Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bums from Britain: Women taking pills for fattening chickens in hope for bigger booties

Bums from Britain: Women taking pills for fattening chickens in hope for bigger booties

I moved on from Bieber fever to Bieber diarrhea

Although I think we’re seeing him go through puberty live on stage

If I would have written GRENADE

Sure Bruno Mars is famous and makes 1000% more than I do, but I think his song GRENADE would have been better if, at the end, he would have said he would even do ‘something’ (add your own word) ‘to David Spade for you’ ..

My TV just went black and white..

And suddenly Bruno Mars may have become the second best performance of the night over Muse..

Although the words to his song GRENADE are absolutely ridiculous.

Second best of the night: Muse

And I forgot how much I liked the meaning of UPRISING until I heard it again

I think I noticed live bloggers and tweets stopped for 4 minutes tonight and resoundingly resumed after Lady Gaga completed her performance..

Yep. Gaga was the performance of the night

The egg is hatched: Gaga rocking out the Grammys

I have a feeling it will be the performance of the night.

Just like 1999 all over again!

Train wins.


Nifty camera work

And thank goodness for a delay.. otherwise a lot more people right now would be talking about how Christina Aguilera fell during the Grammys..

I hope the world understands how lucky it is to have had Aretha Franklin live on this planet.. And to that end have her still with us

Like a cover of a horror film.. the Lady Gagas in her egg as she waits to hatch..

Christina remembered the words!?


When I saw Nicki Minaj arrive at the Grammy Awards, I thought someone was being knighted. Then I realized instead someone drove over her …hat? wig? …new head?

Tonight: Eminem is the favorite to win the album of the year award, the event's top prize, for "Recovery," the biggest selling album in the United States last year

Tonight: Eminem is the favorite to win the album of the year award, the event's top prize, for "Recovery," the biggest selling album in the United States last year

Grammy 2011: Egghead approves.


Two random thoughts..

  1. One has to admit that it is most likely very hot in Lady Gaga’s egg

  2. Schools will be banning egg-entrances this May for high school proms.

Lady Gaga is incubating

And Ryan Seacrest is left to take it seriously..

Too funny..

And now here is Lady Gaga entering the Grammys! ..oh wait, still the wrong photo..