Radar Love summer 2011. Goodnight.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Welcome to the new world of 'popcorn brain'
Blame computers, text messaging..
Multitasking used to be fun, now it’s turning your mind to mush.
Taking one for the team: The Philly Phanatic has been hit—and hurt—by a foul ball at a Phillies game— and treated in an emergency room, too
*Awkward moment when the announcers chuckle about and joke ‘better call a medic’..
Just no luck..
A woman who was considered dead woke up at her own funeral and then died—for real—of a heart attack.
...this one just didn't surprise me
Cities bring more stress than rural areas..
Sure there are more centers of recreation, shopping, cars, buses, horns… fighting… panhandlers.. Everything. Rural areas don’t have the modern day ‘progress’ that brings about stress and higher conditions of uncivilized behavior..
I work in a semi-metro area.. live in a semi-rural area.. and enjoy visiting big cities and extreme rural areas.
I think being well-rounded is the best game plan for sane living.
A showdown developing ..
Republicans walk out on budget talks.. Raise the roof? … raise the debt ceiling? How about just good old fashioned talking!
For those following the Casey Anthony trial..
Truly a bombshell as Cindy Anthony says she searched the computer for chloroform instead of Casey.. Amazing.. Shocking.. And perjury? Lies? Covering for Casey? Amazing….
Waterloo — Abba
A long night with Ayden
…but finally, at this early morning hour, he sleeps. And I hope all night. But…. Probably not
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Al Gore going to the extreme? Try population control..
It always makes me nervous when men of power want to ‘curb’ the population or ‘stabilize’ the population.
A few facts: Russia has warned of a population crisis.. even Vlad the Putin wanted to have a national day of love making to help spur some more babies. And how would less kids help take care of the ever aging American population?
But even more, deeper, and more profound: The thought of population control could start as a great suggestion but end up being forced.. No? .. nah, eugenics never occurred, right? No big corporations and government agencies ever teamed up to try to stunt population growth—albeit then it was to help get rid of the pesky “unfit” folks. Maybe a new environmental eugenics is upon us?
I just wish, in the end, science would take over this debate and politics would get out of it. Climate change is real.. global warming—and cooling—is real. El Nino and La Nino is real. And pattern change is real. What is absurd is that we are not prepared for either intense hurricanes from intense global heat, extreme sea level rises—or even flash ice ages that occur when sunspots die away.
Politics… environment. Oh they just should not mix……
This was TIME’s person of the year for ‘saving’ the economy—a year when the economy wasn’t saved but driven even further into the toilet.
*Photo: REUTERS/Jim Young