain unscathed? And……… if I pay for a post I expect it to be found in a workable search and… more importantly, I don’t expect Tumblr to crash.

Are we paying to own the post? …or is it owned by Tumblr and we just pay them to not give it back?

Inquiring and somewhat broke minds want to know.

Hot diggity dog: Superbowl hot dog sellers may be the eyes and ears of Homeland Security. Watch your ketchup intake. Don't use suspect onions.

Hot diggity dog: Superbowl hot dog sellers may be the eyes and ears of Homeland Security. Watch your ketchup intake. Don't use suspect onions.

...notable parenting experiences

Last night, for the first time, it happened. Ayden had a very adult session of regurgitation. That is blunt, isn’t it? Blunt indeed. 

I knew the day would come.. he either overate or had some strange stomach issue that lasted for a few hours. No fever. Just … that.

But it tested dad more than mom. She stayed calm. I freaked.

I am a vomit-a-phobe. I am frightened by the idea of vomit, whether it be me or someone else. Something in me has caused this sometimes irrational fear since I was young and dumb. And now as an adult and still dumb, my fear isn’t gone. 

I was there for Ayden, held my nose, and did laundry immediately using ‘hot’ water.. I didn’t even care if the cotton shrunk…

It’s a Friday sick day. Ayden is feeling better. But dad is paranoid that he will be in the same predicament next.

She’s in.

Barr ‘12

Thursday, February 2, 2012

...springtime attack coming? Rumors swirl of an Israeli strike on Iran brewing

...springtime attack coming? Rumors swirl of an Israeli strike on Iran brewing

Federal government seizes 307 websites

Federal government seizes 307 websites

Nuke way of life

While trying to figure out more about the radioactive leak at thr California Nuclear Power Plant, I came across another story that sadly goes under reported (and hardly reported in America at all): There is another radioactive leak at Fukushima.. Officials say not to worry…so I am worrying big time. It’s getting deep here on the planet earth..

Some researchers say sugar should be regulated as a toxin..

But ignorance surely is bliss. Keep the fructose high and don’t let mice near your aspartame … Tax the sugar but push the chemicals…?

Some researchers say sugar should be regulated as a toxin..

Tweets are being censored.. And now your Google blog may be too

Who needs SOPA when you have international censorship agreements anyway!

Tweets are being censored.. And now your Google blog may be too

Happy with the warm winter?

I’m not. At all.. But I’m encouraged by the little rodent predicting ‘more’ winter.. Though how does a nation get more winter when there has been none to begin with? I don’t know..

So to those who like seeing leaves and cherry blossoms bloom in winter, hopefully you also enjoy the hungry bears and the ticks coming with it..

Who saw their shadow today?

And who played ‘I got you babe’ over and over again?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Welcome to February. Doctor My Eyes indeed…

Time keeps flowing… going.. drowning us all. 

Do all that you can to see the evil and the good. Don’t hide…

Doctor your eyes………

30 years on air for David Letterman. He is an institution of comedy..

I’d be remiss if I didn’t say how important he has been in my life. I remember vaguely watching him as a kid (age 3 and 4 and maybe 5) .. I remember vividly watching him as a grade school kid and high schooler.. I repeated his jokes the next day because I knew no other kids stayed up that late …

I don’t watch much now,  though. Can’t say the show is nearly as imaginative as it once was.. or cutting edge. Or new and fresh. But 30 years on air in some capacity is meaningful and amazing. He is a legend of our time just as Carson was for the previous…

But I leave you tonight with this question.. did David Letterman perfect late night sarcasm or, by being so good at it, destroy the ability for anyone else to be sarcastic?

Massive cold snap in the UK

Massive cold snap in the UK

Facebook is now public.. and revealed in their filing are the things they feel could kill their company.. interesting read

Facebook is now public.. and revealed in their filing are the things they feel could kill their company.. interesting read

Humpday news dump.

Mitt Romney doesn’t care about poor people. I don’t know what else he said.. but after he said he didn’t care about poor people, that made the headlines. And the Republicans are going to nominate him still? … As I predicted: Obama 45 states.

Radiation leak closes San Onofre nuclear plant in California..

Facebook goes public.. and talk that it will create 1000 millionaires in an instant..
Facebook will go public and raise… $5 billion..

McDonalds says it not longer uses ‘pink slime’ in its burgers.. .. Pink slime is non other than ammonium hydroxide.. And now Mickey Ds is free of the common household cleaner. Dollar menu deal lookin’ better already..

Researcher says sugar should be regulated as ‘toxin’..

Raid gone wrong: FBI cuts down the WRONG DOOR with a chainsaw!

Don Cornelius, the man who created Soul Train, was reportedly found dead Wednesday morning at his Los Angeles home. Police sources tell that Cornelius appears to have taken his own life; sources say he died from what appears to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound…

Glimpse of the dark side of the moon..

Alaska volcano could become a threat to air traffic..

70 dead after Egypt soccer riot..

New JFK tapes revealed: The aftermath of the assassination in November 1963 on audio..