Monday, July 4, 2011
The United States of gloom? UK TELEGRAPH says maybe
Author Tony Harnden puts forward an interesting proposition: The United States is gloomier this year than it was in1980. In the argument, pollster and ever-growing Frank Luntz and his hair were used as source code for numbers.. Thanks UK TELEGRAPH, 235 years later you’re rubbing in the fact we declared independence, and using Frank Luntz for some help.
The United States of gloom? UK TELEGRAPH says maybe
One of the most moving and epic songs at one of the most moving and epic times in our nation’s history. On September 14, 2001, the United States Navy performed a stirring rendition of the Battle Hymn of the Republic while the nation mourned thousands of deaths on 9/11/01.
It’s easy to forget.. it’s simple to turn the page. But these days are ingrained in whoever lived through them. Regardless of what happened since, this time, this moment, that very song at that very second, filled the American people with courage and a thriving sense of patriotism.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
The second video of two I promised today.. This one to me best exemplifies the spirit of America—as told by one of the greatest voices in American history: Johnny Cash.. The Ragged Old Flag.. Enjoy.
The first video I promised for today.. This is on the Fourth of July in a little suburban town. It’s the finale of the Wonders Years, the final 5 minutes namely..
Things have been a little rushed this year with some family ailments, a new son, and just life whizzing by.. Thanks for a friend who posted this video on my Facebook page yesterday, I realized how every Fourth of July I take a few minutes to watch this and .. sure, cry now and then too. It was a great show and it ended with a great proposition: The American dream, in a suburban American town, with fireworks blazing and life just going on.. Amazing.
I offer this up to you now.. hope you’ll take as much “Americana” as you can from it like I do ..
America seemingly is living in the wonder years.. confusing times of arguments, war, violence.. But since 9/11 things have been different. People are on edge.. People are watching over their shoulders for suspicious anythings..
I’d love to go back to a time when the American soul wasn’t perverted by color coded terror alerts and instead just wanted a grilled burger with a cold beer. I want to go back to a time when the United States wasn’t a bastion of political rhetoric—all of which means nothing in the end—and instead just work together for the betterment of all..
In some small measure, this show ending grounds me in a way. And I wish I can explain better why but I tried by best here.
And I knew they’d never have Winnie and Kevin get together..
asylums- because of just how much it creeped me out..:
Harrisburg State Hospital beds
The thought of these old sanitariums and ‘nut houses’ as they once were called freak me out, to my core.. Maybe too many stories of abuse or ghost haunts.. But this image is lonely, sad, and chilling.
Shock storm hits Wisconsin and kills a child…. the storm rolled in out of nowhere, moved across Minnesota and Wisconsin on Friday, packing winds approaching 80 mph and hail as large as softballs..
A freaky holiday dream
I’m only relaying this because of how much it disturbed me last dream involved a Fourth of July cookout with family and while we were looking at the sky, the sun went dim enough to stare at it—and it began to visibly emit large red flares … visible from the backyard cookout here on earth.
br>Looking back now the humorous part of my dream was that I immediately checked Twitter to see who else saw it..
Of course, it was the Armageddon flare. We were doomed. Then I woke up. Thankfully.
You can’t beat this song.. At least not when performed by Roberta Flack.. Goodnight all.