Sunday, January 26, 2014

You need to ask yourself.. Do you see signs?
The AP:

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Two white doves that were released by children standing alongside Pope Francis as a peace gesture have been attacked by other birds.

As tens of thousands of people watched in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday, a seagull and a large black crow swept down on the doves right after they were set free from an open window of the Apostolic Palace.

One dove lost some feathers as it broke free from the gull. But the crow pecked repeatedly at the other dove.

It was not clear what happened to the doves as they flew off.

This is an image of workers shoveling the MetLife stadium in East Rutherford New Jersey. It ran in a DAILY MAIL story about how the United States is facing such ungodly cold and snow that even the SUPERBOWL may postponed!

That sounds awfully scary. 

What would scare me would be to know you have to shovel an entire stadium even time it snows—and may it look as pretty as possible for an open air Superbowl. Who decided that again….? 

If it snows, unless Chris Christie decides to make a snow cone, chances are it’s going to be messy.

I did a long range forecast look on Accuweather for the Superbowl location. At this time, right now, Superbowl Saturday/Sunday calls for cloudy with snow on Saturday and rain and snow on Sunday. Both days 35 degrees. Bearable temperatures by next weekend.. but the mess of a storm  may blanket the game..

'North Korea Executes Entire Family Of Kim Jong-Un's Uncle'

The PURGE is real.. it’s happening in North Korea.. The ghastly story has been reported by South Korean news agencies..  Reports indicate that some of the murdered resisted, so much so that they were dragged from their residences and shot dead in front of others. 

The word on the street in South Korea, as portrayed by South Korean President Park Geun-Hye:

"North Korea is now engaged in a reign of terror while carrying out a massive purge to consolidate the power of Kim Jong-Un”

'North Korea Executes Entire Family Of Kim Jong-Un's Uncle'

Texas Hospital Yet to Make Decision on Brain-Dead Patient

There seem to be a number of these stories lately concerning people who are ‘brain dead.’ This latest one from Texas appears to be especially dreadful in nature. Even  if you’re fully in favor of taking persons like this off of life support, the fact that a pregnancy is involved makes it much more difficult.

We also have not heard much about Jahi McMath’s plight in the past few weeks, even since the family asked for privacy and was allowed to find her care somewhere.. 

These stories are touching and awful. We all hope none of us ever have to personally experience the horrid nature of having a family member filled with life suddenly succumb to a ‘brain dead’ existence. 

Even though science discounts most miracles, they have been known to happen.. So here’s hoping they do ..

Texas Hospital Yet to Make Decision on Brain-Dead Patient

Saturday, January 25, 2014

I am enjoying my .15 seconds of fame..

The other night during the premiere of BROAD CITY on the Comedy Channel, my website was visible for a brief millisecond. It occurs a few minutes into the episode IT’S A WONDERFUL WORLD, where the main star flips from her screen saver of Lil Wayne to the HORRORREPORT.COM, my other website..

I was contacted some time ago by the producers of BROAD CITY, and they asked permission to use the site. I did not hesitate.. I was honored. And now my waiting has come to fruition. 

The coolest part of all: Amy Poehler is the executive producer of BROAD CITY… does she read the horror happenings and paranormal reports from around the world on the HORROR REPORT?

As for the show itself, it has been accepted by critics and refreshing and funny. It was called a winner for Comedy Central.. 

So cheers to the first episode of BROAD CITY! And thanks for the recognition. Hopefully Amy, if you’re reading, you’re enjoying the HORROR REPORT every day..

Exploding Star: New Supernova Discovery Is Closest in Years

Also amazing to know: It was first discovered by university students in London. 

It’s visible in the Northern Hemisphere between the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper. The last greatest view the earth had of this type of event was in 1987.. 

Very cool stuff in the night sky.

Embedded image permalink

Exploding Star: New Supernova Discovery Is Closest in Years

I wish they'd bring back the ET cereal.. That's a flavor the new generation would love to taste..

I vaguely remember it tasting just like Mr T cereal.. Am I right in that memory?



Ukraine anti-government protesters try to seize energy ministry in Kiev

Demonstrators deny ministry’s claim they are holding two police captive as clashes continue in capital. Latest developments

Photographs: Sergei Grits/AP

The battles continue..

How many inches are YOU seeing this morning?

That question is intended only for people who are seeing snow. Although I suppose on Tumblr, there can be many interpretations not appropriate for children.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Is anyone else as creeped out by the New York Times magazine cover of Hillary Clinton? It’s bizarre and weird.

‘Ghost’ ship laden with diseased, cannibal rats could crash into British coast

The headline is amazing. And real.. This is just a great story. Made me day..

Reality is stranger and more fun than fiction.

‘Ghost’ ship laden with diseased, cannibal rats could crash into British coast
Pope Francis intends to visit the United States next year, CNN Vatican analyst John Allen said today, citing Vatican sources.

So cool


Former political aide found dead after child porn charges

POLITICO: A former top aide to Tennessee Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander was found dead in a suspected suicide following charges that he possessed and distributed child pornography.

Follow updates on Breaking News

Photo: Getty Images

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Stephen King speaking the truth to Justin Bieber

Stephen King speaking the truth to Justin Bieber

The best way to get to know someone at the Olympics: Go to the bathroom right next to them.

The photo of the twin toilets is causing a stir. NPR reports..

Super Bowl Snowstorm? One Model Suggests Something ‘Major’ On Way


Maybe Chris Christie can threaten the snow and block it with his mighty flubber. 

Super Bowl Snowstorm? One Model Suggests Something ‘Major’ On Way

Bieber court in session

Justin Bieber

Great headline today Drudge.

A boy named Francis

Clyde Lewis asked an interesting and thought provoking question on his radio program, Ground Zero, last night.

By now you may have heard about the nun who gave birth. She was rushed to the hospital with stomach pains, and a bit later was giving birth to a boy that she named Francis.. The nun, who has not been named in any media, plans on keeping the child.  All involved with the story seem shocked that she had a child..

Named Francis.

While many have laughed and scoffed at the notion that a woman would not know she was pregnant, consider this, as Clyde Lewis spoke about last night: In recent years, there have been at least 45 self-reported sexless pregnancies. The HUFFINGTON POST, however, does mention that there are pitfalls in ‘self reported’ information.. Can these virgin birth reports truly be trusted when people, themselves, are claiming them?
While the reports may indicate shame or the result of an ultra religious background, it highlights the possibilities of Parthenogenesis—a medical term for asexual reproduction.  There have been no valid claims of human beings experiencing asexual reproduction, as a matter of fact, a study proved a South Korean woman claiming it to have been a fraud in 2007.

But what Clyde Lewis was trying to illustrate, more than anything, is the fierce backlash that this nun has experienced online in comparison to Jesus Christ. After all, religious people have been the first to line up and call the nun a whore, slut, and any other derogatory term to describe women who aren’t chaste. But at the same time, those Christians would line up at Sunday mass each week and worship the notion that Mary had a virgin birth that led the world have a savior, Jesus Christ.

Maybe Mary was the true first and last human who experienced parthenogenesis? Or maybe something was lost in translation and ‘virgin’ was really maiden.  Christian Doctrine even says that Mary was the perpetual virgin, remaining one even after having Jesus (and probably other children, too) .. The feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary is not about Jesus, but about Mary’s own mother. Christian belief holds the notion that Mary’s mother’s womb was clean of original sin, thus allowing Mary to be born a perpetual virgin and never having to have ‘relations with a man’ to conceive. While there may be other religions besides Catholicism that hold some sort of belief on Mary, the main title given to her is Virgin. It relates to long held beliefs that sex was unclean and that women should not enjoy it..

Fast forward to now.. a nun claiming a virgin birth—perhaps a miracle—and naming the child Francis after the Pope. How strange.. how weird. How miraculous?

The first thing I thought of when I heard the story of the nun was the movie with Demi Moore the SEVENTH SIGN. It didn’t take long for me to also recall that a famed horror movie icon, Freddy Krueger, was born from a nun.. In the story of Fred, Amanda Krueger, his mom, devoted her to life to God as a nun.. Also Robert Englund played Freddy in NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 5, which was named the Dream Child.

We celebrate miracles from bible times. We still hold up traditions from 2000 years ago. We worship Jesus without hard evidence, but ignore Horus. And many still have a concept that Mary did not have sex to get impregnated. But we condemn a nun who claims the same…

I have a Christian friend who literally believes the Bible—yes, she even believes that the earth is 6,000 or so years old and that dinosaurs never lived after the great Noah flood. I asked her about Mary’s virginity.. I told her my theory, that the only way in my head a virgin birth made sense, was if an alien impregnated Mary with artificial sperm. And that Jesus was an alien. I even spiced it up and said that the great flood happened on Mars and Noah flew a space ship to earth. She paused at that one. And then scoffed.

It comes down to faith. I have faith. I believe God is a combination of math, electricity, and energy.
As far as a virgin birth? I believe anything can be possible but perhaps not probable.
But condemning a nun for claiming it but worshiping a woman from ages ago for being credited with it? That part is where I find people to get a little.. well.. hypocritical.

Wheelchair stolen from in front of veteran's Coal Township home

Ahh for Christ’s sake, whoever, give it back.. jackasses

Wheelchair stolen from in front of veteran's Coal Township home

Life in the fast lane..

There are times when God makes himself quite evident. This morning, as the sun began shining over the mountain near my home base, I flipped on the TEE VEE only to discover that Justin Bieber was arrested for drag racing—and he failed a DUI test.

NBC NEWS 6 in South Florida has some information on their channel.. He was in a rented Lamborghini when it all went down. Accroding to reports, the Beebs was spotted in different places around Miami in the past few days.. 

But as things go, and as fate evolves, life grows darker for the manchild. He now finds himself in custody..

Will he still keep up the act? Will he have that deranged tough boy accent? Will he walk hunched over like an ape? Will he laugh, and smile, and wink at the camera as his mug shot is snapped? Or will he became Justin Bieber minus the fame and fortune? Will he snap into the reality that once was pre-stardom? Will he just be Justin? 

I think too much programming and self induced mind control has occurred him ever to just be a kid named Justin again. He’s Bieber. With a fever.

In jail.

Report: Animal Planet’s ‘Call of the Wildman’ show mistreated animals it was rescuing

NOOOOOOOOO!!!! Is nothing scared!?

Even the Wildman!?

Is nothing real. Besides Truman..?

Report: Animal Planet’s ‘Call of the Wildman’ show mistreated animals it was rescuing

Deep Freeze in Midwest, Northeast to Be Prolonged

It’s going to get miserably cold again. This time it will be colder for a longer period of time.

I already heard the reports that propane gas is going up about $200 a fill..  I burn coal.. haven’t heard about that yet. Nonetheless, when it’s 100 in July we’ll laugh about -5. Maybe.

Deep Freeze in Midwest, Northeast to Be Prolonged

A 'tsunami' of store closings expected to hit retail

There are three or four malls within a 40 mile square radius of Coal Speaker home base that are practically empty.. Malls try their best to hide empty stores with decoration and advertisements, but there are barren spots. Too many..

I recall those wonderful days of fall, back in the 1980s and 90s when malls were busy.. Internet came and shut it all down.

I know I actively take part in the current day Internet fad. But I will miss stores. I will miss malls. I will miss places like that.

We all will.

It would seem the economy is about to get a big hit this year.. if CNBC is right, a lot of places you shop at (or don’t?) are about to close doors. JC Pennys was first. Who’s next?



A 'tsunami' of store closings expected to hit retail

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Techies.. a question

Blogger vs Tumblr Vs Wordpress?

From Accuweather.

Prepare now, I guess..

I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing, but a heavily aged Naked Cowboy is still going strong in New York City.. Read more here.

And reading the weather report, the Naked Cowboy will have plenty more chances for his nipples to cut glass. Lots of cold coming and snowstorms likely over the next two weeks, too..

I have to throw in some comments here about that sports article. What sort of god sits around watching sports while people starve? Or freeze? Or die from diseases? How could anyone rationalize praying to a god that values sports over lives? It's ridiculous. And half of sports fans pray to/ believe this sort of god plays a role? It's articles like this that remind me how proud I am to think for myself & live without religion because if there was a god like that I want nothing to do with it.


No  pun  of  any  sorts  intended

Google Glass has a new and creepy porn app: It allows you to watch yourself have sex with your partner.. it's the ultimate in sexual narcissism and a definite sign the end is nigh

Of course, someone may correctly point out that Shaggin Wagons and carpeted bedrooms of yesteryear were equipped with mirrors, the old fashioned way of Google Glassing it. These days it’s all techno, baby. 

But you’re so vain, you probably thought the sex was about you.

So … how long before Google Glass gets banned—or used—in your bedroom?

Google Glass has a new and creepy porn app: It allows you to watch yourself have sex with your partner.. it's the ultimate in sexual narcissism and a definite sign the end is nigh

Half of American fans say 'supernatural' forces are in play during sports events

………because God cares if someone scores a touchdown.

Half of American fans say 'supernatural' forces are in play during sports events

Several Hawaiian islands will see waves of up to 50 feet

Get your wave on, ya’ll

Several Hawaiian islands will see waves of up to 50 feet

Europeans on alert after Olympic athletes in Sochi receive terror warnings

Europeans on alert after Olympic athletes in Sochi receive terror warnings


Mystery solved: Why clocks seem to stop ticking the second you look at them
It turns out that the perception of time passing is as much in our heads as it is a part of reality.

Cool story.

Do people still have analog clocks…??


There’s lot of chaos happening in Kiev.. RT is there with photos and a full report.

What you need to know about this story: There have been three days of fighting between protesters and police.. There seems to be more black smoke billowing over the capitol city of the Ukraine today .. There are also reports that several protesters have now died during the violent clashes.

The New York TIMES provides a bit of background on why all of this suddenly began:

The Ukrainian crisis escalated sharply last week after President Viktor F. Yanukovich signed new laws restricting public assembly and limiting media freedoms. That revived a protest movement that had been fading, as its political leaders were focusing their efforts instead on elections scheduled for next year.

As though Vlad the Impaler Putin doesn’t have enough to worry about with the Sochi games, he’s getting involved with the crisis in Kiev, chiding the European Union for ‘meddling’ in the affairs of the Ukraine. Reuters reports this:

(Reuters) - Russia told European governments on Tuesday to stop meddling in Ukraine’s political crisis and said events could be spinning out of control in Kiev after violence that left vehicles burning in the streets.

Moscow, which sees its fellow former Soviet republic as part of its traditional sphere of influence, has watched nervously as protests against President Viktor Yanukovich’s decision to shun a trade pact with the European Union have turned violent.

Scores of police and demonstrators have been hurt since Yanukovich, who received a multi-billion-dollar bailout package from Moscow after he spurned the EU deal, angered opponents by signing sweeping laws to curb public protests.

RT has a regularly updated minute by minute blog of the happenings..

The government has called the protesters terrorists. The protesters have said they are the ‘people’s council.’ It is beginning to sound and look a lot like THE DARK KNIGHT RISES in Kiev. But there’s no Batman to stop these scenes..

Protesters clash with the police in the center of Kiev on January 22, 2014. (AFP Photo)

Protesters clash with the police in the center of Kiev on January 22, 2014. (AFP Photo/Sergei Supinski)


It’s a beautiful morning

The NY Times’ Most Visited Post of 2013 Was Created by an Intern

Take that lamestream snoozies.. You got just got smacked down by someone who you probably didn’t even pay …

The NY Times’ Most Visited Post of 2013 Was Created by an Intern

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

This story made me a little sad: The "Poe Toaster" is gone and most likely gone for good

Nevermore, I guess.

The Edgar Allan Poe toaster has been absent (not absinthe) for a few years.. The tradition is now almost officially being declared dead. And that’s pretty sad..

There seems to be lots of amazing things from the 20th century quickly vanishing here in this new era. And concerning Poe and other famed literary stars, it would appear that appreciation of good writing, storytelling, and literature, is also dying away too..

This story made me a little sad: The "Poe Toaster" is gone and most likely gone for good


Guess who’s back!? Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, who was caught on video in a fast food restaurant ranting and being plain out offensive.

As the CBC reports: 

Throughout much of the minute-long video, titled “New Video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Drunk, Swearing in Jamaican Patois,” Ford attempts to use Jamaican slang, using the word “bumbaclot” — profanity in patois — at least four times.

The mayor admitted he was drinking alcohol.  “A little bit, yeah,” he told reporters. He had pledged numerous times he does not drink anymore, after revelations in 2013 of his crack use while in office.

Good to have you back, Mr. Mayor.

why do you suck?

Because I am.

I miss when it used to snow, I be on instant messanger or ICQ

God I miss those days too..

Christie cancels inauguration party

Thank God for a snowstorm, I suppose. Timing couldn’t have been better..

Christie cancels inauguration party

The death of film, quite literally.. PARAMOUNT has become the first movie studio to end releasing film prints .. The end of film is set for the the end of this year, 2014.. 120 years of 35mm .. gone. 

Winter storm set to 'go bananas' across Northeast l

That’s b a n a n a s

Winter storm set to 'go bananas' across Northeast l

Dope show continues.. Justin Bieber urinates his initials into snow during big trip.. According to the TMZ report (with photos of the urine stained snow), Bieber’s entourage pulled up in front of people in an afluent neighborhood.. surrounded by his bodyguards, Bieber began to urinate his JB into the snow. At this point it would appear that Justin Bieber is an animal, marking his territory. In the mean time, TMZ is reporting on the treasure trove of drugs found in Bieber’s mansion .. Cops saw the ‘Bob Marley Room’ and all of Beeb’s sizzurp.. 

Nearly 50 percent of black men and 40 percent of white men are arrested at least once on non-traffic-related crimes by the time they turn 23

Nearly 50 percent of black men and 40 percent of white men are arrested at least once on non-traffic-related crimes by the time they turn 23


Ask me anything or tell me anything here:

Submit me anything here:

Email me anything here:

What up y’all?

A crumbling Sochi hides behind Olympic facades

This is expected, but interesting. Snooze media sources will be informing us of glory and wonder in Sochi for a few weeks.. But we will most likely not hear of what this AP article describes.  The crumbling and desperate city of Sochi, being blinded by the bright light of the world’s attention for two weeks. 

A crumbling Sochi hides behind Olympic facades

The Eastern PA Weather Authority website just upgraded virtually everyone in estimated snow totals for today’s mini-blizzardo diablo. 

I’m not quite sure if I am with them, but I think the 6 inches for my area is more likely than the 2 inches being called by others..

The 99% just got a little bigger..

You want to know who has the money?? 85 people on this planet hold as much money as the entire half of the world.. That story is being reported by the UK GUARDIAN, and it’s amazing to fathom. So much for the 99%, we are not the 99.99999% .. 

But just fathom this. 85 people own all of that? 85.. 


GET UP!! Sitting for hours is just as dangerous as smoking..

STOP LEARNING! Elderly brains slow because they know too much..

CHEER UP! You’re happier when you’re positive..

STOP DRINKING DIET SODA: Diet soda causes people to overeat..

The Sinkhole in Palmyra, Pennsylvania, is growing

Residents now watching to see how close to their homes it gets..

The Sinkhole in Palmyra, Pennsylvania, is growing

Monday, January 20, 2014

Sex toys of tomorrow.

For just $8,500, you have your perfect fake make.

Hospital admissions over W. Virginia chem spill double even after water declared safe

Hospital admissions over W. Virginia chem spill double even after water declared safe

Olympics terror dragnet: Russia hunts as many as four 'black widows'

We posted the breaking news from CNN ealier that U.S. military will have up to two warships and several large transport aircraft on standby under a contingency plan to help evacuate American officials and athletes during the Sochi Olympics if ordered.. 

Now we see why. The black widows..

Olympics terror dragnet: Russia hunts as many as four 'black widows'


SIRI is predicting the end of the world.

And get this, I tried the same dates the person in this video did and I got the SAME responses.

It’s freaky.. strange.. bizarre. And explained here on the CULT OF MAC.

They report:

Apple’s personal virtual assistant Siri is a smart cookie, but she’s veered towards the apocalyptic and apocryphal this morning, predicting the opening of the gates of hell on July 27th.

If you ask Siri “What is July 27,” her response is invariably “It’s Sunday, 27 July 2014 (Opening Gates Of Hades).”

Curiously, Siri’s timetable for this imaginary apocalypse changes quite significantly if you reworded the question. Ask her explicitly when the gates of hell are opening, and she’ll tell you that we’ve actually all been living in hell since May 14, 2005.

Both of these, of course, are just funny errors on the part of Wolfram Alpha, the computational engine that drives many of Siri’s queries.

When Siri claims the gates of hades will open next July, she’s actually talking about the Chinese ghost month, which is the 7th month of the lunar year, and which Chinese legend says is accompanied by the opening of both the gates of hell and heaven.

As for Siri saying that we’ve all been living in hell since the gates were thrown 2005, she might be right, but what she’s actually referring to is the opening of Hades, which appears to have been a mid-2000’s bar or club in Gates, New York. It isn’t around anymore.

I really don’t care who explains it.. to hear it myself on my own iPhone is creepy as hell…

Knapp came back

George Knapp is like a cat.. he has 8 more lives to go.

Anyone who knows anything about George Knapp will know that he almost died of sepsis—this website was the first to report that weeks ago after learning the exclusive information directly from George Knapp himself. 

Last night, he came back to Coast to Coast AM for his Sunday hosting gig, and thank God he did. Most forget what good radio sounded like..

Knapp had Brad Steiger and Williams Birnes as guests to talk about the ‘other’ America and paranormal topics. It was a great show—and a great credit goes to Knapp for returning and explaining why he was absent his hosting duties since November. 

George Knapp is a great radio host and deserves as much appreciation as Art Bell.. people who listen to Coast to Coast AM know how lucky listeners are to have him.

Bravo Knapp. Glad you’re back..

(More information on the show here)

Billy Crystal will be the final Jay Leno TONIGHT guest..

Jimmy Fallon already announces his first TONIGHT SHOW guests: Will Smith and U2.. I think the show will be highly rated for a bit. I think that eventually people will move over to Jimmy Kimmel. I just don’t think Fallon has what it takes to engage a national audience like Leno did—and watching modern ‘comedians’ makes me realize just how unfunny they all are..

PATRIOT NEWS: 'It's like we're being held hostage in our own city,' grandpa of latest Harrisburg homicide victim says

This is a tremendously sad story from the capitol of Pennsylvania.. So much undeeded violence in Harrisburg.

There’s a new mayor in town, too. With a big job.

Eric Papenfuse is being faced with crimes of arson and murder on the first Martin Luther King Day as mayor.. 

I hope to hell Harrisburg gets better. It’s a beautiful city with wonderful people—nothing like the violence it is seeing is deserved. 

So now it’s up to you, Mr. Papenfuse.. 

PATRIOT NEWS: 'It's like we're being held hostage in our own city,' grandpa of latest Harrisburg homicide victim says

Anyone in the pink or purple need to pay close attention to weather forecasts.. I have checked a few models and I think the pink especially has some localized blizzard potential for tomorrow.. (Tuesday Jan 21 2014)

Here’s the latest warnings and watches:

Also be aware: Road salt will not be working effectively at the temperatures predicted.. 

CNN POSTS AN EXCLUSIVE: Gruesome Syria photos may prove torture by Assad regime

CNN and the UK GUARDIAN has a joint exclusive on this Syrian story.. Here is what you need to know, thus far, about this developing story: There are photos of thousands of dead bodies in Syria. They are purportedly detainees who were killed in Syrian prisons. According to a ‘team of war crime prosecutors’ the photographs show direct evidence of war crimes and would stand up in an international tribunal …

More from CNN on a KEY point:

 CNN cannot independently confirm the authenticity of the photographs, documents and testimony referenced in the report, and is relying on the conclusions of the team behind it, which includes international criminal prosecutors, a forensic pathologist, an anthropologist and an expert in digital imaging

CNN said that the images show a gruesome parallel to the Nazi death photos from World War II..

The evidence, we are told from the CNN report, comes from a defector named “Caesar.” He claimed to CNN that he photographed at least 50 bodies a day..

Obviously this is going to become a very quickly developing story. It’s been a while since Obama addressed the nation on Syria and war potentials.. maybe that address will soon have a sequel. 

Then again, it is worth noting: We have been told many things in the past about war crimes that never were, such as babies being thrown from incubators in Iraq in the early 1990s.  I do believe, however, that there are tremendously horrid war crimes taking place in Syria.

I suppose we will learn more as time ticks on. I still think there is a potential that the United States will enter a war in Syria..

CNN POSTS AN EXCLUSIVE: Gruesome Syria photos may prove torture by Assad regime

Yea.. this is weird. A chem bomb alert may be overstated, but the video certainly provokes interest in me.. why does this ball of white light explode over San Diego?

The U.S. military will have up to two warships and several large transport aircraft on standby under a contingency plan to help evacuate American officials and athletes during the Sochi Olympics if ordered, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the plan told CNN Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr.

The official said the State Department would take the lead in organizing and evacuating Americans. The official declined to be identified because of the sensitive nature of the information.

This is a news alert from CNN

Graffiti highway in Centralia PA, the road that has no time for snow

A winter walk on graffiti highway in Centralia PA yielded this gem of art.. When the snow melts it will be gone, so I took a photo for posterity

More Martian intrigue 

Muddying the Martian Waters: The rock that suddenly appeared in front of the Mars rover is like no rock ever seen before on the red planet.. Baffled scientists realize that the rover never ever drove over that spot before.. One scientist was quoted in the UK INDEPENDENT saying, “I don’t know what any of this means. We’re completely confused, and everyone in the team is arguing and fighting”


Mark Dice outdoes himself..

TMZ is Reportring a 'Treasure Trove of Drugs' In Justin Bieber's Mansion During Raid

Anything that will help us deport him. Anything.

TMZ: Justin Bieber had drugs and drug paraphernalia strewn all over his house when it was raided Tuesday … but drugs were not on deputies’ radar ..

Bieber enjoys the top of the line drug.. As a matter of fact, his Sizzurp is $800 per pint.. Enough mind altering power to end any Bieber fever. 

TMZ is Reportring a 'Treasure Trove of Drugs' In Justin Bieber's Mansion During Raid

This man was beaten by New York City ‘police’ because he was jaywalking. He apparently, also, did not understand the orders they were saying to him..

You can read more at the New York POST ..

Perhaps the worst of the story, as reported by the POST:

He was cuffed and and taken to St. Luke’s Hospital. After several hours, he was hauled off to the 24th Precinct station house.

His 41-year-old son, a lawyer who would not give his name, first said at the station house Sunday night that did not wish to discuss his feelings about the incident.

“I don’t want to talk about anything like that in front of all these cops,’’ he told the Post

But walking farther down the street, he said, “The cops are playing games. They won’t tell me what he’s being charged with.”

He first heard his dad had been busted in a 6 p.m. phone call from cops, who asked if the elderly man needed medication but would not say which hospital he’d been taken to. So the son went to the station house, where he said he got a similar run-around.

Finally, he found out on his own that his dad was at St. Luke’s and had been arrested for jaywalking.

“Oh, great! Beating up on an 84-year-old man for jaywalking,’’ he said.

Neither the hospital nor the cops would allow him to see his dad until after 10 p.m., explaining that since he’d not been admitted, he was not a patient, but a “prisoner.’’

The sleepy sun..

Is our sun falling asleep? The BBC asks that, and quotes a solar physicist of 30 years who says he never saw anything like what the sun is currently doing. Could there be a frost fair again on the Thames, as happened the last time the sun fell asleep during the 17th Century?

He had a dream.

I’d print the speech in its entirety but I may get sued. 

SCARY POLAR VORTEX STUFF. Stuff I am really sick of hearing about

The 'polar vortex' is coming back. But not really. It will not be as cold as it was earlier this month. And I am really tired of news agencies scaring the long Johns off of everyone. This is winter.. it will be cold. It will snow. You hear that all the time. You want cold? Go back to 1994 in the Northeast when it was so cold, businesses and schools shut down.. People literally could not walk outside. I was 14 during the great American Cold Wave of 1994 and fondly remember it.. being off school was cool—adults had it worse than me at the time. But when you compare THAT winter to this one? I don’t even want to hear people talking about the polar vortex. It’s already the most overused weather expression of the year.. How about start telling people, “Well, WINTER is still here.” In the summer when temps reach 100 or more, what fancy term will we come up with to scare the hell out of everyone?

1994.. when cold waves were king. 

Have a good winter day, everyone.

The pink stars are falling..

More fireballs over Puerto Rico..
Booms and bright flashes in Kentucky..
Video: Meteor spooted in Germany..

I hate your website, you are a shill for the coal companies. They ruined my water in west virginia, and you celebrate them.

Wow.. I don’t know what to say or how to answer this one.

I don’t really think you’ve read much on this site.. I am from a region in Pennsylvania called the ‘coal region’ where anthracite coal is mined—hence the name. As for me? I am not a coal miner .. I do burn coal as a heat source in my home, but that’s because, again, I am from the anthracite coal region. 

I really, really don’t think you’ve ever read my blog..

Did anyone ever see Portico news?

I hate it.

My wife and I bought a new TV and, while exploring, came across the app for Portico news. It was awful. Fake background, fake newscasters.. nothing real. It was so bad.

There is nothing ‘real’ about Portico news. The over made up and trendy dresses ‘newscasters’ stand in front of a green screen.  They tell us they will give us news, encapsulating all the most important things in a nutshell for us in just 20 minutes. I could not even put up with 20 seconds of it! It was so awful.. It was as of

It actually began to make my physically sick.  I was desperately trying to TURN OFF the Portico News feed but the television remote stopped working.. I felt trapped and hopeless. The Portico song kept playing over and over again, mocking me.. it felt like a harpoon of awful things directly into my heart.. Watching Portico news for the 25 seconds I did, I think my IQ actually dropped about 10 points. 

I don’t think I have ever come across an app that made me physically nauseous.. If why wife would not have commandeered the remote and quickly turned the whole system ‘off’ I may have actually vomited all over the new smart TV. It was just that bad..

There is nothing good about PORTICO NEWS.


Sunday, January 19, 2014

America's Number One Prescription Sleep Aid Could Trigger 'Zombies,' Murder and Other Disturbing Behavior

Interesting story. 

Sleep well, zombies. Sleep well.

America's Number One Prescription Sleep Aid Could Trigger 'Zombies,' Murder and Other Disturbing Behavior

Yesterday I was amazed that scientists were ‘baffled’ by a rock suddenly appearing on Mars in front of the Rover. Today I’m baffled (and scientists pretty much silent) on an image of what appears to be a triangle shaped something on the moon.. It was caught using Google maps and looks like a space craft. Sure, eyes can deceive and things that look like something turn out to be nothing but shadows—a-la the Face on Mars.

Some international media sources have picked up on the Internet flurry of UFO activity, such as the tabloid METRO in the UK 

Another site, TECH AND GADGET NEWS, appears to be getting the most credit with popping the story into the somewhat mainstream. They are running an article about how the triangle shaped alien craft on the earth’s satellite in the sky. You can read that article here:  

There is also a YOUTUBE video with almost 200,000 views at this time detailing the possibilities of what the weird object or trick of the eyes could be.. Watch that here

If you want to look it up yourself, its coordinates are 22°42’38.46″N 142°34’44.52″E

Last female Munchkin from 'Wizard of Oz' dies at 95

This is sad.. the end of an era.  The Wizard of Oz munchkins are all gone now from this planet..

Last female Munchkin from 'Wizard of Oz' dies at 95