These summer nights are so fleeting. My hope that all of you, out there, are enjoying the remaining dog days of August before the whirlwind of fall arrives.
Downer: The DOW falls yet another 400!
Jobless claims rise..
What happened to that global recovery?
Global risks..
Obama on vacation on a sunny island..
Thousands gather in Atlanta for a job fair..
Twas always thus. And always thus shall be.
First the Ed Sullivan theater ransacked and now this
An extreme Jihadist online is calling for the killing of David Letterman ..
IBM is at it again.
The future is now
If you’re not queasy at technology’s implications this may get you there: IBM is revealing that it made a chip that can mimic the human brain..
Sunspots heating..
And now unfortunately are pointing at earth.. Today NASA released a stunning movie that is galvanizing experts. This as the sun turns to the pale blue dot…as the solar flares churn and the sun burns.
Mark Zuckerberg is on Google plus.. before he upped his privacy settings that’s how he looked. After he looked even happier. FORBES has more.
Now this is really cool stuff..
Imagine a planet.. absorbing all light? It’s the darkest ever planet found, it’s coal black with a slight red glow, and it was found by Kepler.
Whenever we get to the month of September, I begin thinking about the year in review prospects for my other site, the HorrorReport.com.. after all there would only be four months left to the year.. And now, here we are, mid August — already! The time is moving faster than I ever remembered.. is it because I have a child? A new life this year making my own zoom ahead in fast forward? Or perhaps it’s because I hit the 30-year-old mark.. halfway home depending on my social security age health..? I don’t know. But what I do think, though no science will ever prove it, the idea of time does change and it does, for some reason, go faster as you get older.. My mom and dad almost 70… my brother and sister in the 40s… and my life changing rapidly daily. All as the earth rotates into infinity..
The end .. is the beginning.. is the end.. is the end.
The end of today.