Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A school in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, decided to experiment with a new way of educating kids; now they find themselves defending a decision to segregate its students by race and gender

A school in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, decided to experiment with a new way of educating kids; now they find themselves defending a decision to segregate its students by race and gender

The White House is snowed under

And image tonight during the Nor’Easter causing havof on the East Coast, and 'ABSOLUTE GRIDLOCK IN DC'

It’s not stopping.. The lawn becomes a distant memory..

Good evening everyone.. It’s another weeknight in winter here in coal country.. this image of a moment in time in Schuylkill County, taken tonight during the latest Nor’Easter.

Be safe

To me, this seems to be a pretty big deal: Facebook is going to let advertisers REPUBLISH user posts

You will be updating your Facebook, doing product placements, and won’t even know it..

From the AP story:

NEW YORK (AP) — Facebook users who check in to a store or “like” a brand may soon find those actions re-transmitted on their friends’ pages as a “Sponsored Story” paid for by advertisers.

Currently there is no way for users to decline this feature

There is something really creepy about Facebook, and anyone who thinks about it knows it, even if you have a Facebook.

I have been steadily ending lots of updates on there and stopped publishing my Coal Speaker Tumblr feed on there too for fear of this very thing.. I may not matter or be a big deal to the masses of advertisers, but.. even if there’s a chance an advertiser would use me without concern is enough to make me want to quit Facebook altogether.

To me, this seems to be a pretty big deal: Facebook is going to let advertisers REPUBLISH user posts

Hopefully wherever you are today you’re not surrounded by feet of snow

13.2 Billion years young: The oldest galaxy yet discovered

13.2 Billion years young: The oldest galaxy yet discovered

Well tickle us pink: The famed Homeland Security color coded terror alerts are going..

No more orange.
No more red.
We never were green..

Well tickle us pink: The famed Homeland Security color coded terror alerts are going..

Absolutely, positively, all out ridiculous: Wal-Mart now advertising products to keep you young-- TO 8 TO 12 YEAR OLDS!


Absolutely, positively, all out ridiculous: Wal-Mart now advertising products to keep you young-- TO 8 TO 12 YEAR OLDS!

Sweet dreams.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The only thing that runs through my mind after a State of the Union, Republican response, and tea party no-eye contact tape. Goodnight all. It’s been real.

Call me opinionated by Obama making a joke about pat-downs in airports came off as tacky

Call me opinionated by Obama making a joke about pat-downs in airports came off as tacky

Sure he’s a TelePrompTer addict but at least Obama knows how to use it!!!


We’re over here, Michelle! Over here!


Paul Ryan..

Just sayin’ is all

I learned something from the State of the Union (well, post State of the Union) As President Obama was signing autographs after his speech, I realized he is left-handed

From where Boehner sits

The 'veto of earmarks' seems to have been a laugh line for Biden

...what about salmon sushi!?

We can’t win the future with a government of the past

President Obama tonight.

And I agree