Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The gray days are here.. 
Rainy Christmas over the white version.. no snow but cheer on the way. I hope.

Days before Christmas
And all through my town,
No smiles are found,
Only deep frowns .

The nation has weathered a tide of hate,
Rage and the like,
Demons left gates.

The moral compass is cracked and gone,
The heathens of hell are clever and strong.

The nation’s at war,
Bit our secrets came out,
Torture and weapons,
Now there’s no doubt.

Movies were canceled,
Due to a hack,
But that’s the least concern,
Of things in the stack.

It’s been a long year but it seems to fly by,
As the month turns, no doubt some will cry.

Because despite the ill will and moments of rage,
We are all still nostalgic for our place in this cage.

Christmas is here,
All through the land.
But we’ll never improve,
That’s the part I can’t stand.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Did historical Jesus really exist? The evidence just doesn’t add up.

…well at least we still have Santa.

Did historical Jesus really exist? The evidence just doesn’t add up.

The CIA Didn’t Just Torture, It Experimented on Human Beings

The NATION magazine reports the full bit of details—at least the fullest we know.

I just want to say, regardless of your opinion or perspective, everything that “loons” like Alex Jones or Cynthia McKinney have been saying for 12 years all is true.

And then some.

THE NATION details the rest of the CIA’s human experimentation history. And then the newest stuff.

Makes you surely wonder.. what is the NEWEST stuff we don’t know about yet?

The CIA Didn’t Just Torture, It Experimented on Human Beings

Ayden met Santa for the second time last night. He announced his list, but this time shortened it down to two things. I think he panicked a bit and clammed up once he was face to face with the big guy..

Although afterwards he asked a good question: What is Santa doing here right now instead of the North Pole? He knew how busy a time it was.. how did Santa have a chance to come to Ashland, PA? I reassured him .. he was not as persistent as he will be at four, or even five. 

I recall my ‘moment’ of realization came around four. So if that happens with my son, I’m just loving getting this one magical Christmas with the amazing innocence of believing in something.

Funny enough, our moment with Santa has been recorded for posterity by the POTTSVILLE REPUBLICAN. A reporter even got a quote from both of us.. John Usalis writes,

Inside the Legion post, members sold hot food while people came in to warm up. Santa Claus was also inside, ringing bells as children came to tell him their Christmas wishes.

Ayden Smolock, 3 1/2, of Ashland, was attending his first Old Fashioned Christmas and told Santa that he wanted a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sewer lair play set. He was also excited to get a candy cane from Santa. His father, Brian Smolock, enjoys coming to the event.

“The event has a very nice feel, like a mini Jim Thorpe,” Smolock said. “It’s a good atmosphere. I was over at the historical building across the street and they’re doing a good job there.”

So it is written.
SANTA, now you know. Even the media is reporting Ayden’s wish list!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Phobias may be memories passed down in genes from ancestors

This makes some true sense to me and is one step closer to what I feel the real truth is; Our reincarnated selves are being motivated in fear because of trauma in past existences.

Phobias may be memories passed down in genes from ancestors

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Twas (less than) a week before Christmas..
And all through the town,
Not a person was smiling,
It’s littered with frowns



Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Some food porn.. Bison and fried kale with raw pecans for crunch..


This is major.. This is unprecedented. The Guardians of Peace have won this battle..


Shock new SONY leak: State Department OK'd the ending of THE INTERVIEW

Shock new SONY leak: State Department OK'd the ending of THE INTERVIEW

Pakistan has begun three days of mourning in the aftermath of one of the most disgusting attacks on children that has taken place in humanity’s recent history.. The Taliban attack on the government school yesterday in Peshawar ended with 145 dead. Most of those brutal killings including shots in the head and beheadings were suffered by children..

Today the Taliban is attempting to provide justification for the senseless atrocities committed on the most innocent.. They said that the children murdered ‘aspired to follow their fathers’ footsteps’ and join into the army to target militants..  Even more, they say that the killings were to avenge the deaths that children in tribal areas suffered at the hands of other fighters.

Others believe that it may be a sign of desperation.. attackers targeting the most vulnerable and easily able to prey on isn’t brave or courageous, but instead horrendous in theory.

Others believe that the attack could very well be a response to Malala Yousafzai’s Nobel Peace Prize..
Speaking of Malala, one piece of text that she said to the United Nations on her 16th birthday is July 2013 has truth:

We realise the importance of our voice when we are silenced. In the same way, when we were in Swat, the north of Pakistan, we realised the importance of pens and books when we saw the guns. The wise saying, ‘The pen is mightier than the sword.’ It is true. The extremists are afraid of books and pens. The power of education frightens them

Books and pens. And children reading and writing, developing common sense and a higher sense of being. That does scare people with an alternative view of reality—one stuck in prehistoric times of bloodshed and tribalism that has no place in the modern world..

But this is the world we live in..
The gates of hell wide open. the demons abound to prey on the souls of the innocent.

So often I stare into the blazing stars of the night sky and ask if there is a God.. I also cry out to him and hope my prayers and words are heard.. Now and then I wonder if aliens are watching, too.

Either way, God or extraterrestrials, I hope someone makes an appearance soon to remind us of how we need to act in our ant farm called Earth. Bloodshed has becoming stifling to growth.. in the 21st century, the barbarism of the 15th has no place.

Imagine no religion?
How about this: Imagine aliens landing on the lawn of the White House. Maybe we’d start to think twice before killing our fellow human beings..

Or maybe not.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Peshawar: At a hospital near the school, blood stained the floors. Crying relatives roamed the wards and searched operating rooms, desperately searching for their sons and daughters. The Pakistani Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attack, which Pakistani officials said appeared to be aimed at the children of senior military personnel.

Peshawar: At a hospital near the school, blood stained the floors. Crying relatives roamed the wards and searched operating rooms, desperately searching for their sons and daughters. The Pakistani Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attack, which Pakistani officials said appeared to be aimed at the children of senior military personnel.

Sony Hackers Threaten 9/11 Attack on Movie Theaters That Screen ‘The Interview’

I have asked a number of times now whether the Sony hack was an act of war.. Now it appears an actual threat , an ominous one as well, is being made..

They promised a ‘Christmas gift’.. This is getting beyond creepy..

Sony Hackers Threaten 9/11 Attack on Movie Theaters That Screen ‘The Interview’

What you really Googled in 2014

Judging from what we searched for, 2014 was a very depressing and scary year..

That or the internet generation has simply grown up..

What you really Googled in 2014

Pennsylvania town tense as police hunt alleged killer

This is the second strange instance in Pennsylvania this year like this.. The first was Eric Frein, now it’s this former soldier turned family killer..

And entire area is frightened in their homes and being told to lock doors as a result of the past 48 hours of turmoil..

Pennsylvania town tense as police hunt alleged killer

Kazakhstanis hit by mystery sleeping sickness, doctors claim

Making matters weirder: Radiation from an abandoned mine is 16 times higher than normal—but the symptoms don’t match what would typically be poisoning associated with radiation.

It seems like there have been a ton of medical oddities in 2014, don’t you think?

That or our awareness is just higher..

Kazakhstanis hit by mystery sleeping sickness, doctors claim

Families dealing with mental illness need support, too.

A good read from SLATE

Families dealing with mental illness need support, too.

A revenge for Malala?

<a href=”http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/peshawar-school-attack-talibans-revenge-malala-yousafzais-nobel-peace-prize-1479754”>THE IBTIMES HAS MORE ON THAT</a> .. It’s an assertion and explanation that makes sense in a very sick way..

The horrors are only beginning to become known—teachers burning, execution style shootings, and children being beheaded ..

I am both sickened and saddened by the information coming out.. I may need to break with the news for an hour or more to clear my mind of the evil clutter that this disgusting day has brought to it..

A Peace Prize winner speaks

Malala Yousafzai: ‘I am heartbroken by this senseless and cold blooded act of terror in Peshawar that is unfolding before us. Innocent children in their school have no place in horror such as this’

Pakistan School Attack: Taliban Militants Kill 126 in Peshawar, Take Hostages

Not only were some children shot execution style one by one, but this happened too: a teacher was set on fire with gasoline and children were made to watch the teacher die..

Pakistan School Attack: Taliban Militants Kill 126 in Peshawar, Take Hostages

I want to hide from this but we collectively cannot escape it

More than 120!people, most of them children, have been killed after a group of gunmen stormed an army-run school in the Pakistani city of Peshawar.

The number of the injured is quickly rising.. As is the casualty count of the dead..

The vast majority of those dead are

This from the Associated Press dispatch only minutes prior to this post being written:

The overwhelming majority of the victims were students at the army public school, which has children and teenagers in grades 1-10.

The horrific violence, carried out by a relatively small number of militants from the Tehreek-e-Taliban group, a Pakistani militant group trying to overthrow the government, also sent dozens of wounded flooding into local hospitals as terrified parents searched for their children.

Sone children were shot execution style one by one, according to witnesses who escaped..

Government troops arrived at the school and exchanged gunfire.. At least 500 were in the school when large explosions were heard..

There are fears the numbers of dead and injured are not done rising..

This is a developing story..

The Sydney siege was yesterday’s nightmare before Christmas.. Today’s is much more violent and deadly..

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Sony Hackers Promise to Deliver Large "Christmas Gift"

It would appear things are going to get a lot worse for SONY..

Sony Hackers Promise to Deliver Large "Christmas Gift"

My wife, a proud graduate. Me, a proud husband. Ayden, a perfect angel during graduation (with the help of ear buds and an iPad.) A good day.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN0CMGNA3uk?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

Here is some cool conspiracy for your Saturday..

Sony suspends filming. And lots of other sordid truths now streaming out after hack attack

This is huge..
The news is being submitted to the masses by THE TIMES in the UK.. The reason, so the story goes, is because all of the hacking implications have now led SONY unable to process payments..

There are some other bits of news that join this headline about Sony today, including the news that Angelina Jolie cannot attend an UNBROKEN premiere because she has developed Chicken Pox!.. 

The brutal hack attack is doing a lot more hurt to credibility of not only SONY but other power players too.. Like Maureen Dowd, who according to leaked documents now being seen promised to show her column to Amy Pascal’s husband before publication.. Perhaps no ethical boundary was crossed, though? Dowd denies she did this. Sure the documents show she was going to, but now Maureen is in damage control..

With all of this information now becoming public—and more and more every day—SONY employees just got a message on their computers. From the hackers! According to an article appearing in THE WRAP, a new warning message was sent to computers.. the article dubbed it ‘ominous’. Several staffers who got the message, the WRAP says, felt disturbed after reading it..

Just to think back for a bit. This entire news cycle of hacking mania began when the Guardians of Peace delivered movies not released yet to the public after their hack job.. It wasn’t until days later that more of the drips and drabs of info was spilled. Racist emails between execs.. Dowd’s denials.. most of SONY pictures computers now offline to the point where payments cannot be processed. Social security numbers released. Families of employees getting threatening messages..  All because of THE INTERVIEW?
North Korea?
Still so many unanswered questions..

And investors have just got to be watching this.

I have asked many times over since this story developed that, if North Korea is linked and proof is evident that the nation state was behind the hack job and subsequent further hackings and warnings, then what? Is this an act of war? Cyber war is how the future’s games are going to be played.. does America respond? Did we already?

Clandestine efforts may be made in the aftermath of the PR and criminal disaster now hitting SONY.
But follow up responses may not matter when payments aren’t made, the talent cast trust the employers, and the public sees the true secrets of Tinseltown’s most ugly players.

This SONY hack attack has more implications than anyone could have imagined last month. Then it made a blip on the evening news.. A few movies released by hackers.

Today… so much more is happening. So much more of cyber war.. 

I have a feeling we are only seeing the opening credits in this long movie.

Sony suspends filming. And lots of other sordid truths now streaming out after hack attack

Crying over spilled ice: The day I quit retail shopping

Crying over spilled ice: The day I quit retail shopping

Friday, December 12, 2014

A new argument attemps to put the Christ back in Christmas: Argument that Christmas on December 25th is not from Paganism

The argument uses Biblical history as evidence that Paganism didn’t lead to Christmas.

But explains Christmas trees..?
And why the Church chose a Pagan holiday to celebrate the birth of Christ.

I love Christmas.. I think religious people and secular can agree, Christmas is fun and festive, cool and cold. 

I was born and raised Catholic, so I understand both sides of the argument. But I was never offended by the notion that Paganism was the original Christianity. I love it.. 

I even love Krampus.
I was always afraid he’s give me a stick.

A new argument attemps to put the Christ back in Christmas: Argument that Christmas on December 25th is not from Paganism

A stunning human achievement: The oceans now contain 5 trillion pieces of floating plastic

If we would have tried a bit harder, we could have got this to 300,000 tons. 

There’s always next year.

A stunning human achievement: The oceans now contain 5 trillion pieces of floating plastic

The Weather Channel waits a bit to issue their winter forecast.. the NOAA does it in the fall. I think Accuweather does it the winter before (I kid, I kid. But they do at around the end of the summer and sometimes get it right on the money in some freakishly psychic way.) 

But the Weather Channel waits. 

They waited so long I actually missed it when they issued it—November 23!

But since I was searching for weather related news—while looking outside at about 13 inches of snow that fell yesterday—I found it. Read it. Digested it. Became somewhat dyspeptic. 

The point at which I cringed:

WSI forecasters looked at several other technical indices and long-range computer models that also point to an above-average chance of blocking patterns in the northern latitudes — the kind of patterns that can force bitterly cold air from the polar and Arctic regions southward into the U.S.

WSI says that, based on conditions over the Pacific Ocean, the West Coast is more likely to be protected from those intrusions by a northward bulge in the jet stream — known as a high-pressure ridge — and that those cold air intrusions are more likely to be pointing toward the East Coast and the Deep South instead.

So. Get ready for that.

The story behind this photo.

It is a statue of Neptune. According to a number of websites, like this one, it is guarding an underground ballroom. The site linked—and many others—are showcasing a number of other photographs of the secret room under a lake in Witley Park in England.. The site has gone viral, as they say..  It is being shared across the internet and people are making their typical sarcastic and somewhat but not really humorous short lived comments about the images featured.

This is just a re-do of old articles about this very place—the UK DAILY MAIL did a profile on the ‘story behind Britain’s most bizarre folly’ in 2011.. 

But that’s the internet. A place where news cycles get spun and news stories constantly get recycled. 

On this most recent burst of news articles, it all started on REDDIT—things mostly do, either REDDIT or 4CHAN. In this case, a user posted the images of the under water ballroom and …viola.. sent around the globe.

But now this message appears on REDDIT where the image was once hosted: 

Hi, folks, I’m the guy who first posted this to /r/interestingasfuck , and it kind of spread from there.

Since then, I received a very polite email from the son of the couple who lives on this estate asking that I please take the post down. They suffer several break-ins on their property whenever information about this room hits the internet, and he’s worried both for their safety and the curious people coming to find the room. Not only is the lake an obviously dangerous place to poke around, the couple also has several firearms close at hand because break-ins are such a problem, and he is worried that someone is going to end up shot because his parents are so scared.

You’re free to do as you please, of course, but I have removed my 
post. It’s probably too late to do much good, but it’s something we can 
do to help

Perhaps even more interesting, if you follow through to the FLICKR account where the images were first (first?) posted in the year 2008, this message appears:

Since my visit, I have been informed by a number of sources that the ballroom is now also locked and alarmed. I don’t need to point out that breaking into a locked premises is breaking and entering and is illegal; it’s also against the generally accepted urban exploration rules (somewhere here: www.forbidden-places.net/why.php).

 Due to the above, please don’t contact me for access details as I won’t provide them.

I also suggest against visiting Witley as you will have a long walk around the lake only to be confronted by a padlock. If you get spotted wandering about private properly with bolt croppers, expect to be arrested.

I get this feeling, regardless of what the owner of the property hopes for, this newfound internet exposure is only going to lead to further attempts at break ins..

I grew up in Centralia, and still live close by at this point in my life adventure. For decades now, tourists and sight seers have been coming by the town to look for any bit of history or smoke filled mountains from the underground fire that they can. Often they walk away confused and disjointed—you can hardly see evidence of a burning fire, they don’t know that until they get there.  I also think that it’s probably best all of the houses besides the few with residents are gone. If not, they’d be broken into by people, things stolen.. valuables trashed. Memories bashed.

Even Chernobyl has looters and people who don’t care too much about radiation, and instead just want to get a piece of nuclear history.

In the matter of the house under the lake: The property owners will not have to face even more news coverage as these images are one again passed around. They must cringe when they turn browse the Net..

The mass face sitting begins.

Some 500 protesters will gather outside Parliament on Friday to take part in a mass “facesitting” in demonstration against new “draconian” porn laws which have banned the screening of acts largely associated with female pleasure.

These protests will feature women sitting no men’s faces. Also included: Whipping, female ejaculation, spanking and fisting—all banned by the new regulations for online porn in the UK.

Should be quite an interesting day of voicing concerns about civil liberties and the freedom of expressing. And female ejaculations. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

‘CIA will continue torture with help of mediators’ – UK's former envoy to Uzbekistan

For those who think the Senate torture roper was going to make an impact..

‘CIA will continue torture with help of mediators’ – UK's former envoy to Uzbekistan

CBS announced that May 20, 2015, will be David Letterman’s final show on the network.. 

This will be a milestone for the country. I really mean that.

Letterman may not be really all that funny anymore, but he was once so cutting edge that he was sharper than new knives. He was inventive and ironic..

I was at a taping of the LATE SHOW in the early 2000s.. Not impressed completely by that but still amazing to be in the Ed Sullivan theater. 

I grew up watching Letterman. Ever since, as a kid, I read the Frank Miller DARK KNIGHT I was inspired to figure out who the pop culture icon was featured in the comic: 

I fondly recall Friday nights, staying up late, watching LATE NIGHT and then LATE SHOW when he switched networks.. 

I also had a secret in school. Not many other kids really knew who Letterman was, so I would set my VCR each night to record his show. The next morning, before school, I watched his skits and copied some of the humor off of it, doing the same types of things at school that day. No one ever knew.

Until now.

Regardless, the whole thing changes on May 20 next year. Letterman will ride off into the sunset, and become the next biggest talk show host since Carson to leave television. Will Bette Midler kiss him, too?

I am not so sure about Stephen Colbert.. the jury is out.

But on Letterman, my decision was that he redefined late night comedy. 

Now someone has to redefine it again. I don’t think it’s Colbert.

I personally have always believed whichever network chose a woman to host a late night comedy show was going to be the one that redefined it. And that has yet to happen..

During what became quite a significant snowstorm today, I discovered something about Mutley the Dog: He refuses to walk on any part of the ground that remains untreated. ANSI shoveled, he moved down a row. If I stopped, he’d stay.

Crowd control for animals: Stop shoveling?

The sky is falling. Or changing.

I wrote what one of my friends called the weirdest of all posts yet the other day here concerning how, well.. I think the sun’s angle in the sky is changing compared to this month other times in the past. I understand this sounds loony.. I get that is also is illogical. But at the same time, photographs prove to me that something is different.. 

I note this previous post from days ago only because I received what I felt to be an interesting comment on the story.. The screen cap here:

I ask you only to add this to your already steady diet of lunacy. Watch the videos.. discern for yourselves. I am humble enough to know I should not comment much on things that I can be proven very wrong about. And this issue is one of them.. You can watch the videos yourselves and check out the links included.

I just know this: The sunset last year at this time is not where it is this year. 

That much I know.

Don't fear the reaper

The other day, while I explaining to my mother some of the best parts the future has to hold due to technology, she espoused the common belief among her age group: “I hope I’m dead by then.” Mixed in that sentiment: The fear of the future, and the regretfullness at the same time of not learning everything about the internet that she wants to. 

But she is not the only one who fears upcoming upheaval. I do, too. Technology’s advancements and human beings’ changes are occurring mighty quickly lately. No more slow drips of progress.. these days we are printing in 3D everything from houses to lungs and the future, oh that future, appears to be muddled in some kind of puddle transhumanism/eternal health and happiness.

Regardless of the niceties to come, there are reasons to fear.. When certain governments use progress to hurt society that is awful. When corporations hate their customer and worker, that is equally unfair.. 

In a sense, robotic advancements on their own are neither moral or immoral. A robot lacks a soul, it lacks the consciousnesses of life.. We think at least. But let’s go with the idea that they do.. When human beings, rife with more good and evil thoughts, get a hold of the robot, bad things can happen.

A robot can be used to build a house.
Or destroy an entire village of women and children in a war.
Take you pick.

On the fear concept, we are hearing from Google’s Eric Schmidt. He says to embrace the brave new world of the artificial future..don’t fear the reaper.

WIRED reports in more detail. Issie Lapowsky writes,

According to Schmidt, people have been concerned about machines taking over the world for centuries. “Go back to the history of the loom. There was absolute dislocation,” he said, “but I think all of us are better off with more mechanized ways of getting clothes made.” Plus, he argued, in the past economies have prospered the more they adopt these new technologies. “There’s lots of evidence that when computers show up, wages go up,” he said. “There’s lots of evidence that people who work with computers are paid more than people without.”

The real threat, he believes, is that education systems around the world aren’t teaching their students the skills they need to work together with these increasingly intelligent machines. “The correct concern,” Schmidt explained, “is what we’re going to do to improve the education systems and incentive systems globally, in order to get people prepared for this new world, so they can maximize their income.”

Lapwosky goes on to write of how Schmidt thinks that technology is much more primitive than people think. I agree with him on that. I do not think we are quite ‘there’ yet as far as the real rapid fire changes that society is going to have to adapt to. I do disagree with him, too. I think humanity is not ready for robots to replace their jobs. Government is not ready, either.. businesses may not be either! 

Robots are doing everything from picking apples in farms to making cars to serving food at restaurants. All things have a mechanical element. Even the idea of bureaucrats pushing paper for hours a day in theory could be replaced by a robot doing the same—and perhaps more efficiently without office gossip or smoke breaks to boot.

People used to be freaked by Google. Remember about ten years ago when Gmail was introduced? Millions of people are shocked to learn that Google would be able to scan personal email to use it as product placement and ad generation. (and much much more, we just don’t talk about that) .. Then millions of people signed up and all was forgotten. 

Same will occur here. Everything is eventual. And technological advancements are as well..

But for the betterment of society? Only society’s response in years will tell us the real tale of what good or bad effect it had..

I can say this, though: We need to start preparing now for a majority of people not working, not having the ability to compete with robots, and signing up for government benefits.

Maybe the idea of the wage floor will make sense to a society in the future.

Maybe that future is coming very, very soon..

DEADLINE SPLASHES: Sony E-Mails Shocker: Amy Pascal, Scott Rudin Have Hollywood-Size Egos! Filmmakers React

But even more important from the DEADLINE read on this SONY hack job: Why are people who had projects with SONY suddenly tweeting their horror at the SONY hack? One even saying the information dump is ‘terrorism.’

My take: They are reading the trove of emails between Pascal and Rudin.. they are seeing the racist comments about the President.. they are amazed at the free flowing hatred of Jolie.. and they are looking themselves in the mirror attempting to recall what type of sordid things they wrote while under contract or employ at SONY..

Philip Lord called the SONY hack terrorism—noteworthy that this battle cry waited for almost ten days to be made..

Rian Johnson said “This Sony hack is some vile shit.” 

In the spirit of full disclosure, I also asked the question: If the Sony hack was inspired by a nation state or conducted by one, is that an act of war?  That was written on November 30—when the SONY leak actually occurred and the “GOP” group claimed responsibility..

Since then major news outlets, both of the Hollywood kind and the mainstream, have latched onto the controversial emails and could care less about why they were hacked or what ramifications it has on geo political affairs.

At first I thought SONY was trying to make a positive out of a negative, turn this into a story about North Korea attacking them over a movie, and using that to advertise the movie. Since that point, this has fallen apart for SONY, with investors and big money getting wary of what they will read next.

And read lots we are. Those big media outlets are in a feeding frenzy going through the bits and bytes of email for the next salacious thing.

Meanwhile, the INTERVIEW is readying for its debut and North Korea is silently smiling at the entire event..

Strange times we live in, indeed.

DEADLINE SPLASHES: Sony E-Mails Shocker: Amy Pascal, Scott Rudin Have Hollywood-Size Egos! Filmmakers React

BUZZFEED REPORTS: ISIS Is Trying To Sell The Body Of U.S. Hostage James Foley For $1 Million

BUZZFEED REPORTS: ISIS Is Trying To Sell The Body Of U.S. Hostage James Foley For $1 Million

Oh bloody hell mate!

Check out this scene.. 100+ mph gusts and a massive storm sweeping the UK.. 

I am sure the photos and news videos I am seeing on this just aren’t doing any justice to how raw and massive this storm is..

My hope is that British and other readers from the UK message me or SUBMIT news or photos to me of just how bad it is..

Hacked SONY emails now reveal true feelings on race: Scott Rudin On Obama's Favorite Movies: "I Bet He Likes Kevin Hart"

A few things can certainly be taken from this.. Regardless of how many people in Hollywood voted for President Obama, there are still filled with racist and bigoted intent.. The emails may prove that—unless of course they were just slickly joking in some form of an ironic sense of humor knowing the emails would never become public.

Until the Guardians of Peace stole them on behalf of North Korea. Or whatever happened.

Now we know.. Hollywood elites think that Angelina Jolie is a brat, and that black presidents will only watch movies about black people. The BUZZFEED report on the email chain now making some news,

In what has become the latest embarrassing email uncovered in a trove of messages leaked by hackers who attacked Sony, Pascal wrote Rudin: “What should I ask the president at this stupid Jeffrey breakfast?” She was referring to a breakfast hosted by DreamWorks Animation head and major Democratic donor Jeffrey Katzenberg.

Rudin, a top film producer responsible for films like No Country for Old Men andMoneyball, responded, “Would he like to finance some movies.” Pascal replied, “I doubt it. Should I ask him if he liked DJANGO?” Rudin responded: “12 YEARS.” Pascal quickly continued down the path of guessing Obama preferred movies by or starring African Americans. “Or the butler. Or think like a man? [sic]”

Rudin’s response: “Ride-along. I bet he likes Kevin Hart.”

So what else did these two crazy cats have to say? Oh.. give it a bit, it looks like we’ll find out.

Hacked SONY emails now reveal true feelings on race: Scott Rudin On Obama's Favorite Movies: "I Bet He Likes Kevin Hart"

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Coal Speaker Christmas 2014 family portrait has been taken. Mutley is edging in closer.. The leg lamp is on. The Christmas lights, though, are still balled up in a disgraceful mess on the desk. My wife Tara is a graduate and, as you can see, Ayden is fully engaged with snow and throwing it accordingly at me.. 

A little not: Ayden requested Frankenstein in a Christmas hat. Really.

He sees the little logo on top of CoalSpeaker.com when either update the site or view it.. he always stops and tells me to include Frankenstein, because he says Frankie is a ‘good guy.’  

So he joins the family in the Christmas spirit. 

BPA exposure linked to quick rise in blood pressure

I am not surprised that there is more medical evidence compounding the already clear dangers of BPA exposure in humans. And don’t forget: Every time you drink from a can or plastic bottle, you’re exposing your heart. When you drink a can of beer, you’re already upping your blood pressure. Add BPA to the mix and you’ve just created a cocktail of confusion for your body to attempt to digest.. Not a good circumstance at all.

Mother Nature Network goes on to write in the report, 

For the study, which was published in the journal Hypertension, researchers recruited 60 older participants, most of whom had never had issues with high blood pressure (although some did.) They asked the participants to drink soy milk from either a can or a glass bottle on three separate occasions, spaced apart by several weeks. The researchers chose soy milk because it does not have any effect on blood pressure and it is also fairly neutral in terms of leaching BPA from can or bottle liners, according to The New York Times.

The research team from Seoul National University’s department of preventive medicine in Korea found that when the participants drank soy milk from a can, their urine levels of BPA rose almost instantly — and so did their blood pressure. But when the same people drank the same beverage from glass bottles, which don’t use BPA linings, their BPA levels and blood pressure remained unchanged. 

The research did not look at how long BPA levels remained elevated, but the authors did raise the concern that even a short increase in blood pressure — repeated several times a day through BPA exposure in drinks and food containers — could have lasting effects on cardiovascular health. 

That does make sense to me. Even short-duration elevations have dangers..

And for me, I am having an eye opening experience. My latest addiction has became cans of seltzer water.. Perhaps I need to rethink my options…

HOWEVER»There are two sides to every table of food. The Center for Accountability in Science is raising some alarms on the alarm bell raised in the alarming report on BPA. 

They say the group studied—mostly women—was too small to conduct an accurate accounting to garner a conclusion.. even more, they said that there are gross overstatements in the report.

Should should I crack opened a third seltzer water today?

Or just drink down some bottled beer and chase it with coffee? Questions..questions..

BPA exposure linked to quick rise in blood pressure
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz9e0PGSDeU?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

Predictive programming?

Expect either a big quake in Cali or, in some fashion, Dwayne Johnson will be the hero of 2015.

Now we know..
Thanks to the Guardians of Peace, the hacking group that may have worked on behalf of NORTH KOREA and decimated the personal information of Hollywood stars and threw Sony’s entire business operations into the public eye.

And apparently lots of folks really dislike Angelina Jolie. Including producer Scott Rudin.

According to some newly leaked emails from the information dump from the GOP, Rudin is on record saying that Jolie is a “minimally talented spoiled brat.” .. and another: “YOU BETTER SHUT ANGIE DOWN BEFORE SHE MAKES IT VERY HARD FOR DAVID TO DO JOBS.”

VARIETY has the full story..
As does the group GUARDIANS OF PEACE.

Among the billions of posts and GIFs online right now, there are a few little creepy ones that stand out for me.. They all come from the Tumblr account for the upcoming January 2015 film THE WOMAN IN BLACK 2 . The site is http://womaninblack2.tumblr.com/.. you can find gems, like the one I feature with this post, and others including an arm reaching out to a woman from a baby carriage, freakish images of people screaming, and clever other ways the movie makers are getting their message out on social media.

But I see these THE WOMAN IN BLACK 2 images being shared more than any others online in some time. Perhaps it’s because the there second clips are macabre and downright creepy—as the one featured here .. No matter how many loops over again it makes, each time I see it I still stop and get just a bit of a chill at the face on my screen..

And that is smart for THE WOMAN IN BLACK 2 . People like GIFs.. the online community enjoys quick laughs and even quicker scares.. The movie is drumming up interesting simply by users freely passing around GIFs and other images with #SheNeverLeft as the tag…

And that is how marketing is now.. A chimp with half a brain and an empty wallet can do it. But to do it effectively, you need to know your audience, your platform, and the style of people who would share images like those being given out by the makers of THE WOMAN IN BLACK 2 ..

I remember a time when images online had copyrights and those copyrights mean something.. Big studios would sent out directives to websites —like mine—demanding a cease and desist on the publication of certain movie images.. But now? Now things are quite the alternate. Now studios and Hollywood executives are fine with their movie stills being shared. They even help. They upload to platforms hoping that users ‘reblog’ and make them go viral—all free, all fast. And all effective.

Those cease and desists are long gone. Now we are encouraged to steal those images and post away—knowing the end result will add to the word of mouth advertising.

Everything I just said is common sense and has been so for years. But i still get a little impressed when I come across a TUMBLR site or media site as effective as the one for THE WOMAN IN BLACK 2 .

The movie has another thing going for it: It’s being released in January, it’s PG-13, and it comes after the Christmas season ends.. I personally think that January releases for horror are a good thing. By that point, we have had it up to our mistletoe in Christmas cheer and happiness. We want to be scared again.. and teenagers, those who will most likely make up the vast majority of the PG-13 release crowd on January 2 in the wide box office open for THE WOMAN IN BLACK 2, will eat this horror up.

The distributor is RELATIVITY.. No word yet officially on the number of theaters the film debuts in. But it’s a wide release. And an even wider TUMBLR world of image sharing..

TIME made its call.. the yearly ritual of waiting to see who a nearly irreverent magazine will decide was the most important person of the year is here again. This one was out of left field for me.. I did not expect them to choose a series of people, ‘the Ebola fighters,’ as the person that mattered.. I thought for sure TIME would focus in on the Ferguson story and name the ‘protester’ as the person—though they did that in 2011..  I was wrong.

Perhaps if EBOLA gets really, really bad, next year’s person could be the EBOLA patient. And then TIME could just include another mirror on the cover like they did for the 'You' as the person of the year in 2006.

This could also be a clever way to sell magazine—five covers?? I have always been aware of the theory that local newspapers utilize local sports to sell fishwrappers—every high school football player, baseball player, or track star buys up the issue when they are featured. As do their family members and friends.

In this regard, TIME will sell at least 5 magazine this year, and maybe a few dozen more will buy because they know the person on the cover.

But seriously..The reception for TIME’s choice has been positives, according to the TWITTER feeds I follow. People are roundly applauding TIME for picking brave people who fought Ebola and risked their own safety.. 

I personally think this is a safe choice for TIME to make—one that will have no opponents and be affectionately thought of as a positive decision for the corporate magazine..Nurses and doctors could get the choice as person of the year every year.. As could police officers and others. 

I think my choice for person of the year—the one who most influenced the news and changed the course of history over the past 12 months (by definition, this is how TIME decides) would be: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the soccer playing Ph.D. who became the leader of ISIS.

When weather models dash dreams

My son is going to wake up for day care in about 20 minutes. In his perfect world he would have not , though.. See, even though Ayden is three and a half, he gets it. He understands the excitement and buzz created by snowstorm hype.. he knows that workers at his day care were unusually happy yesterday—he even told us why: They were actively speaking of a day off because of a monster snow storm that would hit.

So last night, around 7pm when it was not snowing.. I figured it wasn’t going to.. weather models seemingly got this one very, very wrong. At least for my little region of Pennsylvania..

Days ago, 6 to 12 inches were predicted.
This morning: It’s cold, windy.. and dry as could be. The only reminder that precipitation even occurred are wet pavements and puddles of rain that never changed to frozen liquid.

Ayden may not be happy.. but the high schoolers among us will be even worse off.

I hated these days—those storms where forecasters botched things up beyond wildest expectations and dreams were dashed of days off.. School is on for all of those kids who expected 6 inches of road blocking bus stopping snow. 

I hated these mornings as a student.. 
I trust my son Ayden will as well, along with anyone else reading this who expected a snow day.

Good news may be that the storm is just developing differently than first expected.. I am forecast to get some snow tonight into tomorrow. So .. heads up: Buses could still be affected in the very near future.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Pennywise's new dance

"IT" is coming back.

And I am sure entirely that ‘it’ is a good thing..

Pennywise's new dance

Facts Buried In The Senate’s 600 Page Torture Report

Some more of the noteworthy things brought forth in the torture report..

This may be of particular interest, 

“[A]n “intellectually challenged” man whose CIA detention was used solely as leverage to get a family member to provide information, two individuals who were intelligence sources for foreign liaison services and were former CIA sources, and two individuals whom the CIA assessed to be connected to al-Qa’ida based solely on information fabricated by a CIA detainee subjected to the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques.” [Page 12]

And this

“CIA officers also threatened at least three detainees with harm to their families—to include threats to harm the children of a detainee, threats to sexually abuse the mother of a detainee, and a threat to “cut [a detainee’s] mother’s throat.” [Page 4]

And one more

“Conditions at CIA detention sites were poor, and were especially bleak early in the program. CIA detainees at the COBALT detention facility were kept in complete darkness and constantly shackled in isolated cells with loud noise or music and only a bucket to use for human waste. Lack of heat at the facility likely contributed to the death of a detainee. The chief of interrogations described COBALT as a “dungeon.” Another seniorCIA officer stated that COBALT was itself an enhanced interrogation technique.” [Page 4]

Facts Buried In The Senate’s 600 Page Torture Report



Horrifying revelations drip out as media continues to go through Senate Torture Report


Just keep telling yourself that they hate us for our freedom.

A not so brief wrap on what reporters are finding out as they slowly peruse the Senate report on torture.. 

I assume many more will be coming forth over the coming hours..

A scathing report released by the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday found that the Central Intelligence Agency routinely misled the White House and Congress about the information it obtained from the detention and interrogation of terrorism suspects, and that its methods were more brutal than the C.I.A. acknowledged either to Bush administration officials or to the public.

One new revelation I hadn’t heard of until now that surfaced in this report: Rectal feeding.

The NEW YORK TIMES reports, 

Detainees were deprived of sleep for as long as a week, and were sometimes told that they would be killed while in American custody. With the approval of the C.I.A.’s medical staff, some C.I.A. prisoners were subjected to medically unnecessary “rectal feeding” or “rectal hydration” — a technique that the C.I.A.’s chief of interrogations described as a way to exert “total control over the detainee.” C.I.A. medical staff members described the waterboarding of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the chief planner of the Sept. 11 attacks, as a “series of near drownings.”

Total control indeed..
The breaking down of human beings by those who did it best..

A scathing report released by the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday found that the Central Intelligence Agency routinely misled the White House and Congress about the information it obtained from the detention and interrogation of terrorism suspects, and that its methods were more brutal than the C.I.A. acknowledged either to Bush administration officials or to the public.

Mashable: The advice 13 entrepreneurs would give their younger selves

Call me negative, but I agree with very few of these—and really even the ones I agree with I don’t classify as being important..

There are two paths to success: Luck and hard work. 

The hard work is the one where it seems the most failures take place..
The luck?
Well let me say it this way.. there are a number of business owners I know that fall into three categories:

  1. People who are smart, but don’t have confidence in themselves or the choices they make. They mean well, but often have too much doubt to succeed

  2. People who are dumb, and make really dumb decisions. They know they are dumb..

  3. People who are dumb, but don’t know they are dumb, and have wild success in business..

I know a farmer who opened a restaurant. He does not have great people skills, only a small click of friends.. but a successful business. No tact. But a track record of just making food and having a place. Not too shabby.

I am a little negative about good business experiences.. I think it’s more a matter of dumb luck—sometimes literally.

Mashable: The advice 13 entrepreneurs would give their younger selves

CIA Torture Report: Bush Was Kept in the Dark

CIA Torture Report: Bush Was Kept in the Dark

US prepares for security risks from torture report

US prepares for security risks from torture report

Strange new twists in SONY HACK ATTACK

The GOP did it. 
Not the grand old party.. but the North Korean supported hacker group. Unless SONY is just trying to make us believe that to advertise THE INTERVIEW.

In entertainment, and geo-political affairs, never believe what you read. The truth will come out 20 years later.

Strange new twists in SONY HACK ATTACK

How to Make Pennsylvania Coal-Cracker Apple Pie Boilo

This is from the website http://poconofoothills.hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Make-Pennsylvania-Coal-Cracker-Apple-Pie-Boil-O.. Didn’t really ever hear of it until a Facebook message told me to go to it.

I have had boilo before.. And I have made it too.. My recipe for success isn’t the greatest, I am not as skilled as others are in making the concoction. But if you never had it before, you should try some.. It goes great in the autumn or winter. And let me say this, while it has been about three years since I had boilo (and about 6 months since I even had alcohol), this drink is the best when you are sick, with a cold or flu.. There is something magical about downing an intense amount of warm alcohol with a subtle cinnamon flavor..

In my region, each year there are boilo contests and people who made large quantities of it to give as Christmas gifts.. When you get it as a gift you feel extra special, like someone really loves you enough to give you 200 proof liquid. Christmas cheer comes fast.

But be warned, if the source of your boilo knows what he or she is doing, chances are you will be consuming lots of alcohol very fast. Boilo has a tendency to taste like the greatest thing you’ve ever had. Get some good warm bread to go with it.. or soup. Make it a holiday night to remember..

How to Make Pennsylvania Coal-Cracker Apple Pie Boilo

Fast times

Have not gotten the time to get much to this site in a bit.. Sporadic events of the real kind have kept me from it.. Le me apologize to anyone who is concerned. Unless you already forgot about me and moved on.. As happens so often online.

Stay tuned for more. Or less.

Or neither.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Here’s what happened when a news site only reported good news for a day

No one visited

To me this is not shocking..

I can never understand what people mean when they say ‘the news is too negative..’ Haven’t they seen the world? Quite frankly the news is filtered and w are hardly told the truth.. That the more offensive part than over negative news..

Here’s what happened when a news site only reported good news for a day

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Some Bay Area Residents Report Mysterious Flashes In The Sky During Napa Quake

This is actually very normal—there seem to be reports around the world similar to this very incident. The CBS affiliate in San Francisco wrote this, 

Friedemann Freund, a scientist with the SETI Institute in Mountain View, said the same thing happened during Sunday morning’s earthquake. And it wasn’t a transformer blowing up or UFOs.

“What they are, are a consequence of the stresses building up deep below the earth, seven miles like in the case of the Napa Valley earthquake,” Freund told KPIX 5.

Earthquake lights are an interesting phenomena. 

The BBC ran a good report on the strange occurrences.. At that time, scientists were opening their minds to the possibility that these quakes happen with 5.0s are greater, and that the Fukushima quake had the same precursor .. Even more interesting concerning Fukushima: Not only were there sky quakes, but also the atmosphere ABOVE Japan heated rapidly before the 9.0 earth shattering shake that his that nation in 2011. There was the very good chance that the atmosphere was hit by the quake before the land was jolted..

While science is still investigating the potential reasons that any of this happens, we know this: The atmosphere and the land seem to go hand in hand.. and the latest 6.0 earthquake gives evidence that some things are deeper and more interesting than meet the eye..

Some Bay Area Residents Report Mysterious Flashes In The Sky During Napa Quake

What I never knew about cuckoos: Some cuckoos raise their own young, but others are brood parasites—birds that leave their eggs in other birds' nests, duping the hosts into rearing their offspring and freeing themselves in the process to lay more eggs instead of investing time and energy in foraging and feeding babies.

And with that, I’ll never look at a cuckoo clock without anger.

What I never knew about cuckoos: Some cuckoos raise their own young, but others are brood parasites—birds that leave their eggs in other birds' nests, duping the hosts into rearing their offspring and freeing themselves in the process to lay more eggs instead of investing time and energy in foraging and feeding babies.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

NEW YORK TIMES splashes headline: Obama Pursuing Climate Accord in Lieu of Treaty

The NEW YORK TIMES correctly points out this:

But under the Constitution, a president may enter into a legally binding treaty only if it is approved by a two-thirds majority of the Senate.

And it then goes on to say how President Obama will get around that pesky rule:

To sidestep that requirement, President Obama’s climate negotiators are devising what they call a “politically binding” deal that would “name and shame” countries into cutting their emissions


NEW YORK TIMES splashes headline: Obama Pursuing Climate Accord in Lieu of Treaty

The Satanic Black Mass is a go in Oklahoma City

This story had my attention for several weeks now.. the ongoing battle between the satanic group at the Catholic Church has been heated.

An Oklahoma-based satanic group called Dakhma of Angra Mainyu has leased space in the Civic Center Music Hall, which is owned and operated by the city, for a black mass on Septetember the 21st 2014.. The Catholic Church and a number of other Christian organizations attempted to stop it.. 

Just today we found out this: The archbishop of Oklahoma City has dropped his lawsuit trying to stop the group from hosting their mass. Apparently they returned consecrated communion hosts back to the Church.. They were planning on desecrating the hosts during their service..

This from Christine Rousselle of TOWN HALL:

While Archbishop Coakley is glad that the group no longer plans to desecrate the Eucharist, he is still urging the city to cancel the event as it is greatly offensive to the quarter of a million Catholics who reside in Oklahoma.

The website WORLD NET DAILY has been following the black mass for some time—say what you will about the website, but they are presenting some key information concerning the legal battle and public outcry concerning the mass..

I offer no stance on whether Oklahoma City should allow the satanic mass or whether the Catholic Church is right to stop it, but I will offer this: This is some proof that the ‘news’ of the mainstream has been amazingly paranormal over the past few months.. Black masses, stories of houses getting possessed, people possessed.. All of this on front pages..

If you’re an atheist, none of this matters at all and each stance is comical.. If you believe a spiritual war is taking place, you’re most likely picking a side..

Beheaded Goat, Other Dead Animals Found in Westchester

Beheadings seemingly are happening everywhere.. ISIS.. Saudi Arabia.. New York.. 

The Westchester county SPCA is investigating the headless goat and other animals found in New York.. Many of the animals found were beheaded.

Earlier in August, there were mutilated and beheaded cats found in Philadelphia .. not only there, but there were also severed cats heads found in the UK..

Also .. this has been happening for a bit of time.. Back in May 2014, 25 dead cats were wrapped in plastic bags and hung from trees in Yonkers, NY..


Have those gates of hell really opened?
Are we seeing a global blood sacrifice of humans and animals? 

Beheaded Goat, Other Dead Animals Found in Westchester

Google has reportedly solved the problem tonight, but but when a weird image kept appearing on every search result today, it became a bit freaky..

Early today, people were wondering if Google was hacked to show a Russian car crash..  A number of searches, including ‘iPad air,’ were coming up with the strange image.. Reports actually came in from all across the planet Earth of the problem—but the oddity seemingly was that some people in the same building could not replicate what their co-workers were finding, as the Washington POST reported today..

While the glitch may be itched, there’s not much more to find out about it.. Hacked or not.. it was bizarre..

MIT Scientists Say Humans Would Rather Take Orders From Robots

That’s right.. turn in your apron, servers.. put down the ice shaker, bartenders.. Robots are coming.. And with them come happiness. According to MIT.

I don’t know if I believe the study..
And even more.. I find it to be programming—putting the thought into the conscious world so the unconscious mind accepts it.

MIT Scientists Say Humans Would Rather Take Orders From Robots

Media reports warn Francis has become target of IS terrorists

It really was just a matter of time before this happened, right?

Media reports warn Francis has become target of IS terrorists

MY GOD.. When did Gene Simmons join ISIS!?

ESCAPIST picks: The Scream Queens: 4 Actresses Who Defined A Horror Genre

Marilyn Burns—RIP. I agree.. a legend..

Jamie Lee Curtis, another agreeable selection by the ESCAPIST.

Janet Leigh from PSYCHO.. Good pick, didn’t think of that one.

But the fourth should have been one of the best: Heather Langenkamp from NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET.. I often think her role as Nancy defined the 1980s comeback kick and set into motion a generation of feminist strength. I am serious about that.. I believe she was an inspiration for a lot of girls.. Her roles in the Freddy films she appeared in should never be forgotten..


Doesn’t get any better than Nancy..

ESCAPIST picks: The Scream Queens: 4 Actresses Who Defined A Horror Genre

Ferguson cop who arrested journalist being sued for tying up and choking 12-year-old boy

The HUFFINGTON POST broke that news..


According to the Post‘s Ashley Alman and Ryan J. Reilly, the lawsuit, filed in September 2012 in a Missouri federal court, accuses Officer Justin Cosma of choking the boy around the neck and throwing him to the ground during a June 2010 encounter.

At the time, Cosma was working as a deputy for the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office. The lawsuit states that he and his partner, identified as Richard Carter, approached the boy while he was checking his mail outside his home and asked if the boy, identified as “DB” in the suit, was playing on a nearby highway.

No words..

Ferguson cop who arrested journalist being sued for tying up and choking 12-year-old boy

A Secret Code in Google Translate?

Oh fun times.. 
Lorem Ipsum —NATO

A Secret Code in Google Translate?

Monday, August 25, 2014

Syfy's 'Lost Girl' Ending After Fifth Season

The show will end after its upcoming fifth season—even though ratings in Canada are high and the show has a dedicated following in the United States. Fans flocked to LOST GIRL and it became a sensation with a cult following who spend time reading and writing fan fiction, and Tweeting live during programs.. 


Showcase ordered 16 episodes for season five, to be split into two parts.

The first eight episodes will start airing on Showcase on December 7, with the second batch to air in fall 2015.

Syfy did not indicate when the fifth season will air on its network.

My wife is also very upset about this…it was her favorite show for four seasons..  The only thing I could say to console her is that I went through the same thing when Art Bell retired. And retired. And retired. And retired. And retired. 

Come to think of it…


Maybe I should have watched this show, too..

Good thing for her fangirl series: There will only be one series finale.

Syfy's 'Lost Girl' Ending After Fifth Season

A Man Known As ‘The Penis Collector’ Was Found With Jars Of Human Penises In His Home

Read it and wince.

A Man Known As ‘The Penis Collector’ Was Found With Jars Of Human Penises In His Home

NBC news reports: A construction boom of pipelines carrying explosive oil and natural gas from “fracking” fields to market — pipes that are bigger and more dangerous than their predecessors -– poses a safety threat in rural areas, where they sometimes run within feet or yards of homes with little or no safety oversight, an NBC News investigation has found.

We’re fracked..

NBC news reports: A construction boom of pipelines carrying explosive oil and natural gas from “fracking” fields to market — pipes that are bigger and more dangerous than their predecessors -– poses a safety threat in rural areas, where they sometimes run within feet or yards of homes with little or no safety oversight, an NBC News investigation has found.

A must read from the LA TIMES: Complicated case of a leaky radioactive dump in New Mexico

The main gist of what to know: In February, a 55-gallon drum of nuclear waste erupted and began spewing radioactive foam. Oh, and then it went airborne. And this: 150 workers were NOT TOLD TO MOVE away from it until about 10 hours after the white foam eruption.. Oh, and this: Nine days before the radiation release, a truck caught on fire underground and burns for hours before people knew about it.. And the best: The government failed to do any radiation tests despite peaks after the leak..

A must read from the LA TIMES: Complicated case of a leaky radioactive dump in New Mexico

Court: Silence can be used against suspects

You have the right to remain silent. But now that means you’re guilty.. 

Miranda once mattered..

Court: Silence can be used against suspects

Saudi Arabia executes 19 in one half of August in 'disturbing surge of beheadings'

So.. that’s what “allies” are for?

Saudi Arabia executes 19 in one half of August in 'disturbing surge of beheadings'

The blue sky blues

The weather is perfect today here in my home town.. the low 80s, no humidity.. perfectly blue sky with no chemtrails in sight.

It must have been really insulting as kids headed off for their first day of school of the 2014/15 year.

I myself recall these days, back in the grind of high school, sweating through 7th period and hating every minute of the walk home in heat.

But as you get older, you appreciate this warmth.. the winter begins to set in.. and the cold hurts. It bites at you like it’s sucking away life and time …

But today is beautiful.. Just amazing. Unless you’re on a big yellow bus coming home from hell.

The family of Michael Brown said that, days before his shooting death at the hands of the Ferguson police officer, he confessed Jesus was his savior and said soon the entire world would know his name..

The family of Michael Brown said that, days before his shooting death at the hands of the Ferguson police officer, he confessed Jesus was his savior and said soon the entire world would know his name..

VOODOO returns to New Orleans

VOODOO returns to New Orleans

Hundreds of gas plumes have been found off the Atlantic Coastline of the United States, bubbling away..  They may have been bubbling for a while. But how would we know, we just discovered them..

The aftermath of the 6.1 quake in San Francisco:  Large cracks in highways, some cracks 10 feet deep and hundreds of feet long.. Apart of the reports of the quake: An explosion happened first and then shaking for about 30 seconds later.. One witness interviewed said that the shaking from this quake seemed ‘worse’ than previous quakes..  And it’s just the start?

But here’s a great example of CREATIVITY after the quake!  Rock on, sk8ters.

Add this to the weird mix of quake news: On August 22, before the San Francisco earthquake, the Salton Sea stink caused an ‘odor advisory’ to be issued.. There was a ‘rotten egg’ smell before weeks before..

Reports indicate that the SAN FRAN shakes may cost a billion bucks..

California quake: Was this the one before the 'Big One'?

California quake: Was this the one before the 'Big One'?

Sunday, August 24, 2014

7.0-magnitude quake strikes Peru, USGS says

Tension builds somewhere and must be released somewhere else. I have a feeling that the strong quakes are not done yet

7.0-magnitude quake strikes Peru, USGS says

This Is What Northern California Looks Like After Earthquake

This Is What Northern California Looks Like After Earthquake

I wrote this back in March of this year along with the cartoon posted of a new tree limb going into a classroom.. It’s interesting to note that originally, this cartoon implicated that there was a positive in the Axe, molding students into identical pieces of wood..

I wrote this in March:

This is a piece of art from the Internet I found.. no clue as to its origins or who created it—I’d give credit if I knew. But I just love it.. Who DIDN’T feel like this as they walked into school classrooms each morning? And for those still in school who are reading this, I felt this way too. I fear my son, only age 3, will one day be thinking the same thoughts.. so often it feels like a big PINK FLOYD song as you go through your childhood. There seems to be so many adults who are dead set on ruining a kid’s dream or stomping down imagination.. There are teachers, parents, bus drivers, and principals who become a nightmare for children.. There are moments in time when living in childhood is a prison unto itself—where bullies thrive and hopes dive. But to those who read this facing the same hell of the brain: Be strong. School will one day be out forever. And when you’re 15 years post high school graduation, the good memories may remain and the bad will shrink.. Some of them.

But I also say this, to those who are reading this right now being bullied: You don’t have to be the victim. You’re better than the bully.. you’re smarter.. you’re more intelligent. And you’re more honest with yourself. Be as strong as you can be, don’t allow the darkness of sadness creep in, it’s not worth it. And more than anything else, don’t ever lose who you are.. then a bully wins. I’ve been down paths similar.. And it’s rough. But after the storm passes you’ll see how beautiful the sun can be..
I fear future moments with my own child.. I fear what other kids—and adults—are capable of. Having a child changed everything, and continues to do so.. E V E R Y T H I N G.

I felt it was appropriate to re-blog the matter for everyone’s enjoyment, now that school is beginning all over again.. Whether it’s the indoctrination of grade school, the prison of high school, or the supposedly free minded slavery called college, keep your minds fresh, young, and immune from it all.. Learn what you can but forget what is untrue.. realize the truth is deeper than skin and goes far beyond this planet. 

And though school for me is a long memory, I am watching my own son grow and soon be shuttled off on a big yellow bus—the bus I used to get sick seeing this time of year. As a matter of fact, even at the age of 33, I still get sick when I see them every morning..

Education… be molded .. but do some of the molding yourself.

Good luck students..
Eat your pudding.

Injuries, Fires After 6.0 Quake Rocks Napa, State of Emergency Declared

Injuries, Fires After 6.0 Quake Rocks Napa, State of Emergency Declared

San Francisco quake: The fault line responsible was dormant for over a million years

San Francisco quake: The fault line responsible was dormant for over a million years

Structural problems in buildings after Napa quake

Structural problems in buildings after Napa quake

Icelandic volcano could trigger Britain's coldest winter EVER this year

Not sure if friends in the UK have any more luck than the Americans across the pond saying the name of the volcano, but apparently they will most dramatically be affected first by a big quake—well, after Iceland and global air travel..

It’s not a nuclear winter.. but an Iceland type.. 

Icelandic volcano could trigger Britain's coldest winter EVER this year

Miley’s twerking caused San Fran to shake. Someone needs to stop her now

Shake at the witching hour: San Fran quake!

A 6.1-magnitude earthquake hit the northern San Francisco Bay area early Sunday, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

Twitter lit up with images of people’s wine collections broken on kitchen floors, but there does not appear to be much more damages than that.. Extensive kitchen appliances hit, but buildings remain intact—compared to what could have been, the Napa valley (wine central) can count itself lucky.

No reports of injuries…
Some power outages.

But lots of jittery people being woken up at the witching hour. 3:20am on the left coast.

And perhaps a lesson and reminder of fright to come. There is always the chance of a big quake hitting. With such fault tension lately, the pressure needs to release somewhere..


Am I weird for subscribing to print newsmagazines? I have been a happy TIME magazine subscriber since I was 13 years old.. And recently started getting THE WEEK at my doorstep. I’m so 2000 and late.. Partying like it’s 1999 thinking print still matters. But to hold a magazine in the hand—smell the pages as they turn. Now that’s news to use..

US considers broad military action against ISIS in Iraq and Syria


coalspeaker, you got that story from rt.com? Don’t trust those guys. They’re owned by Russia. Might as well be trusting CNN to be accurate!


Ok.. FAIR POINT about RT thepete.. But try this: The UK GUARDIAN reports that the United States is aiming for air strikes on targets in Syria..

Now it’s real.

US considers broad military action against ISIS in Iraq and Syria


You can read her full ultra-sarcastic op-ed in the NEW YORK TIMES..She writes as President Obama ..  I picked some of the money quotes worth reading:


Now we are engaged in a great civil divide in Ferguson, which does not even have a golf course, and that’s why I had a “logistical” issue with going there


I’ve heard all the carping that I should be in the Situation Room droning and plinking the bad folks. I know some people think I should go to Ferguson. Don’t they understand that I’ve delegated the Martin Luther King Jr. thing to Eric Holder? Plus, Valerie Jarrett and Al Sharpton have it under control.


I know it doesn’t look good to have pictures of me grinning in a golf cart juxtaposed with ones of James Foley’s parents crying, and a distraught David Cameron rushing back from his vacation after only one day, and the Pentagon news conference with Chuck Hagel and General Dempsey on the failed mission to rescue the hostages in Syria.

And finally: 

We here highly resolve that these golfing greats shall not have competed in vain, especially poor Tiger, and that this nation, under par, shall have a new birth of freedom to play the game that I have become unnaturally obsessed with, and that golf of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth. So help me Golf.

A few things to remember—and in all fairness, one major thing to remember: Obama has spent less time on vacation then his predecessors ..  It may not seem so, but it’s true.

What does not look good, however, is a nation at war with itself churning and ISIS or ISIL gaining and beheading Americans while your sway away like Meryl in SIGNS. 

Also, if you read the full op-ed by Dowd, take a peak at the comments section.. already very angry pingbacks are happening and equally angry critical comments at Dowd’s obvious sarcastic criticism of the President..

Minus away the obvious political debate that will come from such a column and post.. and enter this: The president, some will say, is solitary by nature. Obama is to himself.. often appearing aloof and even in another world.. The isolation of the office has been spoken about by a number of Presidents in the past—and the argument has been made that a vacation clears the mind of a Chief Executive constantly mired in crisis..

But ti just looked awful to see the President hitting up the links as the Foley family wept for their deceased son—the same way it looked terrible for President Bush to say terrorism will not stand, followed by ‘now watch this shot’ as he too chipped away on a golf course..