A DNA expert has has made the bold claim that ginger hair gene could die out if Scotland climate improves.
Climate change could make red hair a thing of the past if Scotland gets sunnier
A DNA expert has has made the bold claim that ginger hair gene could die out if Scotland climate improves.
At least 32 people have been injured in three US cities as Americans celebrated the Fourth of July weekend. Chicago, Indianapolis and Houston were all affected, with four people being shot at a music festival in the Texan city.
Ain’t that America.
Edward Snowden has released some more information.. at this point, either Americans will be completely numb to it or it may finally start to matter: Most of the online accounts that get investigated by the NSA belong to just everyday people.. As a matter of fact, MOST of the information the NSA has did not come from intended targets of investigations..
Even more from the WASHINGTON POST on this… The POST details how the NSA intercepts photographs.. Barton Gellman, Julie Tate, and Ashkan Soltani write, in part: "Scores of pictures show infants and toddlers in bathtubs, on swings, sprawled on their backs and kissed by their mothers. In some photos, men show off their physiques. In others, women model lingerie, leaning suggestively into a webcam or striking risque poses in shorts and bikini tops." MORE HERE..
What happened to the sea lions on Pier 39? Colony of mammals inhabiting San Francisco dock mysteriously disappear overnight .. The colony arrived after the 1989 earthquake. In 2009 the numbers swelled to 1700.. It was one of San Fran’s most famous tourist attractions, and now, with notice and with sudden mystery, but now they’re gone.
I hate zombie apocalypse jokes .. I equally loathe when the government uses that fake subject as a means to ‘prepare’ for things that may occur. Why can’t they just treat Americans like adults and have us prepare for the REAL THING instead of some fictitious event that will not occur.. But enter this: Now there are Zombie Apocalypse ratings by state. Which state will and will not survive.. Read it and weep..
In your face, people who wait til 21: Beebs seen partying on the Fourth of July on a private yacht..sipping beer.. showering himself with scantily clad girls.. he has reason to celebrate:The FAA cleared him of his marijuana smoke allegations..
The fans turned on Kanye West in London.. West appeared on stage to perform and wore a full face mask. He reportedly went on a lengthy tirade.. the crowd booed.. Even more: The anarchy in the audience really started as people reportedly began leaving in droves..
We all know –or most of us I hope– that oceans are filled with plastic debris. It’s large wastelands of human consumption.. plastic bottles and everything else, like K-Cup pods and toothpaste holders. But the scary part, besides the destruction of beauty on the planet, is this:Plastic is getting into the food chain. Eventually you are always what you eat..
This is an amazing study and important to showcase how much we are changing: People would rather hurt themselves than spend 15 minutes in a room with nothing to do.. that’s what researchers at the University of Virginia and Harvard University concluded after studying 200 people and reactions to being alone.. We are at a point where meditation in the West is dying fast.. 15 minutes alone is not much time.. But we just can’t do it.
In a beating recorded on video, men in Israeli security forces’ uniform beat an American-Palestinian teen.
This has the potential of being really serious…
Of all of the Fourth of July lure and memories, a television show’s finale still gets me choked up. Strange. Though I never lived through the 60s and 70s, living through the 80s and 90s watching a show about the 60s and 70s made me feel like I did.
And the Fourth of July episode ended the Wonder Years forever
The old ragged flag..
Finish the statement.
America the brave?
The idea of the United States is still miraculous. While the Founding Fathers were not pure in spirit or selfless at heart, their principles were strong enough to overcome sexism and racism to great extents. While wealthy white male landowners were privileged to vote initially, the living and breathing Constitution was written in such a sense that eventually everyone was included with the right to a free election .. And even more, for the mistakes the nation has made, it has also created an amazing place of beauty and people with profoundly good hearts..
But America the what?
When we declared independence from the ruling family of England in 1776, the world was in flames. It always was.
But America adopted a new route–one that said freedom itself was inherent in civilization and that it was a gift from a higher power, but from government. And even more startling, the American government–yet to fights its series of battles with Great Britain–said that the people rule over the rulers.
This fresh notion was amplified by COMMON SENSE. A manisfest destiny eventually led American patriots to the Westward expansion. And a trail of tears.. lots of tears, and lots of graves…
Yes, history is filled with wildly amazing stories but at the same time, controversial moments that make you question your patriotism.
But on the Fourth of July, at least in our current age, those frets over what the true history of the United States is takes a back seat. Instead, fireworks zoom into the air and explode with might.. those lights and bright flashes were seen before over the United States. During the American Revolution, the Civil War, the attack on Pearl Harbor, and 9/11.. We have seen aggression and brutality–and fought it. Often times we went to war unsure of victory (and sometimes unsure of why in the world we were even fighting) .. but we did it.
Yellow ribbons were tied to trees.
And the boys came home.. In body bags or airplane seats…
But America the what?
Where are we in 2014? Did the Founding Fathers even think their experiment could survive civil wars and world wars and racial division?
In 2014, America is seeing a great new division–one where the rich bite and the poor’s plight is loudly amplified .. Stocks are soaring. 17,000 strong for the DOW. But gas prices are higher than they have been in six years. The government is hiring.. And more than 200,000 jobs were added in June. But a record 92 million Americans + are either not working or not looking for work. Americas will gather for barbecues .. but with empty wallets. Food prices are at record highs. And this year, a hurricane is creating a whole new July 4th story for people along the East Coast, as Arthur moves his way without regard to holidays or celebrations..
So often, the United States is at the will of world events. Or natural events. Or ‘acts of God.’ The citizens of the nation have seen better, and worse, days. Often times, it’s all relative .. relative to our situation, our age, and our time.
When I was a child, things in fact did seem simpler. In a way, they always are simple in hindsight. Less technology, less stress, and less ‘things’ to distract us from ‘things’ that matter. But the good old days weren’t always good, and tomorrow ain’t as bad as it seems. Look hard, you’ll find a Billy Joel song the affirms that logic.
We are, in this nation on our national birth date, what we want to be.
America’s a dynamic and every changing nation.. immigration, both legal and illegal, has altered the course of some events and arguments.. gay marriage has uprooted traditional thoughts of what marriage should be.. and technology came armed with knowledge and endless supplies of facts (and opinions) forcing people drop from Churches like flies.
That is who we are..
I argue that the Founding Fathers, were they to come back in a dramatic non-zombie like reappearance, would be proud of what we became but also shameful of some of the more atrocious pockets of American society.. Gun rights are obvious, but some of the horrendous killings are unimaginable. But the Founding Fathers saw things, too–they often saw whole families die young, at the mercy of incurable diseases and scourges that we have long killed off with advancements and miracles medical developments..
Yes it’s relative..
But what is enduring is this: People still swell up with emotion when they see fireworks explode overhead. The pops and bangs that occur this entire Fourth of July weekend, from cities and neighborhoods across the nation, will live forever in the memories of children just growing up now.
When I was a child, I have fond but more fuzzy memories of catching fireflies in a field while fireworks exploded overhead.. this year, unless my son poops out and defies the plans to go to a late night fireworks show, he may have the same memory. Catching fireflies as they blink, underneath the smoky skies from fireworks on a hot summer night. And he one day will say his childhood was ‘simpler’ to .. even though my adulthood that coincides with his youth is anything but simple.
America the ……..
America the whatever you want to fill the blank in with. That’s your freedom, your right.. and your privilege.
Do we make some national mistakes? Oh yes.. does our government always represent the will of the people–no. Do our citizens always uphold the values of the nation? Not at all.. does our country always succeed. Nope.. not a chance. Are we perfect? No..
But that’s the point.
The fight is to constantly form the more perfect union.. It’s a work in progress, and a struggle. Sometimes a battle between wits and twits..
But ain’t that America..
This Fourth of July, define this nation. Define it well, though.. future generations will always look to the previous ones and judge accordingly. Make the future proud.
And make sure that the previous 238 years of the United States of America meant something…
As the bombs blast through the night.. the fireworks take flight.
Pride across the land.. from the cities to the burbs.. to the bars to the sand..
Drink your choice and raise a glass,
Toast the nation and have a blast.
Twenty-six students at a girls high school in Fukuoka Prefecture became sick Monday in an apparent panic attack, prompting the school to close for the day.
According to the strange reports from the Fukuoka Prefecture, the girls became sick during class and school ended up being closed for the rest of the day. Even more: According to Yanagawa High School, a private school in the city of Yanagawa, a first-year student suddenly shrieked in the middle of a class and fell down at about 10 a.m.
Two other students in the class fell into a similar state soon afterward, followed by students from other classes who came to check on the incident. Some of the students turned pale, though the exact cause of their sickness was not known..
But forgive me for doubting the ‘mass panic’ explanation.. a brief review of recent history concerning the Fukuoka Prefecture: Theatmospheric dose of radiation from Fukushima has been high there.. TheFukushima Diary website also has a tag dedicated to Fukuoka.. .. mass panic sounds like a nice and quaint way of saying something is very wrong and making people very sick..
It’s been 30 years since a horror movie has been opened at the box office during the Fourth of July weekend. . this year, it’s DELIVER US FROM EVIL, the scary film about a cop in New York City battling demons and paranormal entities. Horror fans have described it as the scariest and best horror movie in decades.. NIKKI FINKE is predicting a number 3 opening for the movie..Best of the weekend will still be TRANSFORMERS by all accounts.. the almost dominant movie will dominate even more.. Experts predict only $20 mil for DELIVER US FROM EVIL for the weekend. I actually predict that number is too low.. watch for it to move and shake.. Could it be the summer sleeper? The horror movie that could? Yes… fans have tired of the supernatural genre. But this movie seemingly dares to be different.. and if doesn’t work for you, PURGE 2 comes to theaters later in the hot month of July..
TAMMY: 3465
But consistent: TRANSFORMERS: 4233 strong
…seriously…as though the Facebook experiment could get any creepier..
Fourth of July thoughts.. maybe after all these 200+ years of American freedom, something has gone awry.. something very violent and dark has entered society’s fabric? Perhaps the decline of America is accelerating. Look no further than this story of a 2-year-old beautiful child named Kamiya French. She was 2. And she was shot in the face as a revenge killing as retribution for an April shooting that wounded three people outside of a night club.
You are broken America.. it’s time for a long look in the mirror and a true and deep discussion over what went wrong, why which quickening occurred, and what we can do it about it before the next American birthday makes us all grayer, more violent, more heartless, and more broken.
This is why many people–including me–have some big fears of the future when it comes to drone technology.. Imagine a weird future when drones will be spying on your in your back yard–and those drones will suddenly crash down, revealing the secret mission but not yielding any information as to why you were being watched. It’s not the future, though.. It actually just happened in Brighton, Colorado.. George Ray says that a drone equipped with a camera was taking video of his property .. he heard a beep noise and a sudden crash down. He isn’t sure why a drone would want to film him cutting his lawn, but it was.. The first of many mysteries sure to come as drones begin to beep and click their ways over the free skies of America..
…that is what a see-er told me over dinner the other evening.
After dinner I had a clear brown aura.
This is an amazingly important article from SPIKED.. the Scottish government is set to provide a ‘guardian’ to watch every child in the nation. Every one is sacred.. every home is watched..
Nanny state 2.0….
A must read.
…and of course: 57+ EBOLA patients have GONE MISSING..
It’s amazing to see the amount of conflagration across the planet earth right now. in 1914, there was a ‘shot heard around the world’ as Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated.. that event was the historical blame for the trigger that began World War I—the ‘war to end all wars.’ The end never came.. but a second world war did..
Will the events of 2014, one hundred years on, lead to world war 3? Are we ripe for another strange occurrence to electrify the current charge of the planet?
There seem to be so many battles right now, and so many needless deaths. Brutal, and disgusting kills.. sickening events as the devil incarnate advances throughout the continents of the planet.
But…what will be that ‘trigger’ that begins the next big conflict? The war to end all wars, 21st century style?
Hope this doesn’t kill any Fourth of July parties..
While no end of the world scenario is probable for the holiday, this bears watching throughout the week. It could be Arthur.. and it may strike parts of the United States coast line come Independence Day..
Here is the storm that may be, now:
Back under the dome.. maybe this season will at least start a bit better: Stephen King apparently wrote episode 1..
UNDER THE DOME returns tonight to CBS at 10pm. This time, according to Stephen King himself, no one under the dome is safe.. but will we be safe to watch? The original season was awful.. Maybe this go around a new and more vibrant DOME awaits. King writes.. We will see.
How airplanes once were: Prime rib, cocktail lounges, and piano bars. Plus comfortable seating in coach. Amazing how with ‘safety’ and improvements made, all the fun places dive ..no pun intended. Really, though, shouldn’t this be how all air travel should be? Filled with excitement of the friendly skies, cold adult beverages, hot food, and great music? Instead.. we have the current state of the system: Baked in the naked body scanners with touchers touching the most private parts searching for bombs in your bodily exits, tight seating, and not even peanuts anymore. Not even peanuts. Or cocktail lounges and piano bars for that matter..
With her property stuck in a legal limbo, a woman who died almost two years ago is convicted of a crime.
Everything about this story is sad. Especially the fact a person can die and virtually no one care…
Virginia man claims to have taken a shot of a beast named Bigfoot.. Skeptics say the image is a tree trunk. Randy O’Neal thinks he has a proof and dares people to say the shot’s a fake..
A must see TED TALK by Doctor Peter Gray and the decline of play and the rise of mental illness..
Take a bit of time of your day to watch and listen to the very true words spoken..
Interesting article.
Twitter is the new place where spies go to speak.. code words get published.. and the ‘numbers game’ has gone digital…
Looks like the United States’ adventures in space are done.
We cannot even pave roads anymore..
China, good luck.
….in box offices. And as some scientists say, in real life too.. but real life doesn’t make as much money as TRANSFORMERS AGE OF EXTINCTION will..
$104 mil + for the weekend? Apparently that is what experts are expecting or at least craving.. big money for HOLLYWOOD baby, let’s let the good times roll. And go extinct.
The heat of the summer is here.. no better time than the present to make oodles of cash off of people on dates and yearning for a cool seat in a heat wave.
But this is amazing: TRANSFORMERS made $81 mil internationally on Friday night for the opening day extravaganza.
Nothing can stop it now.
Not even 22 JUMP STREET. Whatever that is.
If you feel down on Facebook, it could have a lot to do with what your friends are posting
I linked up a story about this a few hours ago.. I still am not shocked by this .. not at all.
Mark Zuckerberg used to sweat when Facebook controversies brewed.. now they just don’t comment and no one cares.
I miss the old days.
A stroll down memory lane. The Battle for Los Angeles. Still a mystery after all these decades.. a weather balloon? Or UFO.. No one knows but yet all say they do.
Interesting that I read this article today—I watched THE POSSESSION last night for the first time (yes it is old now, but I am slow and behind my times. Thanks to NETFLIX I get caught up years later) ..
The POSSESSION was actually a nicely done horror film. It was filled with some unexpected scares and unpredictable turns of events. But when I saw the tag line that it was based on true events, I didn’t buy it for a second. I frankly never do.
Unless I’m watching a documentary, I realize that it’s still Hollywood. And hooray for them, but they change everything.
That doesn’t mean it is a bad movie. It’s a movie. A movie.
Though reality is often scarier than fiction..
Services will be held today for Cooper Harris, the 22-month-old Georgia boy who died after his father left him in a hot car while he went to work.
There is innocence until proof is presented of guilt in court.. but it sounds like there may be some proof that at least presents a very bad picture about the father of this poor boy.
I am disgusted by this story.. I am even more disgusted now that more information is coming out..
CNN is reporting this tidbit:
The mother of a Georgia toddler who died in a sweltering SUV emphatically told a crowd at her son’s funeral she loves and stands by her husband, even though he was charged with murder in the child’s death.
AS said before.. innocent until proven guilty. But I have always found it incredibly tough to be able to forgive someone who forgets their toddler (visible in a rearview mirror at 22 months) is in the car..
'May' means they did.
I ‘may’ not have been angry then.
But I am now.
Matt Drudge gave a very rare interview this week..
Among some money quotes:
I will go where the action is, sometimes before it’s cool to do it, that’s why I get in trouble. I make waves, I don’t surf them as I used to say. That’s not that easy in this atmosphere with so many news outlets
All of these polls are always divided. Capitol Hill is divided. How can you say the airwaves or the website should not be divided. We are
These are very hot spicy issues here. We’re into an interesting summer here. We’re only about a week into it, I’m sensing some heat. And not just from the temperature outside, I think things are heating up in many respects
Interesting to hear how the trailblazer of internet success is now riding the same highway he paved, noticing all of the bumps and intersections filled with traffic due to his own creativity and success.
A lot of people hate Matt Drudge. But he was the first blog before anyone knew what one was.. he Tweeted before Twitter.. and he was 24/7 while everyone else was just dialing up. He changed the internet at the very beginning and everyone else tried to mock his success..
And it all started with a siren that will live in infamy.
But his sentence is ONLY FOUR YEARS.. Maybe less.
He can be free to eat another die.. My god.. Four years
It’s the nanny from hell.. And a really bizarre story of a fire housekeeper who refuses to leave..
There is some NEW and as always repulsive information on the disgusting Jimmy Savile. We now know this: He claimed to have performed lots of sex acts of dead people.. (On top of his horrendous crimes on the living) ..
You can read more about it if you wish to..
If there is a hell, Jimmy Savile is a door greeter when you get there..
I always find it funny to think how people are so accepting of the premise that cigarette companies put in chemicals to get people hooked, but yet dismiss “conspiracy theorists” for asserting (often correctly) that food companies do the same thing.
The Greenland ice sheet collapsed 400,000 years ago causing worldwide sea levels to rise between 13 and 20 feet.
It’s happened before. And before that.
It will happen again. And after that.
Humans weren’t here last time it did.. maybe we won’t be the next time, either.
But if we are… we better work on finding some new land to live on for future generations of our families, who now inhabit the coastline of everywhere USA.
Creepy stuff if real (But is anything real these days?)
A tourist in China claims to have snapped this photo of a weird “Gollum” type creature among the rocks North of Beijing.. It’s not determined if he was searching for his precious, but we know the tourist came close to the ”monster” when he went to find a spot to urinate. There are rumors of the rumors, though: One online comment apparently professed to have inside knowledge.. someone wrote that he and his friends went to the woods to make a sci-fi film. While doing so, someone who was urinating snapped his photo.
This is just completely, all around, weird.
The World Health Organization says “drastic action is needed” to stop the Ebola virus outbreak.
Hey Earth.. maybe we need to start paying attention to this…??
The number of people dying from heroin overdoses in Ohio has increased exponentially. State lawmakers are considering a bill that would allow an addict’s family or friends to give a drug that can halt an overdose. Some medical experts worry expanding the drug’s availability could cause other problems.
I recently found myself in a pretty heated debate with family over this drug.. I was doing my typical act of playing devil’s advocate.. I am slightly still torn as to what the right answer should be.. Should someone be permitted to bring back a person who overdosed on drugs?
I was told be the naysayers who said nay: “No, we cannot play God.”
"No, the drug addict made the choice."
"No, they will live to do drugs again."
All valid points, I suppose.. but I expanded on it all perhaps too much for a family meal. I guess you should never talk politics or religion at the dinner table. Add to that, thanks to me, Narcan.
Before moving on, let’s first explain this:
Narcan is the brand name for naloxone. It sends someone overdosing on heroin or synthetic opioids into immediate withdrawals and restores breathing.
On the point of playing God. We do anyway.. each and every day. Doctors and family members decides who dies—hell they just decided, in a sense, to allow Casey Kasem to meet his earthly demise.. And isn’t medical advancements ensuring we play God on a more regular basis? At one time in history, we’d put a feather over someone’s face to see if they were dead. These days we can restart the heart up to hours after it stops.. we can make a body live again. We can keep the soldiers in war alive to get prosthetic limbs. And while we cannot restart the brain—yet—Obama is working on that.
So if we play God already with people who get ailments, why not do the same with those who OD? Are they less than people? Did their choices compel others to say they are not worthy of living? Dig deep into your soul for the answers to that.. and while you’re in there, come up with a a concise and totally appropriate paragraph on why doing drugs is ”wrong” to begin with—but minus our the PSAs from Nancy Reagan and Mr. T that are undoubtedly ingrained in your psyche from childhood, if you’re a baby from the 80s that is.
These are deeply troubling questions for me..
I find myself agreeable to the premise that some addicts will live to die another day, do another snort, and take another needle. Yes, they will take a hit and keep on hitting, with Narcan to possibly blame for their furthering of their habit. I also think, however, that this near death experience will enlighten them to the possibility of kicking that deadly habit and choosing an alternate and more healthy way to die: Old age. Maybe that is just the dreamer in me..
America and the world is filled with deadbeats and junkies, whores and heathens. Sinners and saints are hard to find, the murky middle is where too many human beings belong.
But in a society where we regularly play God, it’s perhaps a decent and timely question to start deciding if we should pick and choose who lives and dies.. or if we should just play God in a more universal (*or Catholic!) way.
Yes… the medical team can try to revive a person who ODs.. but should the family? Is it wrong? …riddle me this: Is wrong to revive someone with CPR, or as Mrs. Doubtfire did, relieve someone of choking at a restaurant? Imagine that scene.. Mrs. Doubtfire Part 2, with Piece Bronson injecting himself with heroin.. and Doubtfire has to administer the Narcan.. Now THAT would be a modern take for a sequel, perhaps.
I am going to continue to debate this question internally..
I will also continue to argue both points with anyone willing to have a discussion. I have not yet decided..
But I know this final thing: We are moving towards a society where humans and machines merge.. I think Narcan is a nice fit on that highway. Good or bad.. God or devil. The devil’s always in the details..
A part of me thinks that Shia LaBeouf is a whore for attention.. the other part of me thinks his behavior has gone beyond the ‘act’ and is becoming real..
Nonetheless, his latest stint in the public eye involves his arrest at the Broadway musical Cabaret last night.. According to witnesses, reports, and all that: He was smoking and being very loud and disruptive..
And yes, this may not be the most important event in the news today, but it’s interesting to me. Either we are watching a new modern version of Andy Kauffman in action, or we are seeing the default behavior of a flailing and failing celebrity.
Act or not, the Shia has fallen.
A veteran could lose his home because of a small flag he has placed in a flower pot in front of his home.
The headline speaks a million more words.. It’s all true, too. The ‘home’ rules dictate that this veteran may actually lose his entire abode simply for the sin of displaying the flag of the nation he could have died for..
And to anyone who thinks that these Nazi-ish weirdo draconian home rules are normal, it’s situations like this which command discernment and common sense. . Ok, we get it, you don’t want Christmas lights of more than one color.. but no gardens? No play sets? No American flags?
No flags…
And others just recorded on iPhones while the toddler tried to help..
Guess what humans: you’re disgusting sometimes
The big match is Germany vs the USA today at noon EDT..
And NBC is telling workers across America to stop working and watch soccer..
Don’t think this will go over well ..
Records of dead vets were changed to hide how many people died while waiting for care at the Phoenix VA hospital, whistle-blower tells CNN.
We aren’t just talking about ‘numbers’ and stats here.. we are talking about lives. Lives now ended .. This is deeply troubling. And the iceberg’s tip will only lead to bigger things..
Women who live near sites where commercial pesticides are used may be more likely to have child with autism, study finds
Yes there are studies all of the time which indicate strange things are associated with autism and other developmental disorders.. But this is not the first time I have seen the link between pesticides and the impact on brain neurons..
Give the story a full read.
And no, it won’t settle anything.. but it certainly may make some of our daily lives unsettling.
With massive quakes striking off the Alaskan and New Zealand coast Monday, a scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey said he is weighing the possibilities that the two might be connected.
I don’t know if this is a first or not, but quite some time many ‘experts’ have said that earthquakes do not have a rhyme or reason and are not connected.. others like Stan Deyo have been able to successfully predict earthquakes for years.. Those ‘tin foil’ hat wearers have been criticized by the science community at large for some time..
But now someone from the USGS is agreeable to the premise that two quakes on the same day may be connected—and when tension starts on one side of the ring of fire, a burst may occur on the other.
The report of a Jackson KFC accused of asking a 3-year-old girl to leave because of facial scars was a hoax, according to the Laurel Leader-Call.
And the entire world fell for this.. hook, line, and sinker..
I’ll admit it, even me. I have a sore spot for stories about kids..
I had my first lucid dream the other night, after weeks of meditation before bed.. I was taking a walk with my son, and we stole a baseball bat. I was worried about being captured, but during the dream told myself it was a dream and I can control it now.. I woke up soon after ..
There is a reason people say never to mess ith a Quiji board.. And now video that may prove it.. Believe it or not, a video portends to show signs of a woman being possessed after playing with the board.. Alexandra Huerta, 22, was playing with the ‘other world’ when she was by her brother Sergio, 23, and 18-year-old cousin Fernando Cuevas.. Then came the ‘growling’ and hallucinations.. They were taken the hospital soon after..
A local tsunami warning was issued after an 8.0 magnitude earthquake struck in the Pacific Ocean west of Alaska’s Aleutian Islands on Monday, the U.S. Geological Survey and the National Tsunami Warning Center said.
The warning covered coastal areas of Alaska from Nikolski to Attu, the center said, adding the level of tsunami danger was being evaluated for other U.S. and Canadian Pacific coasts.
The quake struck about 14 miles (23 km) southeast of Little Sitkin Island, Alaska, at a depth of about 71 miles (114 km), USGS said.
There was other earth movement today with a really strong shake in new Zealand.. appears that the earth is moving quite a bit lately..
There are dozens of aftershocks now taking place after the big 8.0 movement..
The sounds continue..
What looks to be a pretty amazing movie is going to be released into theaters on July 2.. the film is called DELIVER US FROM EVIL and is based on a book by a policeman-demonologist..The New York TIMES details the story of how the book became the movie–and why it may do exceptionally well at box offices..