A shock to see the headlines tonight.. I actually heard her on the radio today and I noticed it … Just strange indeed
Friday, February 10, 2012
Losing my religion
An odd day of rumors and intrigue.. in the Catholic Church
Philadelphia cardinal’s death investigated…
The Pope will die within a year: Vatican ‘assassination fears …
This week, we produced an issue special to our readers in the Middle East and Northern Africa featuring the striking images of photographer Alessio Romenzi, who is even now hunkered down in the city of Homs. See the rest of his portfolio on TIME.com: http://ti.me/ygGskp
Interesting choice for a cover.. good impact on readers. And if you’re in the United States, I suppose your cover will impact you just the same? … or probably not.
Wasting away? Forgive me for being gossipy.. but new images of Macaulay Culkin show him looking desperate..
I’m not mocking him.. instead hoping his genetics simply made him thin.. and not something else..
Thursday, February 9, 2012
News from the world. A Thursday wrap
Links from the world.. the scary world.. the newsworthy world.. .
Toxic smoke is blanketing the capital city tonight.. Officials are warning residents to stay indoors..A fire from a trash dump is spreading smoke …
The horrid news coming from Homs is only intensifying.. Human rights groups are decrying the crackdown on civilians in the city in Syria.. and now,opposition forces claim that Assad’s government is considering the use of chemical weapons in Homs, where already the death toll officially “exceeds”400—most likely by more than hundreds..
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Wednesday night zone out. Don’t think about all the things you fear.. just be glad to be here.
All eyes on the farm
Are you a European farmer breaking rules or claiming subsidies that you should not get? Goodbye to all that as drones are now set to spy on your farm and keep order..
Tranquil walks are watched.. Cucumbers growing under the eye of a camera..
And if farm cams get your knickers in a knit realize this: It has only just begun..
The sick state of our humanity.. the kids indeed are not alright
A Missouri teenager described the murder of a 9-year-old as amazing and exciting... Disturbing words written by Alyssa Bustamante were read aloud in court:
'I just f***ing killed someone. I strangled them and slit their throat and stabbed them now they're dead. I don't know how to feel atm [at the moment]. It was ahmazing. As soon as you get over the “ohmygawd I can't do this” feeling, it's pretty enjoyable. I'm kinda nervous and shaky though right now. Kay, I gotta go to church now…lol.'
The mother of the victim—the 9-year-old innocent child—testified that the alleged murderer was ‘not human’.. The judge cut off testimony quickly as the road of evil was taken..
Defense team lawyers are working to describe Bustamante as someone who deserves leniency due to a troubled childhood..
But troubled or not, I am hard pressed to ponder how actions as occurred can be described as anything but evil and less than human? Murdering for pure fun…
Another chilling crime that makes me think we are heading down the road to a terrible conclusion for Humanity itself..
At 1230 am last night...
Ayden decided he won’t sleep anymore. He changed his mind about 7 am in a stunning reversal.
They'll know that we are Christians by our caucas
It was a a three-state sweep, former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum will win the Colorado GOP caucuses, Colorado GOP chair says. Santorum is also projected to win the Minnesota GOP caucuses and the Missouri primary..
The Christians fight back. But extremely low voter turnout was the real story.. Could it be that Republicans are tired of all this already?
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
The earth groan: The oil mill theory... the solar flare theory... the grassy knoll theory next!?
We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time
While assuring Americans publicly that there was no danger, the NRC did not disclose one worst-case scenario, which did not rule out the possibility of radiation exceeding safe levels for thyroid doses in Alaska, the e-mails show. “Because things were uncertain, we considered it but the data that was available . . . did not support that very pessimistic scenario so no, it was not discussed publicly at that point,” NRC spokesman Scott Burnell said. In the end, Alaska was not affected.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Hello neighbor.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
And while other news is occurring and the world is burning, most of our tuned in for the Superbowl rematch. Which is fine. A brief reprieve from the heartache caused by the heartburn of the 24 hour news cycle.
But if I do say so myself, this year seems to be featuring the most deplorable and least funny commercials ever to air during a Superbowl? I am sure some of you will detract from my pronouncement of horrid advertising but I am standing by it..
While the Superbowl airs and Madonna almost falls, all of this is still happening
Welcome to America, ‘12: San Fran makes $3 mil off of ONE RED LIGHT cam!
Obama .. wanting to be ‘cool again’ ?
…we took out Gaddaffi for… this? Lybian militia accused of torturing to death ambassador to France..
Cold wave Europe: Death toll 300..
Floodwaters rise in Australia.. thousands forced out..
Rare snow: North Africa..
Snow in ROME for the first time in a quarter of a century..
Superbowl Sunday morning sidewalk: Random news from the random world.
The planet revolves. And evolves. But it stays scary.
Iran launches new military exercises..
Anger at Russia and China after they veto UN Syria plan..
200 fall ill on cruise ship..
New report says United States science standards are ‘mediocre to awful’..
Mars is ‘too dry’ for life..
The 600 million year drought on the red planet!
Russian scientists work to drill into Antarctic lake..
Lake Vostok: Land of the frozen lost?
14-million-year-old Antarctic lake finally explored..
Cops use stun gun on woman for blocking a McDonalds drive though..
First Pat Sajak said he drank in the early days of THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE, and now this: Daniel Radcliffe says he was drunk during some HARRY POTTER scenes as well.. No word on his nude appearance with a horse on stage, maybe others had to be drunk to watch that..
Demi Moore checks into rehab..
11 injured in massive crowd for the band LMFAO..
Newt Gingrich employs bizarre new Texas campaign strategy..
Mitt Romney takes Nevada.. Ron Paul loses to Gingrich to come in third..Santorum distant..
Weather forecasters embroiled in a boiling storm over climate change..
New USDA plant map released..
The planet zones for changing..
For all the Coast to Coast enthusiasts.. Art Bell is now posting on CoastGab.
And he’s talkin’..
As for Coast, the show has changed which from my point of view is a shame but
it is the right of the Host doing the show to take it in the direction they see fit. I
have had many offers to join other Networks to compete if I wished BUT I have
decided that I do not wish to destroy what I built, or what is left of it.
I really am enjoying being Retired, I can be part of my Daughter’s life as she grows
and it is a blast. I do miss all of you though. I am not saying I will not pick up a mike
one day, just not this day. I learned long ago, never say never.
Fans miss him. And now maybe see why he chose to stop broadcasting on the show he created..
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Welcome to 2012. Stupid, stupid people.
I am slightly outraged over this outrage.
…outrage at JC Penny for hiring Ellen DeGeneres..
…all because she’s gay? Something we new about since 1994 and something that lots of other people say they are too?
This is outrage worthy? …while parts of the world go hungry, Monsanto boils our food with chemicals that will do who knows what, cheap labor slaves over our iPhones in China, and water is becoming scarce along with the chances of a drought continuing in the bread bowl for the world. And we are mad that JC Penny hired Ellen DeGeneres. Priorities, anyone?
Things that matter, really?
.. this is one major reason why this election years scares the hell out of me..
Friday, February 3, 2012
…earth changes are a comin’…
18-mile-crack seen in Antarctic glacier! .. it is actually a crack more than 18 miles long, 800 feet across in places, and 180 feet deep.. and it’s growing..
This is so cool I almost paid a dollar to post it
New super earth with liquid water found orbiting near distant star!
Circling three suns!
Could it be the perfect spot for life!? Amazing news, amazing discovery.. a universe filled with life, perhaps? …things have changed since the days of grade school when all teacher said was 9 planets exist.. life isn’t out there.. and we are all alone.
Judging from my Dashboard...
..Tumblr just made $30 in the last 7 minutes. Quite possible that these pay-per-posts will simply be ignored because of how frequent they will be..
Tumblr is allowing people to pay to promote posts.
Which is interesting and perhaps good marketing.. though I am not sure how many teenage girls will want to promote their odd cat animated gifs. Nonetheless.. Tumblr is trying it out.
So while Google and Twitter plan to censor posts, I have only to wonder if David Karp will eventually travel down the same 21st century path of censorship too.. and if he does will he allow the pay-per-posts to remain unscathed? And……… if I pay for a post I expect it to be found in a workable search and… more importantly, I don’t expect Tumblr to crash.
Are we paying to own the post? …or is it owned by Tumblr and we just pay them to not give it back?
Inquiring and somewhat broke minds want to know.
...notable parenting experiences
Last night, for the first time, it happened. Ayden had a very adult session of regurgitation. That is blunt, isn’t it? Blunt indeed.
I knew the day would come.. he either overate or had some strange stomach issue that lasted for a few hours. No fever. Just … that.
But it tested dad more than mom. She stayed calm. I freaked.
I am a vomit-a-phobe. I am frightened by the idea of vomit, whether it be me or someone else. Something in me has caused this sometimes irrational fear since I was young and dumb. And now as an adult and still dumb, my fear isn’t gone.
I was there for Ayden, held my nose, and did laundry immediately using ‘hot’ water.. I didn’t even care if the cotton shrunk…
It’s a Friday sick day. Ayden is feeling better. But dad is paranoid that he will be in the same predicament next.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Nuke way of life
While trying to figure out more about the radioactive leak at thr California Nuclear Power Plant, I came across another story that sadly goes under reported (and hardly reported in America at all): There is another radioactive leak at Fukushima.. Officials say not to worry…so I am worrying big time. It’s getting deep here on the planet earth..
Some researchers say sugar should be regulated as a toxin..
But ignorance surely is bliss. Keep the fructose high and don’t let mice near your aspartame … Tax the sugar but push the chemicals…?
Some researchers say sugar should be regulated as a toxin..
Tweets are being censored.. And now your Google blog may be too
Who needs SOPA when you have international censorship agreements anyway!
Tweets are being censored.. And now your Google blog may be too
Happy with the warm winter?
I’m not. At all.. But I’m encouraged by the little rodent predicting ‘more’ winter.. Though how does a nation get more winter when there has been none to begin with? I don’t know..
So to those who like seeing leaves and cherry blossoms bloom in winter, hopefully you also enjoy the hungry bears and the ticks coming with it..
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Welcome to February. Doctor My Eyes indeed…
Time keeps flowing… going.. drowning us all.
Do all that you can to see the evil and the good. Don’t hide…
Doctor your eyes………
30 years on air for David Letterman. He is an institution of comedy..
I’d be remiss if I didn’t say how important he has been in my life. I remember vaguely watching him as a kid (age 3 and 4 and maybe 5) .. I remember vividly watching him as a grade school kid and high schooler.. I repeated his jokes the next day because I knew no other kids stayed up that late …
I don’t watch much now, though. Can’t say the show is nearly as imaginative as it once was.. or cutting edge. Or new and fresh. But 30 years on air in some capacity is meaningful and amazing. He is a legend of our time just as Carson was for the previous…
But I leave you tonight with this question.. did David Letterman perfect late night sarcasm or, by being so good at it, destroy the ability for anyone else to be sarcastic?
Humpday news dump.
Mitt Romney doesn’t care about poor people. I don’t know what else he said.. but after he said he didn’t care about poor people, that made the headlines. And the Republicans are going to nominate him still? … As I predicted: Obama 45 states.
Radiation leak closes San Onofre nuclear plant in California..
Facebook goes public.. and talk that it will create 1000 millionaires in an instant..
Facebook will go public and raise… $5 billion..
McDonalds says it not longer uses ‘pink slime’ in its burgers.. .. Pink slime is non other than ammonium hydroxide.. And now Mickey Ds is free of the common household cleaner. Dollar menu deal lookin’ better already..
Researcher says sugar should be regulated as ‘toxin’..
Raid gone wrong: FBI cuts down the WRONG DOOR with a chainsaw!
Don Cornelius, the man who created Soul Train, was reportedly found dead Wednesday morning at his Los Angeles home. Police sources tell TMZ.com that Cornelius appears to have taken his own life; sources say he died from what appears to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound…
Glimpse of the dark side of the moon..
Alaska volcano could become a threat to air traffic..
70 dead after Egypt soccer riot..
New JFK tapes revealed: The aftermath of the assassination in November 1963 on audio..
"I'm loving it"
McDonalds says it not longer uses ‘pink slime’ in its burgers.. .. Pink slime is non other than ammonium hydroxide.. And now Mickey Ds is free of the common household cleaner. Dollar menu deal lookin’ better already..
The Gateway to Hell? Swedish explorers found something at the bottom on the Baltic Sea.. No one quite sure what exactly it is.. But lots of people say it looks like the ship from STAR TREK.. Others ponder of potential it’s an entrance to hell. And the rest of us just want to know what it is.. Always fascinating..
Mind reading could 'become reality'
And not the Miss Cleo brand.. This time it would be for real. Although I always wished Miss Cleo was real..
Mind reading could 'become reality'
Monday, January 30, 2012
President Obama offers a tip on how to appear out of touch: Say it is 'interesting' that someone cannot find a job since.. well, everyone is hiring!
…they are hiring, right?
I mean.. he says they are.. So an engineer shouldn’t have trouble landing the next gig, right?
President Obama offers a tip on how to appear out of touch: Say it is 'interesting' that someone cannot find a job since.. well, everyone is hiring!
Every parent may say this but my son is amazing.. Ayden knows where we keep a photo of my wife’s mom who passed away in November.. Ayden recently began occasionally picking it up and giving grandma a kiss. Not sure if he knows how much it means to my wife for her to see it but it sure does .. Good show Ayden Morris..
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Oh.. just for the hell of it..?
Cops brought out the taser gun on a man as they arrested Occupy protesters in D.C. ..
And if you’re cheering on the show of force, consider this: The man tased had a seizure and was refused medical treatment..
Earlier I posted a little story about a monkey boiled alive. Are people worthless too?
An inspection report from the United States Department of Agriculture has revealed that, back in July, New Jersey-based pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb accidentally killed a crab-eating macaque monkey when it was left locked in its cage, which was run through the wash cycle
Ok I get it. Christians don’t think animals have souls and few people think that we are an interconnected species of life. While I disagree with the assertions just stated, I also say this: Regardless of whether an animal’s life is precious to you or not, is it not reprehensible to allow any life form to be boiled alive? That is a little more than acceptable, don’t you say?
An inspection report from the United States Department of Agriculture has revealed that, back in July, New Jersey-based pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb accidentally killed a crab-eating macaque monkey when it was left locked in its cage, which was run through the wash cycle
A 5.0 quake just hit the MidAtlantic Ridge
Not sure if there is any importance to this.. but something made my eyes and ears perk up when I saw the alert..
A 5.0 quake just hit the MidAtlantic Ridge
Just took Ayden's mind off of the Wiggles
I gave him a box of my OLDDDDD He-Man action figures. He is amazed with Teala. He ignored Skeletor. …
He-Man. Back when toys were not made in China, but instead Taiwan.
Seriously, he’s been fixated on the TV for about 5 minutes—a record attention span for him.. Not sure what the deal is. I hope they are not planting messages in his brain to destroy something. It is scaring me..
…British media abuzz today with the prospects that global warming stopped.
While we worried about global warming, did the earth begin cooling?
It’s an interesting thought, of course.. either way the globe paces a perilous future.
Don’t f&* with the peacemaker.. or hell reigns down?
"Warning: You are under video surveillance," reads the bold message on the side of the truck.
From the front bumper of the menacing vehicle, another sign taunts: “Whatcha gonna do when we come for you?”
Seriously? …
I thought we were going to use drones and just monitor people without them knowing! Now they are just going to monitor our every move and rub it in our face, too!?.. How anticlimactic. I was hoping for “MINORITY REPORT” in the future.. not TERMINATOR. Can’t they just have some class when they snip at our right to privacy? (hope my sarcasm translated in this text)..
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Goodnight all… or not.
A friend a mine joked that this would be the best way to get rid of my fear of elevators.. This is in Toronto. And quite frankly it is very unlikely I’d ever get on without being under duress…
An update
My wife thinks I jumped the gun and that the figure in the sunglasses of pornbot Rona is not holding a weapon but instead a margarita glass. However in sticking by my original thought that the image is creepy and strange.
One more creepy thing: My dream
I had a strange one last night.. the earth changed direction, or .. something.. It was 11:30 at night and it was still sunny outside. From my relocation of why, time itself had apparently changed because the rotation speed around the sun altered—but our clocks on earth were set to be the way they were. I then remember suddenly not seeing the moon and we were placed into a faster course. I think maybe this has something to do with my near tragic elevator issue from yesterday.
A little creeped out
Anyone who has a Twitter account will know this: You are followed often times by fake, fraud, porn like people who offer sex and fun.. they don’t tweet and don’t have followers. They are fly by nighters hoping you click on their fake site before you block them and report them as spam.
But… the photos chosen for the account obviously feature really attractive women.
This happened today for me.. And being the male I am, before I blocked “Rona’s” account, I decided to do a full closeup on her.. And when I did realized she had sunglasses on…. I thought that was interesting. Because the image of Rona had very big sunglasses on on a very bright and sunny day. So .. I did a close up.. And that is what, if I am right about what I think I saw, chilled me deeply. Below pictured are both images. First the screenshot from my phone of the page itself. The second image the picture blown up with focus on what was being reflected in her sunglasses:
The photo seemed innocent enough.. girl with large breasts on a boat being used in advertising fake Twitter accounts to males who the creator hopes is dumb enough to sign up for some pay-per-porn site. But the chilling part comes with that I see in her sunglasses. Here is a closeup on the sunglasses. I see a man with a lot of hair.. holding what appears to be …. a cup, or gun? Something.. Was this fake Twitter girl a hostage at some point in her life. Was she disposed of after this image was taken? …does she still exist…
I clicked the reporting button to Twitter… ‘Rona’ is now on the list of people that are blocked from my account.
And I checked.. the account is also suspended.
But the thoughts of what this girl went through to become the mascot for a fake pornbot… those thoughts are very deeply troubling.
Friday, January 27, 2012
What we learned this week
We learned that Miley Cyrus likes cakes with phallic shapes..
We learned that Obama signed ACTA. And that is worse than SOPA. But if you talk about it on Twitter you may be censored. Huh? This all happened, indeed.
We also learned that the world still groans.. Maybe. Or some massive hoax is in full effect.
We found out that Fran Drescher may have had a chip implanted in her hand. While most are laughing at her, I think it explains a lot.
And finally.. this Friday night, I found out just how much I miss Rhonda Shear’s ‘UP ALL NIGHT.’ It would be the perfect kind of night for her B movies and lame jokes. Sometimes I just wish it was the 20th century all over again, minus the struggles that humanity faced.
Good evening all.
Planes, trains.. tanks.. and drills. This YouTube video documents military drills being conducted in downtown Los Angeles.
Here is one to think about: U.S falls to 47th in press freedom rankings after Occupy crackdown
…land of the free…
Home of the brave..
Pepper spray for all
Unless you behave.
Here is one to think about: U.S falls to 47th in press freedom rankings after Occupy crackdown
At the moment of impact
I will save the gory details, but I’ll just say this: Today a co-worker and I had an awful experience in an elevator. We got stuck, it moved again.. it got stuck again. And from the 5th floor, it dropped to the 1st taking all but 2 seconds of time.
It caused a feeling in my body like no other I have felt—at least not since the earthquake here in the Northeast last summer …
We are ok, of course. I’m walking, talking, typing and hyping. But I’m also eager to use stairs from now on at my place of work and in other walks of life, too.
I get paranoid about things quickly.. and easily. And now, after a startling drop to a near-death I’m ready to keep my feet firmly planted on solid ground—solid as it is without pesky earthquakes that eventually will rattle my nerves again.
Friday night news dump.. matters of importance from the insane world we live in
Strange noises continue.. Tremors shakes moans and groans..
Pop culture popped.. The state of our culture .. NBC FEAR FACTOR planning to make contestants on the show drink glasses of donkey semen..
Google changes for all! Except government users..
Twitter censorship plan unveiled..
Twitter to delete posts upon request of countries ..
FBI set to monitor social media..
Facebook set to file for IPO next week..
Fran Drescher says aliens implanted a chip in her hand..
Demi Moore recovering after being rushed to the hospital ..
Cosmic close call.. Asteroid passes near earth today..
Strange: Town gets nightly invasion of blackbirds..
How not to fight radiation! Japan defines 'decontamination' as simple hand cleaning..
SOPA may be dead (for now) but now we can meet its evil twin named ACTA..
…the ghostly image that haunts.. trick of the lenses or a glimpse of the fringe?
Demolition crews snap ghostly photograph in house before it gets destroyed..
Groaning.. and moaning.. and hoaxing?
Global earth groan phenomenon continues .. Strange noises heard and reported on in Saskatoon.. Are they electromagnetic? If not what are they ..
Strange ‘Apocalyptic sounds’ occurring around the world ..
The groans from the earth are strange.. Some may consider them to be a hoax. However there are real news stories from real cities quoting real people .. about something that appears to be quite real and awfully frightening. What could it be that is creating these sounds? What might be happening on the planet we hail from? …why is the earth groaning? .. maybe because the people are moaning..
Thursday, January 26, 2012
This one goes out to those who say that animals don’t possess souls..
Elephants say a sad goodbye to a baby who died of a heart defect..
To the moon Newt
Of all of the things said tonight in the 19TH GOP debate (19!?) the moon conversation was the most interesting..
And I found myself cheering on ….. NEWT GINGRICH.
We should be on the moon. If we are not already.. and for goodness sakes if you listen to Richard Hoagland we already have a base there.
Most however say we don’t.. and we don’t.
But we should.
There is water on the moon. There is also a race to get back to the moon…
In my mind it discredits John F. Kennedy if we DON’T GO BACK TO THE MOON.
Mitt Romney said the moon can wait..
Ron Paul wants to send poilticians to the moon.
I want Newt’s idea to work.. I think a base is good. For the military ? ..no.. for science and the passion to expand our horizons and try to understand who we are and what we are? Yes…
…but …I don’t imagine our budget climate will allow us to go there..
So in that case I wish Richard Hoagland was right and that we are already happily there.. exploring and looking back at the pale blue dot dominated by war and REPUBLICAN debates…
Ok.. I just can’t pass up posting this Miley Cyrus photo…
She’s just .. being .. Miley!? A provacative cake.. and lick..
A strange day.. Miley Cyrus gets dirty with a phallic cake.. and Kepler finds more planets. Wonder if Miley would scare away the aliens?..
I would love to know MItt Roney’s position on this..
My goodness.. she's just being Miley indeed..
Did you all see the newest photos of Miley Cyrus having too much fun with a cake..? I cannot even bring myself to put the the photo on here..
Midday slump.. News of the world
Global earth groan phenomenon continues .. Strange noises heard and reported on in Saskatoon.. Are they electromagnetic? If not what are they ..
Atheists plan to build a temple to worship nothing..
Madonna plans to bring ‘gay’ to the Superbowl..
Artificial intelligence .. 'Predictive policing expanding throughout the globe..
NWS confirmed 2 of Wdnesday’s tornadoes as EF-0, in Pearland and Brenham, TX…
Is this month’s strangely severe weather a a sign of a violent spring to come?
Are dolphins multilingual?
Bird knocked out of orbit by ….orb?
Demolition crews snap ghostly photograph in house before it gets destroyed..
Apple defends itself after New York TIMES story on factory conditions in China reveals potential abuses..
Pat Sajak admits to hosting the Wheel of Fortune drunk
But… It is the wheel of fortune. It should be THE RULE to host it drunk..
Pat Sajak admits to hosting the Wheel of Fortune drunk
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Top of the morning
Watch: Sunspot 1408 being monitored for additional potential solar activity in coming days..
The earth is groaning .. The earth is moaning.. But maybe it’s just power lines? Or a UFO.. wide ranging theories exist on the strange noises being heard around the world—and on YouTube shortly thereafter ..
People laugh as cops shoot a man to death..
Strange noises in the sky being blamed on US testing..
Amanda Knox may return to Italy .. By choice..
Parts of the Sahara hit with snow ..