Not really comparable. Organized religions have been certainly guilty of some pretty harsh things. And so has government. I don’t have a body count, to be honest with you.. but Vietnam, China, the Soviet Union,and Nazi Germany during the 20th century certainly killed millions upon millions of innocent world citizens.
I guess government killed too.. but I’d be more inclined to believe that through history the ‘state’ killed due to religion much more than the religion itself.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
I asked the new world order question but I have a follow up: don't you think religions, organized ones, are worse than government? They have hurt a hell of a lot more people, don't you say?
i noticed a ton of new world order stuff and bilderberg stuff on this site lately, i guess I just wonder if you buy into that all? do you actually think "they" are out to get us? whoever "They" are?
News flash: There is a Bilderberg meeting happening now. It’s really happening! No .. really.
And sure, why wouldn’t there be powerful people meeting in order to change or make a world agenda? I consider it a natural that people would do just that.
We need to be a little concerned though when anything happens behind closed doors. The light of the truth coming in, doors wide open, that is how we find out the truth.
Where did you move to when you had to leave Centralia? I find the story of that place interesting, also kind of sad.
Left Centralia in the late 1980s.. My grandmother stayed until she died.. and if you follow it at all some are still holding out there despite government attempts to force them out.
The story is a sad one. It was a nice little town.. very nice. I would have had a much different childhood were there to be no mine fire. Instead there was, so there were fewer and fewer kids to play with and just vacant streets with the constant noise of powered equipment tearing down structures that stood in some cases for well over 100 years.
Pink Floyd — Wish you were here
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Followers and readers: Got all of your questions asked today
Just didn’t have any spare second to answer them yet, but answers should be forthcoming soon.
If this is the future, find me a time machine to stay in the past.
Even the flannels that women wore in the early 90s making them look uglier than they should have been are better garments than the odd futuristic designs presented at this Moscow show.
This past week's solar storm delivered only a glancing blow to earth-- but delivered a warning of impending doom in the future.
Maybe next year.
Two years..
20 years.
100 years.
No matter what year, it will happen someday, some time, in the future. Near or far. And boy do we hope it is indeed far, far away.
This past week's solar storm delivered only a glancing blow to earth-- but delivered a warning of impending doom in the future.
Gone into history.. Superman ditches his red trunks for blue ones in DC COMICS’ relaunch with #1 edition
Time goes by fast. Enjoy every fleeting moment of heat, rain, sun, and fun. Goodnight world.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Absolutely nothing but stress and work to look forward to.. A new study claims that most Americans won't be able to retire until they are in their 80s..,
If true, expect the average lifespan to shorten dramatically.
Absolutely nothing but stress and work to look forward to.. A new study claims that most Americans won't be able to retire until they are in their 80s..,