You may have heard a huge deal of ‘news’ concerning what Iran has reported about who reportedly runs the United States: The Tall Whites, an alien species long talked about by UFOlogists.
This may take some time, and a suspension of logic. I will attempt an explanation..
Fars News Agency in Iran—the nation the President just made a controversial deal with—apparently reported that released Edward Snowden documents say that the alien species the tall whites have run the United States since 1945..You can read the English translation of the story here.. Apparently the Fars agency took some information from a January 11 2014 posting by the website .. and after reading, I still am not quite sure what it means.
There’s more..
A few days ago—before the Iranians reported the bombshell tidbit—former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer went onto Russia Today saying that the tall whites have been behind lots of things, but that 80 alien species (that we know of) exist. You can read more here on that one..
Supposedly these documents also say that Dwight Eisenhower met with aliens in the 1950s … If you’re a fan or former listener of Art Bell’s Coast to Coast AM, you may recall John Lear appeared on his show to explain what he claimed he know of this famed alien visit.. Among the interesting things, the claims Lear said were to avoid the ‘light’ when you died, that there is no God, and that Eisenhower so feared the idea that Americans would find out there’s no God, that he mandated ‘In God We Trust’ be put on all coins.. You can hear that interview here if you have ten minutes..
Just last week, Clyde Lewis had a Ground Zero radio show featuring the Tall Whites as a main topic—the idea that this species has been heavily involved with shaping the world’s events…
Today, most sources laughed at the Fars agency report about the tall whites.. FORBES, CNN, all the rest, had a good chuckle about the notion that aliens were even existent..
Here is where things get murky — as if what you already read wasn’t murky enough, right?
I searched some terms from the report about the supposed Snowden documents about the purported tall whites (lots of purportions being done here) but I could not find much of any actual source .. For example, I search this term, which appears in the original WHATDOESITMEAN report:
“were actually two governments in the US: the one that was elected, and the other, secret regime, governing in the dark.”
Could not find anything.. Nadda.
So the proof of this report is pretty much zilch.
Unless there’s a useful website out there, somewhere, with a copy of an actual document states something..
I have seen some folks who have stunned me in their height—and whiteness.. but at this point I’m not in the Lear/Hellyer camp.
A good abduction obviously would convince me otherwise.
But good lord if I’m abducted, don’t let it be the grays.