Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Albany 7 win one

State workers in lottery pool claim their $319 million

Of course, as life goes, things are never perfect.

There was one person that day who typically joined in office lottery pools who chose this time around not to. And now, the lucky 7 will decide whether to share with the 8th man out.. And if they don’t? How cruel..

But winners take and losers break.

I guess that’s the way of the world, at least when you’re deep into the cash reward of $319 MILLION dollars..


Michio Kaku - ‘Three Raging Reactor Meltdowns’..

The cold hard truth ..


Some random events that have no correlation at all.. But interesting nonetheless

Milk: it does a body good? Maybe so.. but with traces of radiation being found in American milk supplies, the question of safety is coming into question. Doctors and governments are telling us to keep drinking.. When milk moustaches turn green with radiation, though, is when we all have a problem..

Along with milk, the government is also ruling something else to be safe: Body scanners..

Obama admin estimates that GOP government cuts would kill (kill) 70,000 kids..

In between games of GUITAR HERO, a 12-year old astrophysics prodigy says that the sky is the limit..

Art? US NEWS reports:

A $600,000 frog sculpture that lights up, gurgles “sounds of nature” and carries a 10-foot fairy girl on its back could soon be greeting Defense Department employees who plan to start working at the $700 million Mark Center in Alexandria, Va. this fall. That is unless a new controversy over the price tag of the public art doesn’t torpedo the idea.

No rest for the radiated

Reports indicate that Japan evacuees are being refused treatments..

No rest for the radiated

April fools

Waking up to the words of weather predictions calling for up to 8 inches if snow by tomorrow. The winter that never ends hitting again..,

In 1997 Oasis told us all to stay young.. few of us did..

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hallway visitors does a child in the house increase a likelihood of spirit activity? Or are these the ramblings and raised-arm-haired chills of someone who is not being rational about shadows on the wall?

It’s just strange when my wife assumes I walk by her in a hallway when I don’t.. or when I hear the noise of walking on carpet when nothing, after all, is there…

Sleep deprivation? .. or the real thing?

Oh I just don’t know.

But what I do know is that every time Ayden wakes up from a 5 minute nap, he thinks it’s feeding time, no matter how recent he ate. It’s like the baby version of 50 FIRST DATES. But it’s all good.

Spirits and all.

Well whadda know: Mainstream media admits "chemtrails" exist but still calls them contrails.. But hey, that's progress

Enough tic-tac-toe shapes in the sky later, and how could you not admit that planes are making some very strange shapes in skies that one day way back when were blue…

Well whadda know: Mainstream media admits "chemtrails" exist but still calls them contrails.. But hey, that's progress

An urgent must read: Radiation has now been found in milk in the United States

An urgent must read: Radiation has now been found in milk in the United States

Just as trade winds take Fukushima’s radioactive particles throughout the world—as for as Massachusetts to Russia and back to Japan again—a group is warning that the EPA is readying a dramatic increase of allowable radiation in water, food, and the air..

Timing is everything.. And the timing on this is very interesting indeed…

Hospitalized Judge Judy.. Just needed to 'chill'?

Hospitalized Judge Judy.. Just needed to 'chill'?

The majesty of this morning’s sunrise is ruined by the fact most people are seeing it while driving somewhere they don’t really want to be


I guess I was a kid in ‘99.. An old man in ‘11? A dad nonetheless. While the kids aren’t alright I hope mine will be.. Goodnight all.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Just an update

My son continues his war against sleep.. And so far he’s winning.

Maker of IV bags pulls product off market after 9 Alabama hospital patients die

Maker of IV bags pulls product off market after 9 Alabama hospital patients die

Obama to address high gas prices.. wants to increase the use of natural gas to power vehicles and increase production of ethanol.

Obama to address high gas prices.. wants to increase the use of natural gas to power vehicles and increase production of ethanol.

UFO Rattles Colorado Town

UFO Rattles Colorado Town

Laugh if you must, but I bet if you listen to this song by Celine Dion you’ll be humming it by the end.. Good evening everyone..