From somewhere in the middle of an early spring hazy fog, good evening
Interesting note..Cara Mia by Jay & The Americans was one of John Gotti’s favorite songs and Gotti had Jay and the Americans perform at John Gotti Jrs. wedding.. And now it’s playing us all to bed. Be safe, and until I write again, goodnight.
Just one last Supermoon image. And might as well, since we don’t see another one for decades. It was bright Saturday night.. Brighter than normal as spring begins.. Beautiful image here from Fred Thornhill of Reuters of Greg Kerr and Allie Mahoney skating under a full moon on Pigeon Lake near Bobcayeon Ontario March 19, 2011..
But Tumblr responded to the worrying security issue:
We’re triple checking everything and bringing in outside auditors to confirm, but we have no reason to believe that anything was compromised. We’re certain that none of your personal information (passwords, etc.) was exposed, and your blog is backed up and safe as always. This was an embarrassing error, but something we were prepared for.
The fact that this occurred at all is still unacceptable, and we’ll be seriously evaluating and adjusting our processes to ensure an error like this can never happen again.
I like how Tumblr responded.. Every time something occurs, they lose in a point in my book. But something like this occurs and they gain them all back. I liked their humility.
I’m also happy they say the blogs are backed up.
I’d still like to see Mr. Karp come up with a Windows version for us NON MAC users for a backup, of course.. Unless maybe it’s just a sign I should buy a MAC.
The latest concern is radioactive food. The government in Japan admits that radioactive spinach and water has been found. It appears to be more severe than just toxins in close proximity, as Japan has admitted.. The New York TIMES is reporting on the problem of tainted food being found up to 90 miles away, showcasing that the events have exploded into a crisis far beyond the proportions first admitted to by officials in the country days ago.
Officials say there is no cause for alarm. But radioactivity in water in Tokyo? Food 90 miles away? … It’s cause for concern..
But not for all. The TIMES reports:"A handful of vegetable-shop owners in Tokyo said they were concerned about the report, but continued to sell vegetables from Fukushima and Ibaraki because they had not been told to stop."
Green spinach. Growing only greener by the moment..
Gadhafi is promising a long war.
So is Qaddhafi.
And Gadhaffi.
And Khadafi.
I say if we are going to go to war with someone, battle his forces, slam his nation with air strikes, we should at least come to a consensus on how we are going to spell the enemy.
…History takes strange turns. This is a file photo from July 2009 of Gadhafi and Obama. Now, Gadhafi is responding to military air strikes over his nation and promising a long war, while he says he is fighting ‘new Nazis’..
I often thought that these images of world leaders with each other can be like looking at a prom photo 20 years later.. “I really went with her/him!?” .. The image can be shocking of who we once were featured with.
And I’m sure these kinds of images can haunt Obama. Just as Bush was haunted by hand-holding snapshots of Saudi officials. Not that the Saudis are responsible for world chaos…….Oh wait.. Bahrain.
Not bad for a small town in the Coal Region.
The Saint Patrick’s Day parade yesterday in Girardville, PA, got over 20,000 people. And that was without an appearance from Bill Clinton.
There was a large appearance however of untidy spandex pants, green buttons that blinked, and a leftover sea of aluminum cans of beer lining the streets.
But that’s what day afters are for.
It sounds like an 80s prime time drama.. Who shot JR? Who bombed Gadhafi.. The name just doesn’t have the ‘oomph’ that past operations have had. At least for me. Maybe it’s just the supermoon.
At 3:30 am, you can only read and hope.. As the child snots and crackles from deep within. Some things with parenting are just unexpected..
Japan official says pressure rising again at stricken Fukushima nuclear reactor No. 3
Under the Milky Way, we spin into oblivion. Goodnight all.