Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Gas attack: Pennsylvania allows dumping of tainted waters from gas boom

Gas attack: Pennsylvania allows dumping of tainted waters from gas boom

…meanwhile in the universe, the sun was yet again setting on the planet named earth …

Scary news of the earth just keeps getting scarier

The results of a three-year study have been released showing the United States has seen a massive drop in the bumblebee population..

Similar drops have taken place in Europe and Asia..

So now birds, fish, and bees, are all dropping like flies.. Which only promises to invigorate fly population..

Birds and fish.. Dying. Has anyone brought up a possible impact from last year’s oil mess and ‘cleanup’? No facts to back up this question yet but my God it appears worth asking.

To some, simple fireworks and hail may be plausible.. But liquified insides as a result..?

NASA: Images from today's solar eclipse

NASA: Images from today's solar eclipse

100 tons of dead fish wash up on Brazil's shores

100 tons of dead fish wash up on Brazil's shores

So were they shooting off fireworks in Louisiana to celebrate January 4? … Anyone else find this mass bird death now in two states unnerving? I do.

Birds dead: Louisiana

Dropping like flies birds.. Hundreds of red-winged blackbirds fall to the ground in Louisiana..

..the same type of bird dead in Arkansas..

Another state?! Kentucky woman reports dead birds in her yard

But…..don’t be alarmed, it’s only a few

Another state?! Kentucky woman reports dead birds in her yard

Birds of a flock die together?

It’s now 5000 blackbirds over a large 5 or so Mile radius that are dead in Arkansas. But the story continues to get more mysterious.. The birds died, we’re told, of massive trauma. Their insides, including their livers, appear to have been decimated.. And so far it only appears to be one type of species of birds…

The mass fish death is being blamed on overpopulation.. The mass bird death is being blamed, on.. Fireworks? Hail? Secret government testing on blackbird livers….?

And all the while nervous residents in an ever expanding area of Arkansas look to the sky and worry about what made minced meat of thousands of birds..


Top of the morning, Earth

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcvoyXXTQyI?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=374]

The Moody Blues — In Search of the Last Chord

Monday, January 3, 2011

ABC's THE BACHELOR is a celebration of everything that is wrong with humanity

California Supreme Court says arrestees' cell phones can be searched without warrant

Relying on rulings from the 1970s, the Court ruled that defendants lose their privacy rights for any items they’re carrying when taken into custody.

California Supreme Court says arrestees' cell phones can be searched without warrant

The Arkansas bird conundrum: They are blaming... fireworks?

The Arkansas bird conundrum: They are blaming... fireworks?

Update: Dead fish line the Arkansas River..
Rumors: Animal deaths connected to government testing?
Disease suspected in mass fish death..
Officials: Falling birds died of trauma..
Dead bird videos go viral..

Are you rapture ready?

If not, get there by May 21, 2011, when the world, apparently, will end…

This, at least, according to a loosely organized Christian group trying to get the end of days message out through billboards, RVs, the internet, and whatever other means of communication exists in 2011.

But if the end doesn’t happen on 5/21/11, don’t think for a second that the prophecy is wrong.. . Oh no, no no.. As one supporter says, it just means that if you’re still here after 5/21 you have not been raptured.

"If May 21 passes and I’m still here, that means I wasn’t saved. Does that mean God’s word is inaccurate or untrue? Not at all"

Are you rapture ready?