The Filip phone, worn like a bracelet, keeps track of a child when paired with an app downloaded to a parent’s mobile device.
I am very conflicted with this story.
On one hand, anyone who reads this site knows I fret—sometimes outright fear—the future and how technology will be used to rid the world of humans and replace our emotions wand actions with those of the virtual nature.. But I’m a parent, too, who understands the dangers of society and how children can easily get lost in a K-MART let alone a big world…
So …I don’t know what to say. In a sense I get nervous about the government and big business monitoring our every move. I don’t like cameras watching my facial expressions in stores. I don’t like public buses recording my conversations. And I don’t like how far the NSA seemingly has overstepped some boundaries, at least according to the Snowden documents..
But parents being big brother? That may be allowable and morally acceptable in my mind. After all, constitutional protections sometimes don’t translate well when you’re talking about the relationship a parent has with a child. A dictatorship in a household is often the best course of action—not always of course..
So … The wearable flip phone tracker for children? I may be a fan. So now tell me, does that make me a hypocrite?
NEW YORK TIMES Review: Wearable Filip Phone/Tracker